Hi, I have already read a lot of forum articles and wiki concerning about Monster Resistances and etc. So I was wondering if anyone could tell me in full detail:
Question 1. What sword damage type (normal,elemental,shadow,piercing) is againest:
-Slime Family
-Beast Family
-Gremlin Family
-Construct Family
-Fiend Family
-Undead Family
(Please don't just copy a link of the damage type on wiki, I find it very confusing for me.)
Question 2. If I had a elemental, shadow, piercing or normal armor what type of monster can I resist more (as in their damage)
-Shadow Armor
-Elemental Armor
-Pierce Armor
-Normal Armor
(Please give me a example like this: Shadow Armor - (can resist) Shadow damage: Kat
Currently I am thinking: Shadow type armor can resist shadow damage and Elemental type armor can resist Elemental type damage/
PLZ HELP, Thank you! I'm not a new recruit, i'm just a t3 who gets confused often X3
I get that the wiki might be confusing, but the best way for me to keep track is still here. Go to the very bottom of the page, and there's a nice chart that I refer to very often.
The answer to your 1st question is to use whatever the "Weak To" column says--so for, say, beasts, it would be besting to use a piercing weapon against them. You can also use the "Neutral To" damage type, if you don't carry every single damage type weapons. Basically, against a specific monster, don't use whatever's in the "Strongly Resistant To" (last column) and you're good. So, slimes = use shadow (best) or elemental (neutral), but don't use piercing.
As for your second questions, you can use the same chart. Whatever's under "Damage Type" is what your armour should have to resist that particular family. For example, gremlins do Elemental damage, so your amour with Elemental defense would protect you more. Of course, all monsters do normal damage, so you shouldn't forget about that. Or do what I do when I first started, and rock the Skolver Coat + Divine Veil and never think about defense. XD