I just finished JK, and...it was a lot easier than before. Far fewer jellies running around, and they introduced polyps in the corner areas to compensate. Was this a forewarned thing, 'cause I don't remember anything about it? I think I should be happy, because JK is far easier with even a bad PUG now, but at the same time, I feel kinda let down as I was just getting good at JK.
Nuked JK?

Nah, I'm not saying it's a bad thing, because I usually go with a PUG, and those can be trying at time. I'm just wondering if they ever said anything about it.

So it seems they implemented that RJ from the tests. Sounds like a good thing to me, as that one was much less obnoxious than the old one.

I'm kinda glad. RJ is a T2 boss, he should have T2 difficulty.
Sure, you can kill the old RJ in 7 seconds with an FOV, Skolver and a BTS. But you know what? That's 5* gear.

I JUST got my new Sealed Sword before the RJ changes. Haven't run him yet, but I guess someone finally got the conkers to hand him a brochure on contraception. I guess I'll get the Antigua and Brute Jelly stuff this way.

Unlike before when the fight was a gigantic cluserf**k of slimes, there is actually some strategy involved now. Just assign someone to taking out the tiny slime spawning polyps and your good to go.
Really, I'm glad the fight is much more manageable now. Now there's really no excuse if you die.

I don't really care for the polyps, as the thorns are easy to dodge, and as long as I keep JK poisoned then I have no problem.
The problem is getting close to him. Before, he had very visible and obvious cues of attack.
Now it just seems he's occasionally slapping you in the face and you don't even know it.
He still goes down pretty quickly with a good team, but eh.
Am I the only one that gets this problem?

I have reached the point where I can carry a below-average-quality PUG in "Old JK" more often than not, but that's only because of Venom Veiler.
Gonna have to fight the new guy this time. It's gonna be something fresh while looking for that Punkin Donuts...
Before I get home later, did they replace the gun puppies in the RJP with Polyps too?

And here I was just thinking that I had somehow magically gotten better at the game. Guess not. x)
The Gun Puppies were still there when I went down.

Gunpuppies are still there. It was a teleport-fest for me in yesterday so I can't really talk about strategy in the actual boss fight, bit it did seem easier. (except of the parts that my hits didn't register and I was subsequently teleported in another place, laying dead on the ground of course, but for this I blame OTEnet)

At first I thought uploading a full 2* run on JK was bad timing because I realized he got an update after I came home from work.
Now that I've run it, I'm proud to have the only full 2* no death solo run of the Pre-Nerf Royal Jelly.
Almost finished uploading my first impression (first attempt not knowing the fight mechanics) attempt. Will link it in my 2* JK thread =)

how is it easier? does it have lowerd hp or is it just overall easier to deal with

Look at the thread. I not only have a video link to the fight you can fully watch, I also have my first impressions in the description.
Thread http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/30057
New JK Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VK1Jo2GP5Z4

I went in to this new fight with a couple of guildies who're unused to the rigors of boss fights. I wasn't exactly ready either, tell the truth.
He's no longer completely susceptible to FOV strikes, I found out the hard way. I had to change tact from running up against him to firing off the edge a little bit.
He took way more of them too. Maybe it was the slowness of the fight, or the oddness of it.
There were hearts all over the place!
Yea, looking forward to seeing the new strategems. He's a different fight, for sure. A better one, I'd wager.

It seems the past methods of calibur charge attacks don't work as well anymore, what with JK's random face-slapping.
And then it hit me, there are less jellies around him... I could keep him poisoned... and use a gun (polaris line) now?
You can use guns effectively on JK now? He's also weak to shadow damage now?

I had no problem killing old JK. New JK is impossible for me to kill, the difficulty becomes insane.

@ Tengu
I only recently got my FOV, and the first time I used it against JK was post patch. However, I couldn't get it to work out well, since i'd be "slapped in the face" as Onionflunkie puts it.
Glad to know I wasn't doing something wrong.
But yes, the acheron is more viable now, you don't need to be right up against him to get the charge off, just hit with the tip. The + shadow damage is nice, and you don't need to worry about minis swarming you after you knockback-less charge.

Ok anyone know the tactic to new JK? its harder for some and dumbed down for the rest... i used to solo old jk easily and now i went down there and i saw polyps and was like uh oh somethin changed... gow pwned... (im 3 / 4*)
things i noticed:
1. the minis heal him now!
2. the polyps spawn the minis
So are the polyps killable and will they stay dead? and am i even correct with number 2? anyone able to explain the new mechanics in detail? will go do him again today to try out some things and find out some stuff

Okay JK is way easyer now, first of all if you cant kill him with a group of 2 or 3 your pretty fail.. because i can actualy solo JK (i tried because i was told he was easyer...
If your failing at new jk you need to rethink yourself.
Basicaly Jk's minions are decreased to a little handfull and the polyups are easy to avoid by keeping in the center (hense the blocks), and Jk's overall health is decreased and its much easyer to poison or curse (i carry around a virurlent striker and faust). Seriously the new JK is EASY..
so case closed its now actualy FUN...

I just did an RJ today. Got invited down at the end of Red Carpet Runaround by 3 dead players, just to give you an idea of the relative skill. We still managed to clear out RJ without too much trouble, and I only used one energy revive and no capsules (since I didn't have any, not for lack of taking damage certainly).
The strategy is basically the same as its always been. Fire, curse and poison whenever you can, and DPS the big guy as hard as possible. The difference now is it's a lot easier to get off a charge attack with an Acheron or GF (well, I was using a silent nightblade and a regular faust, but you get the picture) since the mini swarm is hugely reduced; there's much less danger of getting interrupted and swamped by a mini swarm attack.
There's also much less of a need to break the blocks around the edge now, and in fact keeping them up can help keep you out of danger from the polyps.
The detailed mechanics, as far as I understand them, is that the polyps and RJ can both spawn minis, and he heals by absorbing minis or I think getting hit with the regular polyp thorns. The polyps will respawn after a delay if you happen to kill one. The rest is pretty self-evident: his crown is now a damage meter, and breaks to indicate he's gone into the spinny phase.
I'm pretty sure you could reliably solo RJ now with a chroma or dusker set, twisted targe and a 3* nightblade. It'll still be a challenge, but not quite as nearly-impossible as it was previously.

If he no longer heals independenly and uses the mini jellies to recover, would it be possible now to defeat JK with NO poison or curse or fire vials at all?
Old JK used to be dependent on these things until you hit his spinning phase

ok first of all guys shadow is not good on the big fat jello man... dont forget that you NEED to not forget this... its neutral damage, you take faust on him in the first place due to cursing charge attack and good damage charge attack otherwise take a combuster for brandish line! fire him up
And now we need to find out:
1. Do polyps respawn?
2. Is it worth killing minis? <-- they heal RJ/JK
3. Are polyps the one spawning minis now not the king?
4. Will keeping king in center make minis not reach him? i.e dont break blocks, yeah he will do a berserk to take out blocks so this might be irrelevant.
ok time to go find out sounds like its easier but how much easier and whats the best tactic.

1 yes they do
2 you can shield bump em
3 both are
4 this is irrelevant

@The-Rawrcake I heard that they changed him to be weak to shadow (he was neutral to all three before, as I recall), but I didn't pay enough attention during the fight to verify whether this was the case or not.
When I get time to make a video (ie: after I'm done candy farming my masks) I'll try to hit some of the regular jelly cubes during the boss fight so I can compare damage numbers. Of course, taking a shadow weapon is advisable anyway, if only for the curse with the faust, or just cutting your way through the palace levels a bit quicker.
I think it's probably possible to do the fight without any fire/poison/curse, but of course they'll still make the fight a whole lot easier.
come on, it'll make people with 3* armor have a more easier time to do JK runs