What websites that seem innocent have given you virus problems?
Imdb almost made my computer crash.
What websites that seem innocent have given you virus problems?
Imdb almost made my computer crash.
Found a website that when you open it, It creates many Instances of Internet Explorer (Around 100)
All saying the same thing,
No, not the site.
WeatherBug tried to blow up my computer yesterday.
Was trying to find new recording software the other week.
It wasn't so much malicious.... It was actually quite pathetic; as all this virus did was continuously change my default search-engine in chrome to yahoo and delete my google.... it also constantly supplied me with messages saying 'ohai we're changing s***. wha yo gunno du bout' it?'
I think i was trolled by a virus.... >.<
Any site that has nyan cat on it....shiver*....
also just for laughs, something cool happens when you press Ctrl+W while on a website......
When I was younger and in that Gaia fad, I was playing a game to earn money so I could buy outfits and the flash game gave me a really bad virus which changed my wallpaper, internet homepage and denied me access to pretty much everything on my computer. It was a fake anti-virus program thing. And so everything was like "You have a virus, go here to fix that!"
And this was weird, this wasn't a malicious website, but a malicious phone call. I got called on the phone by some man in India saying my computer was on and giving him messages that it had a virus. He was willing to stay on the line for a good 30 minutes while I explained to my mom it was a scam and then I played dumb and asked him about all of that stuff.
i found a fake tf2 wiki that hacked my email