I made this because I'm more important than that Chris guy. This is the OFFICIAL OFFICIAL shadow key rant thread, post your negative musings here.

Sry, but you're too late: we're done "ranting", we're all sulky now. Choose a more depressing thread title if you want attention.

@Ufana: "Thanks to Shadow keys ruining the economy, I lost my job, my wife, and yesterday had to eat my dog. WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW!!??!!"

Stop putting official in titles, that is just stupid.

I think all "official" topics aside from the first are parody topics.

Please stop making redundant threads. They just clog up the front page.
I support this topic and everything it stands for

Snorlax, please don't call my thread redundant. I support your right to an opinion, but that's all it is here. This is a supreme land where only the most intelligent beings can discuss the ever-growing importance of Shadow Keys and their cost to millions of Americans debit cards. Please, don't brush this aside. Did you not see the "OFFICIAL OFFICIAL Shadow Keys Rant" in the title? I don't think you understand the importance of the word OFFICIAL in an online forum. Thank you for your feedback.
I got nothing to worry about unless it becomes a Steam achievement.