New player to this game, went into this game intending not to spend a penny
But wait.. there's a resource that demands pennies, and apparently this resource is the access to actually playing the game effectively
So I looked towards buying energy for crowns
Currently the rates for buying energy is ~6000 crowns for 100 energy
This is quite a lot in comparison to what I saw from around 5 months ago where ~4500 crowns bought 100 energy
Question is, is it really worth it to spend ~6000 crowns for 100 energy? Will 100 energy pay off to get me at least ~6000 crowns? How?
well its been 6k sense I've started (about a week ago), but i have a few suggestion on it...
1. dont buy any until you need it for crafting. Save mist energy to do missions, and buy equipment to about 3*.
2. once you start needing to craft 4* (or 3* if you choose) equips, save up 100 mist energy before you craft, saving 6k crowns when you craft it
This is mostly stuff i just picked up while reading the forums.
personally, CE hasn't been much of an issue for me, sense i had a bunch of TF2 stuff laying around that i sold to get myself ahead a little faster.