Shock, Freeze, Fire, Poison, Curse and Piercing, Shadow, and Elemental, etc.
What's the worst status effect and damage in the pvp lockdown arena in descending order?

I'd say curse is a pretty nasty status, except that pretty much only one weapon can inflict it. Granted you can just run away and cure on the health pads in base, but it knocks you out of the fight pretty well for that period.
Shock is definitely the number one most annoying status, given that it's so easy to inflict over a broad area with a lightning capacitor (T2) or voltaic tempest (T3), and both does DoT and interrupts attacks and movement. I run a pair of redwood bracelets in my T2 loadouts for a reason.
I think freeze is a lot more annoying in T3 when people break out the SB, but in T2 it doesn't seem to be all that horrible, given that the freeze breaks as soon as an enemy hits you, allowing you to potentially escape.
Fire is somewhat annoying, but not generally a problem to deal with so long as you avoid burning to death.
Poison is meh, much like in the clockworks.
As for damage types, shadow has the highest potential to be devastating, given that virtually nobody runs shadow defence armour. It's unfortunately outclassed by piercing, despite the number of wolver-series armour users, because of how the pierce swords work [insert autotarget RAEG here]. Elemental pulls up the rear, but given how little defensive stats matter in LD, it's still very viable.

From worst to not so bad-
1. Curse (Take damage with every attack, expecially in PVP where one mishit with curse takes half your health!?)
2. Shock (Disrupts randomly ANYTHING! Super Annoying)
3. Freeze (Unless you are a shielder, you're pretty much doomed)
4. Poison (takes time for you to be able to reheal and deal average damage)
5. Fire (You can get over it... but hurts)
6. Stun (Slow, but you can still move away in good speed)
7. Sleep (You get healed when you're not getting hurt! No weapon does this tho... yet)
1. You don't want to get hurt in the first place! Any damage means bad business for you!
1. Poison (Stops ALL healing! Makes those minions worthless for him, but still nightmares to you!)
2. Curse (Royal Jelly hurts itself in confusion!)
3. Fire (Constant damage!)
4. Shock (Disrupts movements, attacks, and when Royal does attack and spasm, he still takes damage from Curse!)
5. Stun (Makes his mid-rage state much longer and he attacks slower)
6. Freeze (Your goal is to attack him all the time, so freeze is useless when you break it right after)
7. Sleep (Same thing as freeze, but you don't want the King to heal himself at all!)
1. Shadow (Now it's his weakness too!)
2. Elemental (Neutral)
3. Piercing (Read the Wiki)
I added the Jelly King for no reason :D

Shock is the worst. Some people set themselves on fire to walk through my shivermist though, no joke.

"I'd say curse is a pretty nasty status, except that pretty much only one weapon can inflict it. Granted you can just run away and cure on the health pads in base, but it knocks you out of the fight pretty well for that period."
Actually, I have been cursed in Lockdown and going on healing pads do not heal curse, at least at that time. (This was after the blue status pads were introduced though, I can assure you.) Perhaps its a bug?

Nice Idea!!!!! Shock hurts, and fire is limited to what frostbite can give you in Lockdown! But, Curse seems far worse than shock to my opinion.

@Boingboingsplat That sounds like a bug to me. Then again, you can just curse-kill yourself and respawn in <15 seconds rather than waiting ~30 seconds for it to wear off naturally, so it's still not that big of a deal.
Worst in descending order?
Grammar aside, it sounds like you're saying "Rank the status and damage in pvp from most threatening to least"
But I'm not sure since a curse for a 2 or 3-slot person can be significantly worse than shock.
Also, pierce can be super deadly for a vog user, but elemental and shadow could be equally bad for someone in full azure armor.
So in a sense, it depends on your gear.