Low level recipes

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Legacy Username

So far I've seen a few level 3 recipes, all of which cost 100 energy and 800 crowns to run. And, one level 2 recipe, which uses 50 energy and 400 crowns.

So, with that progression, level 1 recipes would be 25 and 200, and level 0 recipes would be 12 and 100.

I'd like to see some beginning, low-level recipes like that sold in Haven. The low-end equipment that new players might spend 200 crowns to upgrade to a basic item might be 100 for a recipe, and 12/100 to run it. You'd still get your 200 crown worth of upgrade, but you might also get a special ability on it. (And I don't know enough to know what would make the level 1 recipes; someone else can made that suggestion).

These low level recipes would require drops, but nothing hard to find -- the stuff you'd expect to see in the fixed haven dungeon (firefly, I think it was).

Legacy Username
If the random bonuses carried

If the random bonuses carried over when items are upgraded, I could see this being a commonly used feature.

Legacy Username
To what end? 1* and 2* gear

To what end? 1* and 2* gear is cheap and the recipies are cheap. What would be the upgrade of going to a new 0* item from your proto gear? You can easily delve from Haven to Moorcraft Manor in it, especially as you level it up. Additionally I have been seeing more and more equip drops from these early levels (a full suit of emberbreak gear on one level + a brandish). 7500 crowns to get a full set of 1* gear isn't that hard to come by either.

Don't get me wrong, I am all for variety, but now, having higher level stuff, I am trying to think of what sort of abilities they could give lower level stuff that will thread that needle between being pointless and being op.