Is there any way to get them as permanent masks? I actually really like their designs . ;)
Paper Masks

@Crazycowfish The paper masks have different models than the authentics to my knowledge, unless I'm mistaken
@Juuyon Nope.

They last two weeks.
Instead of spending 75 candy on a perm one, get 15 paper ones.
These paper ones will last 30 weeks, or about 7 months. This should be more than enough time to get your usage out of it.
Edit: I stand corrected! -- See below posts

Paper and Replicas expire at the same time... November 2nd...

... Those masks decay right AFTER you buy them. They're gone in November. But i know... I like those paper masks too! They're so funny :D

That's the point - getting the Authentic Masks is easy enough, but a permanent Paper one... now that would be something. :D

Don't get me wrong, I like the authentic designs, too... well, except for Frankenzom, but I don't like any of his masks to begin with, so... ;)

Yea, the paper ones are easily the best, but I think part of their charm is the fact that they DO go away after halloween. After all, it's not so special if you get to use it all the time. Then you would be like that guy who sits outside hobby-lobby wearing his santa hat in the middle of july, and no one wants to be THAT guy. :P
Go for the authentic ones. They last forever.