hi, I recently got to know spiral knights from kongregate.. which has auto login thingy and we can't log out and use different username/account
since it's such a hassle to play in kong, since I have to put search on spiral knight game (i don't like to bookmark anything) I like to directly just click on spiral knight website and easily click 'play now', so I made a new account
I wanted to make a new acct because I was bored about the 0 mist energy (at time i dunno that it's shared mist) but I can no longer make a new account.. I read the wiki and it says 3 acct per PC rite? how can I only have 2? do I have to pay the 1 acct first in order to another 1 free acct?
thank u in advance^^
edit: o.O suddenly i can make a new one... hmm last time I can't ..?? weird.. LOL
I'm pretty sure you don't need to but i really don't know 'cause i signed up on the official website, but it is a free game so....