Today, I went into Power Complex-Haunted Passage, Depth 1 of Iron Serpent Gate 20 times in order to calculate the odds of a Punkin King room Spawning.
Here are my resuls:
Times the Punkin King room spawned: 11
Tiems the Punking King room did not spawn: 9
For me, this means that I had a 55% chance of getting a Punkin King when I entered the level.
What I want to know is the odds of every else around here, If you could post yours below, it would be greatly appreciated, I may do a running percentage if I have time.
(Off-Topic- On my 20th run through depth 1, I was rewarded with an iron lockbox on the prize wheel, proving to myself that Iron lockboxes are possible on depth 1! ^_^)
Remember that only certain levels are capable of spawning punkin king rooms, do not include the other levels in your data please.
I'm guessing it's probably the same odds as a danger room showing up. (Though I should note the two aren't exclusive, I've seen one level with both a danger room and a punkin king)
I'll take notes on my next run.