the "Clockworks Angel" boss is a tier 3 boss. its ever shifting gears resents the outside world, and as its gears change spots and angles, it should also change its abilities, status and its status effects. making it a unpradictable foe. when a multicoloured crystal gear shows, (its power scource), you must the strike, but dont expect it to appear in the same spot, it wont. but the avatar of the clockworks will still be mobile so standing around after is bad idea.
the levels leading up to it will be a ever changing pathways of gears and contraptions, the gears that are inactice must be turned to open the path towards the boss, all types of monster will appear giving a very difficult lead towards the end.
The Clockworks Angel
the levels could be called clockwork way or something like it. the monsters should vary, and traps should be like turning gears and cogs that you get stuck in, or a a bladed clock hand.
Interesting concept.... This would be better applied as a Core Boss with its unstable theme, but how would you enable multiple strike points without making it take up the whole arena. I always figured up to 4 hit boxes was possible on most bosses due to hefty size.... unless the map is the boss. Anyone remember the Shadow of the Colossus?
i agree with you about it being at the core, it would fit the difficulty reqiured, and if it is going to be at the core then maybe the tokens gained from it ( "primed cog"), should be used not for a single item but for all items in the game except usables perhaps. this would make the difficulty worthwhile. the better the sword, accessory, e.t.c., the more tokens you need. (not too high, this will be a difficult boss).
If it is at the core then it would sound better if the boss was named "the clockworks angel" while "gaurdians" are used at the end of the first two levels, so level 1 would have a gaurdian and so would level 2.
You must hit a strike point, theres only one of it and the looks of the boss should be sleek to give a powerfull presence. it will be twice as high as a sprial knight and quite thin, making it very sleek and cool. perhaps it should wear a hooded robe with no sleeves to hide its skeleton torso and legs, leaving its arms bare to remind us that its from the beyond.
If it is named the clockworks angel ( im hoping it will), maybe it should have wings, a staff with a curved blade at one end, should fly just over ground while holding the bladed staff with one hand and keep his other hand free down by his side, with one of his legs resting its foot on the knee giving a kind of pose. A very unerving stance.
Maybe the Angel can sometimes hover over blank spots, where walkways and pathways are simply not there and use a kind of strike laser, it does this by outstretching his arms, the beam would then come from his chest, it will be a sudden but short lived beam. meaning, it will streak across the map and then fade when its journey is done and the beam has gone off the map, it also means your screwed if you get in the way.
short, lived.
The gaurdians should be simpler and weaker, the first one should have a sword mimicking the Angels staff, the second should have guns mimicking the Angels long reange attacks, giving the effect of a perfect gaurdian towards the angel, a powerfull intimidating foe. Boss's like this give really good drama.
the first two stages should be turning pathways and traps, the end should be a simple but stylish arena where knights shall face the Gaurdians.
The boss level, should be a large section of big cogs, making a circular spotted walkway, should move, but not affect knights. Walls on this boss level could be like being on the inside of a clock, with hour hands showing up on the other side as light comes through the slightly trasnparent yellow panes that hide the outer world, but light can still get through.
Over all then, this covers the best qaulity of a boss, where the sound of it alone lets you know your screwed...
music should also be different on this boss to other boss's to help mark it out as different. you'd be suprised how much a song can add to the mood, and the mood should make it feel extra dramatic. maybe give a kind of ultimate feel to the boss, feeling outmatched like this always kicks a good boss level in any game.
More ideas and suggestions are appreciated, along with negative opinions WITH REASONS, and positive opinions.
I will pre-empt Starlinvf here by saying they don't post on suggestion threads about peoples ideas.
I will also point out there is an edit button so you don't have to keep talking to yourself in your own thread.
im posting so it will stay on the top of the list, i dont want it to dissapear. and what do you mean by they dont post on suggestion threads? this is a suggestion isnt it? do you mean you dont like the idea of this boss?
devs don't comment on peoples suggestions, bad things could happen if they do...
You still post here. Essentially it boils down to legal issues and intellectual properties of sorts. Take one the Chimera boss idea I thought up not too long ago.
Even though I'm posting on an official OOO forum, involving a OOO product, and had solid praise from a hand full of commenters... If SK's design team took that idea and implemented it, I could potentially sue them for using that idea without my express permission, and could prove it using the original post date. It doesn't matter if I win the case or not, the accusation itself is damaging to their reputation and could pave the way for fraudulent suits in the future since the issue had already come up before.
Now if they had come up with a similar or even the exact same idea, completely by coincidence, and I were to bring them to court on it, one of the main defense strategies they would use is showing that the design team is specifically instructed to avoid reading that forum, and that they could not had been influenced by reading that post. By convincing the judge/jury/arbitrator that it really was a coincidence, then the case will be dismissed. While not air tight, its the easiest defense to help cast doubt on the accusation.
Assuming they had learned out the idea, and did want to use it, they could try to obtain permission, and I could rightfully request compensation for it. If I refuse, and they implement a similar idea down the line, then I could easily accuse them of stealing the idea since A. They were aware of it. B. They contacted me and I expressly refused permission. and C. They went ahead and did it anyway. This involves far too much risk, and actively restricts what they could possibly do in future updates. There have been cases (not at OOO specifically) where projects had to be scrapped because proving a coincidence would be far too difficult, or a breach of integrity occurs with the design team.
But thats not to say no one is reading these forums. There are GMs and admins who are assigned to review comments on all the suggestion threads, and while they can't directly take these ideas, they can use that information to see where community interest is in both the current build, and what kind of features they should be working on the in the future.
For the most part, its still beneficial to suggest fleshed out content ideas and have discussions on them.... but it can only be helpful if the GMs can understand "why" we like certain ideas, and convey those reasons to the designers. This is why objective discussions are so important in these threads, and we should try as much as possible to explore both the positives and negatives of each idea to make sure it can stand on its own. The majority of ideas tend to be flawed or miss some sort of important detail, and the only way to make them viable is to keep trying to improve it, or throw the idea out if the flaws can't be properly addressed.... This is essentially the same process used in game design, but our scope tends to be a lot narrower since we don't understand all the intricacies of the game. Its still a start though.
then i give permission for them to use this. i find it stupid that if someone posted a suggestion for a game and the desighners used it and then the poster sue's them is just someone making up for lost pocket maoney. its greedy. or they could just ask first. say "can we use this idea?", then i cant really sue them if they dont trust me not to.
Also, idea for the story of this boss...
"reports are coming in of something in the core itself, we've sent scouts to investigate, but they havent reported back. the only information we do have is that a evershifting pathway made of gears is hiding something. the last report we got was of a clocktower, rumours of a shape behind the clocks screen. no one knows who biult the place, but those that went in, so far, have not been heard of since..."
Spiral Warden.
Greed and easily abused... which is why they avoid the exposure at all costs. It doesn't even need to be legitimate to cause a problem.... anyone could sue them and claim to be the who posted (ie fraud), because it'd be hard to prove either way.
(legal babble, IANAL, Anonymous gets blamed, etc)
And thats how lawyers make crazy amounts of money.
what do i do then? what is the point in posting a suggestion if they are going to ignoring it cus they dont want to get sued for using it. where do i go to get this across to them? a post office? a cafe perhaps? ideas that are on the forums are PUBLIC posts to make the game better, people should not sue them as they are listening to what we have GIVEN them.
You can kind of throw my posts out..... I'm seeing the Devs responding in the suggestion forum, so I don't know what to think anymore.
your opinion if you like this boss would be good or an idea to improve any flaws i have missed out are appreciated from eveyone.
and no, your posts are fine. except the one that are leading off topic but im not going to remove as i dont know and im not asking how as that would be going off topic again, so ignore this bit. anyway, theyve helped me remember bits i left out on the original post.
Anyone else who has thoughts are free to post them along with a reason why.
I, personally, think the best bosses are the ones that seem really powerfull, that make odds seem against you, it makes everything dramatic.
The only problem with this is... how can it be an enemy to you? First of all, you have no enemies like this Angel, and why is it an Angel and you're attacking it? If it's to be a random spirit blocking your way from the core, at least present some lore behind it. Had it destroyed something, owned an entire army of dessert to kill you, make an imminent threat, something? Make some story behind it. I'm just going to put here some suggestions:
+++The Snipes are evil. They're the ones who took down the ship USING energy and continuously control the Strangers to guide you into an unfamiliar path. Spiral Knights were originally not able to live with the amount of energy that exists on Cradle, but thanks to Strangers, they have learned to adapt and survive. Energy actually hinders a Knight's power to hold on in order to use Energy again and again, but since they found out after T3, they're trying to stop this deadly Energy from existing. Strangers and Snipes, except for Basil, end up wanting to hurt the knights. Both of them attack, because they both have been created by Gremlins, who are afraid of light, and used as defenses against anyone who dares rival their intellectual capacity. Blah blah blah, they make their own ultimate Stranger, the Clockworks A.N.G.E.L. (Autonomous Neutralist Guardian of Eternal Luminescence or something) No weaknesses as you said.+++
I don't know, I just feel there needs to be a tad bit more story behind it and why Knights intend to hurt it.
the angel is a the Gaurdian of the entire planet, believed to of been created by the same people who made the clockworks. it is a unparrelled foe, its origin is unkown. its reason for being, is also mysterious...
tell me what you think of those lines! mysterious, intrigueing and somewhat threatening. the basic idea is that its the embodiment of the clockworks, of its gears, inhabitants and status's. one reason why its made of turning gears, the other is that it looks cool and it suits the name. the story is along the line of it being created at the start of the clockworks, on the same date. its raison de etre,
(french for reason to be), is as mysterious as the world. the fact the world is "like a giant deathtrap", as the warden says, gives the impresion the world is hiding and protecting something, protecting people to get to the core, or preventing something from leaving it.
the Angel, is said to be the lord protector of it all.
but obviously the story is a rumour, the truth is know one knows. a mystery in a riddle, in a ever turning deathtrap.
maybe you can come along a group of really powerfull knights before you face it the angel, either at the end of level 2 of the clockworks way, or at the very the start of the third at the tower (idealy at the end of tier 2),sitting against something, worn out and thrashed by the angel.
when you talk to them they can say things like;
-ugh... (groaning)
-wha? what is that thing?
-we didnt last 5 seconds...
-how... how can it... exist? alive?..did it let us go?...
whatever the saying it shouldnt give much of a clue to what to expect when you venture into the tower and should keep th pauses to make them seem tired out immensly. so maybe there also shouldnt be a wiki page on this boss to help keep it a mystery to other knights. i know its on here, but some people may not read it.
give them a really fun and AMUSING supprise when they get there.
Sounds like a nice idea, but... if this -was- implemented and it was put as the boss of The Core... then SK would end. I mean, if the Knights defeated the boss, they would technically save themselves and be able to rebuild the Skylark and leave Cradle. So lots of players would lose interest in the game after a couple of runs of the boss and would simply quit.
SK is still young-ish and I think it has a lot of potential. So if they were to implement this idea or something similar it would either have to be as a T3 boss or as a... T4 Shadow Lair or something. Not as the Core's boss.
Oh yea, and you said that, and I quote, "perhaps it should wear a hooded robe with no sleeves to hide its skeleton torso and legs, leaving its arms bare to remind us that its from the beyond.". Well, if it was built by the Gremlins it should be kind of like the Roarmulus Twins: very mechanical. Unless you meant some kind of metal skelleton. I assumed it was a "normal" looking skelleton like Grim Reaper or something.
Yet, I would still want to even see why Knights want to kill this Angel. Plus, King Tinkinzar created the clockworks, therefore not really natural. The supernatural element does not fit this very well. Plan to modify this a little?
Well, the "Angel" will be just a name. The actual boss will be a contraption made by the Gremlins. Maybe King Tinkinzar created it to preotect whatever is in the Core.
then...the core could be like a time machine to when the the clockworks were still being made! and the injured knights could be alpha squad! what do u think?
Hell freaking yes. Core is corrupted, we must fight it to save it.
+1 to that idea
Can you discuss the Phases of the actual boss battle? Oh and idea- how about the status panels at the boss level be Curse alternating with Sleep and Stun? There ahs yet to be such panels...
it wont be made by the gremlins, its origin is, as i said is unkown. shoouldnt be made by gremlinsas it should exceede them. should be angel like, robe would be pure white with gold patterns, and id suppose it would actually be more like a cloak then a robe, a cloak that goes down to his feet and ripples at the end as the angel is levitating.
it being the map would make it seem a little clunky, should be sleek. but ty for the thought.
the alpha sqaud being the injured knights, this idea is really good. as you never see them at all. being at the core would mean perhaps you need to reach the last terminal and use a silver key to go down into it. shouldnt be a shadow key, this is an angel, not a daemon. either that or its free to go or another key should be made, a gold key or ancient relic. should be around 200-300ce for one as this boss is very difficult so knights should get go's at it often without being charged an arm and head for it.
phase 0- after meeting the sqaud of knights you venture into the tower, you walk to the center of the field and stay there for a second or 2.
then the angel leaps from above with his scythe and slashes down on you, you automatically dodge it narrowly, it stands up from his crouch and flys off the screen upwards. it reappears floating above the ground at the edge of the map, and the fight begins.
Rules that always apply; when the angel does something simultaniously, it teleports to another region of the map and does it extremely qiuckly, status's change all the time randomly in each attack and since its also intelligent, it can figure out your blind spot and idntify the status your weak to or at least the one you have no resistannce against ( the idea of using your weakness is optional). it must change its status in each, meaning it cant use the same twice in a row. in all phases it may swing his scythe once or more, teleport, twirl his scyth to shield himself from any attack, (may only do this for 3 seconds or shorter. also reflects bullets back at knights, theirs or his own. his own will never hurt him if it hits, even if it hits the cog. only works in one direction.)
Phase 1- in this phase, it uses his scythe, fires at you with 5 small razor edged cogs (like a tier 3 turret does but twice in a row, simultaniously), and uses a small laser, similar to constructs laser beam, but goes over impassible terrain. keep watching for the multicoloured gear cog to appear, and hit it with everything youve got, takes 15 hits, only stays for 5 seconds. in this round it uses staus's at medium (good chance-good length). the angel is qiute frantic and energetic at this stage.
Phase 2- uses status's at strong, (strong chance- good length), uses 5 razor cogs again but 3 times in a row, (simultanious),its last throw is a large single exlosive that explodes on contact and richochets into three smaller cogs. when th angel swings his scythe it releases a wave that travels a short distance about as long as the averedge gun, fairly small wave. multicoloured cog has 20hits, stays for 5 seconds again. laser beam travels the entire map and does 3 simultaniously. is very energetic and aggresive.
Phase 3- uses staus's at super strong, lasts longer then any other thing in spiral knights, also has even more chance of infecting. uses 5 razor edged cogs 5 times in a row with the last throw consisting of 3 large blast cogs with one that richochets on explosion into three smaller cogs (simultanious). he fires 5 laser beams (simultanious) and the waves from his scythe travel the entire map. the hit point stays for 5 sceonds and takes 25 hits. The angels most powerfull ability however is his wings, which are always visible on him though they dont move. instead, in this round the angel may charge up a highly focused beam of immense power that streaks across the screen faster then you can blink, remains for a few seconds, then dissapears. only when it is fired may it do damge. this beam is capable of finishing a knight with a single blow, and will certainly shatter your shield into dust. best not get in the way of it. is extremely aggresive and very frantic.
there are no traps but you are walking on large flat turning cogs, doesnt affect your movement though. ive changed my mind about a hood, instead it could have a plain face with no expression or eyes ro curves or anything, but have three straight horns, one on the top of his head that goes back and up and one at each side that go back and in but dont touch.
this angel is a mystery, it has many reasons and rumours mentioning why it is attacking you and how it even exists.
some say the tower is its home, and its simply dealing with trespassers. some say that it is improsined though there are many ways out, but is locked in some kind of field and demands to be realeased. others say its gaurding something, hiding something.
none of theese ideas for why it is attacking you should actually be used. they should only be mentioned.
if one is used then make it the idea that its gaurding something, then this could lead on to the tokens you get, the "primed cogs", which could be what he is protecting. since they can get you any item in the game, they could be the essence of matter itself. highly valuble and dangerous in the wrong hands which is why he is gaurding them. the angel should be individgual to all other monsters. should not be a construct, a gremlin ect...
and should not of come from any of them either. like the world is simply a place animals came to, not the idea that gremlins made it, although it is one rumour. basically, should be its own being, not even remotly from the known.
The angel is then the most formiddable enemy in the clockworks, and it should stay that way.
another pooint to make it should be emotionless, it shouldnt talk or anyhting like that or grunt when you hit it, it should seem immortal. which is another point why it needs a blank face.
This immortal being, of impossible angles and abilities, is a boss to end all boss's. obviously not literally, that would kind of kill off many other good boss idea's.
and by the way what does DA and APM mean?
it wouldnt use either of those, it would have a scythe that would have its own settings. is twice as tall as spiral knights but still qiute thin so it wouldnt use something small. the scythe is a large rod with a curved blade at the end, which is a bit like the shape of an egyptians crop cutter. so really curved not like cutlass or anything.
pic? do you mean pick one. or picture, cus i dont have that. Its not going to have either as it shouldnt. it would have it own settings on its own kind of scythe. sorry but a sword just wont look as cool and its supposed to be a boss that is a mile away from any other thing in the clockworks. creatures, swords, weapons and armour. its a new fight. cant be APM or DA as the scythe changes its abilities throughout the entire fight.
So it's pretty much formless? Or does it transform to the scythe as you may say? The scythe in itself was a peasant's tool, you know, so it isn't as grand as shiny as it may seem. I wanted a picture of this boss in any scythe it could use, because im extremely confused. If formless, -1 because that makes it impossible for OOO to make it.
right, heres what the scythe would look like. it will be a rod, a staff with blade the shape of a crescent of a moon at one end. the angel, fully formed, would hold under his arm with the blade facing downwards would be gold and decorated.
the angel will be tall, thin and dressed in a cloak. its head will be similar to the shape of the a spiral knight face but without any eyewholes, curves and the like, (so basically a plane oval surface, 3d obviously) with 3 straight horns. going backwards. the bottom of its face would be pointed shaped like ours. it will have strong arms, legs and so on, but be completly made out of clockworks. anyone see that old doctor who, with david tennant, when he come across those clockwork droids? a bit like them. face would be qiute similar as well, though it wouldnt be see through. would also have angl wings.
its not formless, its a solid clockwork construct. with a few editing here and there. would, however, be no way a construct. completly individual.
one more thing, not about the idea i know but dont you need a copyright protection thing if you want to stop other companies using it?
one thought, it might seem a little hard for OOO to make the gears turn on him, so maybe gear can judder out on points on him and those ones alone move. while the rest of him except his head which will be solid, will be made out of small gears that dont move.
either this or the gears could blur on him when he moves so it just looks like a gold sheen. still gears when he is not moving, but his head should always appear solid.
comments and suggestions to improve this will be most appreciated.