Hello Spiral Knights community,
I have created a guild called "Five Star Pwners."
If you want to join the guild, there's only 2 requirements: you must have five star gear and enjoy pwning!
Also, you must be an active player, at least a few times a week.
If you are reading this and interested, please email me (andrew.thach123@gmail.com) a screenshot of your arsenal with your gamername.
I will send an invite within 12 hours or less.
People get promoted based on playtime and how "Pro" they are.
P.S. I have just created this guild, there's only 2 people in it. Please cut me some slack and give it a week to build up.
If you need help with promoting/playing and Cheesemandrewt isn't on, I might be able to help because I am a guild officer. I am on spiral knights a lot these days.