Main pic:
Pic showing it is not just the animation that is the issue:
Pic showing that there is some unusual graphics in the animation (the black cloud behind you):
EDIT: Sorry for being dumb :3
I think I have found out the issue with Blackhawk's (Sentenza?) range. In this picture, I used orange dots to show where the shot animation begins. I used red dots to show where the shot animation ends. [Remember that shots aren't exactly at the same position every time (with Blackhawk at least) and the animation is also not always at the same position to begin with (again Blackhawk, not completely sure about AP)]. I used green lines to connect the two guns' animation positions both rising to the same position, then going back down to the neighboring shot animation position's spot. If you look at the Blackhawk's red and orange dot, the green line is a little to the left of both dots, making it slightly more accurate than it appears. To make sure these are accurate measurements, we used the arrow keys (not WASD) to directly line us up facing west. We then used "z" (by default) to shoot our guns, so our hand was not touching the mousing and altering the direction.
Orange dot / animation beginning: The animation, if you fire a blackhawk and look closely, actually does not start at the tip of the gun. It begins behind your knight, as you can see a purple line sticking out of your back (this is not shown in the pic).
Red dot / animation end: Where the shot reached, again it is not always the same for Blackhawk as shown in this picture. I am not sure if AP's standard bullets reach the exact same spot every time.
Green lines: Don't they look similar?
Sorry if this is no new news at all, but when people say the range is messed up this is what they meant :/ I am sorry I could not get the purple line sticking out of my back to show that the Blackhawk shot animation begins behind you. This range difference also exists between Silversix and Blackhawk. If I am incorrect on anything, please say so and thank you.
Thanks to Kissmydonkey for letting me compare my Blackhawk to AP :). If someone has a silversix / a sentenza and would like to let me compare that'd be great! in-game name same as this name I'm posting in.
The link still doesn't work even when copy-pasted. Try uploading it to tinypic or another image hosting site.
Also, I'm sure it would make more sense once the picture is up, but what is the conclusion? You never really said what was the issue. What I'm getting from this is that the Blackhawk has less visual range when compared to the Argent Peacemaker. When not firing at an enemy this is the case, but when using auto-aim (and this happens without auto-aim but it's easier to test when using it) the shots go further than what is shown if you weren't in range. So the actual range of the gun is much further than what is appearing to you because of the messed up animation.
The same thing happens with the Magnus line, the bullets appear to explode very short, but when firing at an enemy the bullet reaches them. It also has the appearance that the bullet starts with it's trail in back of the shooter. Also, when comparing with another player, the game tends to mess up some of the animations it seems. (ex. Magnus bullets moving extremely fast, bullets look like they are moving further ect.)
I'd like you to test this again with an enemy, along with using auto-aim, since I'm not sure if this is the case with every gun. I'll see if I can get some pictures of the range difference with Callahan as well.