$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE THING $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
If you look at all of these topics and comments, obviously The Spiral Knights Community does not like this shadow key update one bit. I'm sure that Three Rings is trying to fix this issue. In my opinion, I like this update, except that the key's cost of getting it is too high. If they get rid of the update completely, i will be sad. I want to explore the shadow lairs, its just that I can't due to expenses. This is why we protest.
Three Rings is probably trying to think of a way to edit and solve this issue. I think we should help and give our suggestions. It will help Three Rings and make this issue disappear quicker. Please post some possible solutions to this. I'll make a few myself to start.
1.) Maybe they could get rid of the whole "find the keys in lockboxes" thing and have boost the special items merchant sell them, like silver keys. Also maybe lower the price of the key from 750 to oh say... 300 from the fact that it's only one run with a good chance of dying anyway.
2.) Drop the "find in boxes" and have boost sell many different kinds of keys; a certain one for a certain lair (the level clearance still in tact). examples: Friminous Key, Frosty Key, Firepower Key, Undead Key, ect. I'm not good at names :P.
3.)Just make the freaking trip free, but make it a lot harder.
You, me, and Three Rings are counting on us to help each other! Please post some possible solutions and help stop the madness! (Or should i say Sparta?... See what i did there? LOL.)
Just feel like I should point out before this discussion goes anywhere:
The community as a whole isn't being represented here by just a couple dozen people on the forums. It's nothing more than a very vocal minority speaking for a very unaffected majority; unaffected in that they are neither positively nor negatively swayed by the content's existence.
Other than that, this thread's been done at least two other times that I know of, with all of your suggestions already being suggested and otherwise ignored.