Any suggestions for a good shield to go with my Mercurial set?
Need a shield for Mercurial Set
Sat, 10/22/2011 - 11:13
Sat, 10/22/2011 - 11:45
it does look awesome but the
it does look awesome but the stats don't look so good. OOO should make 5* versions of the breaker lines :(
Sat, 10/22/2011 - 11:46
Not gonna happen since the
Not gonna happen since the line starts at 1*
Sat, 10/22/2011 - 11:53
Oh you want the shield to be
Oh you want the shield to be useful, owlite, almire, skelly, barbarous, volcanic, ironmight and even heater although owlite covers more
Sat, 10/22/2011 - 12:25
I already have a Grey Owlite
I already have a Grey Owlite so I think I'll stick with it, thanks anyway :3
Sat, 10/22/2011 - 14:14
re: quiksilver shield
from personal experience, i would stick with Grey owlite, because you run jelly king or the twins a lot, piercing defense is not the best. having multiple defense types on armor/helm can save your life. other then owlite series, i would go for a crest of almire if you want shadow defense or just stay with owlite.
blizzbreaker will give you a tron look