We encountered the punkin king so I decided to record it. If anyone wants to see the videos
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itH4OYR3a_A (trick)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiMhjtK5I-Q (treat)
Punkin King encounter (video)

So one of two options will be given:
Trick --> His head hops around and he and his mobs drop candy
Treat --> He gives candy
Which gives more?
Under trick, what is the strategy to ensure the most amount of candy?
I would expect that trick has the risk and therefore can net you far more or far less candy, depending on how well you fight him. Treat will give you a risk-free amount...
What are people's experiences?
Edited: I had thought that you were given a choice between trick or treat, but it's pre-determined, edited for that.

My encounters have always been tricks and he gives out ten random candies each time.

I'm pretty sure his mobs don't drop candy. Only encountered him once, got trick, and didn't hit him once and got no candy. Maybe you have to hit at least once or something for his mobs to drop candy.
But ya, I got none, it was cool.

I also just got a treat. He dropped 10 candies with no mobs.

I also got a trick and got nothing at all, I thought it was odd.. I looked all over the place afterwards expecting him to pop back up and reward me for beating his minions but nothing... so all it did was waste my time -_-

Treat version is up.
Also, can anyone tell me how to get an avatar? thanks.

Just to be clear, his minions DO NOT drop candy. He drops candy on hit, usually 2 per hit, and on defeat he drops the remaining candy to equal 10.

Were any of you guys soloing when you saw him?
I've been soloing through the clockworks but haven't seen him yet :(

I haven't seen yet what the tokens will buy, but that video looked very fun.

@Taintedmeat I saw him while soloing today, put a video up in another thread.
@Richy you can buy masks with the tokens from a stranger at the south end of the fountain in haven.

For trick kill him ASAP or else he wont drop a lot of candies at the ends of your battle.

For trick kill him ASAP or else he wont drop a lot of candies at the ends of your battle.

Made a video response:
In High Definition! >:D
Some simple tips in its description :)
Another vid with more tips in the process.

What levels has he been seen in so far? I thought it was only supposed to be in "clockwork" themes, not forest themes like those videos. I've done some of the clockwork levels (with the gear icon) and haven't seen him yet.

He is only in the clockwork theme levels. It's almost like a small graveyard within
the "blast furnace" or "cooling chambers" or any other level with a gear icon.
Just confirming that when he says trick, you have to attack him to get candy.
Does anyone know if you get more candy in tier 3? I've face him in tier 2
three times and I got 10 candy each time.

Thanks for clearing that up for me. I was hitting a lot of gear themed levels, and just not seeing him at all so wondered if I was doing it wrong. Then seeing in the video what looked like a forest themed area...just had me confused.
Thanks again.

@Spiralmike nice video but i woud also like to know how to get an avatar? :P

Go here to read about avatars -> http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/27636

Also: I'm fairly certain that depths have no effect. I've been spamming depth one of the serpent gate for a while and every time I've seen him, he still drops 10 candies (Random varieties, of course.)
Turning out to be an awesome halloween event so far. :3

.........3 rings is just rubbing it in my face now that i cant play the game.

The 5 or so times I've encountered him so far he's chosen "Treat" every time. It's actually kind of frustrating since I'd like to fight him but I suppose I'll get my wish sooner or later.

Trick or Treat and there are different candies to equal 10
But the separate amounts on each is different for the two options
Sweet Candy- Higher Rate
Hard Candy- Around 4 to 6
Sour Candy- Lower Rate
Sweet Candy- Lower Rate
Hard Candy- Around 4 to 6
Sour Candy- Higher Rate
I already have this info cause I've been non-stop doing Punking runs with my friend Nikitia and I've seen him about 25 times even more
The Punking only appears in clockwork level with the gear pictures and non other and even when in a gear pic level there is a chance he won't show
I've almost got enough Candy of each kind to get the Authentic masks (Buts thats only cause I've used 200 energy today alone)

I did a T3 Punkin, and from what me a friend found out he was a lot more difficult to kill, as well as his cronies too.(They even inflict stun breath too.) We only manage 5 tokens from him, cause we couldn't kill him in time.
If your goal is to get as many tokens as possible, I would highly recommend sticking to lower tiers. More specifically Astrobug's suggestion of T1 Depth one at the serpent gate. Also go into a group too. The more hits, the better.
Also, there were times we only got 9 candies, even after killing him or receiving treat. So the norm seems to be around 9-10.(Again, from our experience.)

Ever since the update ive been getting only 8 tokens instead of 10. Also, it the same amount for a succesful trick as a treat, and the mobs dont drop candy. Good wepon for killing him easily? I solo him teir 1 with my Nitronome...its pretty much pwn. Guns rarely work cuz of his hopping and you can only sword him if hes cornered. Also, he shows in all gear levels EXCEPT in decontruction zones, just to make sure people dont go into those epecting the punking
nice, now I know what its like a bit. Seems pretty straightforward. Though that hopping might get a little tricky.