I be jelly.
Count me jelly as well. The best (and only) equipment drop I've ever received in a party or solo was a Brandish at the end of a FSC level. That said, an extra 1.6k cr is nothing to snub :P
Story of my life. :(
I've gotten a bit more than one equipment drop. ;)
But nothing higher than a 2*.
been playing a while, lol, gotten several 1 star swords which always give to a random newbie, and once got a 4 star rock jelly shield, made a killing on it in the ah, lol
best drop ive gotten was either philoso feather, shadow steel - happened 3 times, or trojan horseshoe - happened 2 times.
I didn't even know those dropped, the "best" equip I ever FOUND was a lame blizzbreak shield that I regret ever equipping.
The only piece of equipment I ever found was just a super slime slasher. I think i just tossed that thing in the AH and got 1k Cr.
I happen to have bud luck with drops though. Currently every Love-Puppy I've ever gotten has had 0 drops. Not even a single crown.
I feel your pain...
I'm a T2 guy, and my first drop was a Force buckler. Sold it for 400cr.
Then I saw a Jelly armour. It went to my partner. Nothing since...
Another incentive: Saw my first Lovepuppy on JK run. A pro killed it when it spawned. WHAT KINDA PRO DOES THAT!?
@Psychodestroyer: You should also know where gunpuppies spawn and get ready to kill them before they shoot. Maybe he realized it was a love puppy too late to interrupt the killing? (just guessing - it almost happened to me at a JK run)
I got a hunting blade before and sold it for 100k cr, a jelly mail 2k cr and the skelly helm went to my friend
so far I have got a super slime slasher, a force buckler, a cobalt armor and some gun I dont remember, All went to some random beginners for free.
Meh, I know it sucks when someone else get's "your" materials and gear(especially if they're higher leveled.), but honestly with an awesome group, having that ability of not having to have to spend energy for a revive is pretty darn awesome. It just feels the pros outweigh the cons.(Unless of course you're in a crap group, but that's why I would recommend doing it with friends YOU KNOW, rather than with randoms.)
I've found some 4* gear in the past, I think umbra driver is 5* though, that's very interesting.
I wonder if things like leviathan can drop -_-
I heard someone got like an Acheron drop before or something like that.
Two Virulisk Suit drops in my SK career.
One I obtained, the other a friend got. Would have been so happy to get 2 virulisk suits.
I picked up gear before that went to another person. I was pretty much like "hey, you're lucky!" and sort of congratulated him for it. Sure, it wasn't a 5-star (though I thought it was at first).
In my opinion going solo isn't worth it. I have SO much more fun with a team and I think you spend much less CE for revives. The game just feels less lonely with a party of four and you feel like you can survive and pull through anything, even when you get deep into tier 3.
Once got a Brute Jelly Shield from an arena, sold it on AH. Then not long after, I got a Sinister Skelly Suit (4*). I don't know where I got the Skelly Suit (I only realised it after seeing that I have an extra armor after the run) but I think it is from a Undead arena. I also sold the Skelly Suit (for a ridiculously low price) and regretted selling because of the price and my hatred for Devilites.
You'll never believe me if i tell you the story about how much i hated bombers but ended up getting a cristal bomb from a Royal Jelly drop and now i use it everyday.
What I got soloing through chests was a Toxic Vaporizer from a old poison Danger Room when my group and me had problems with Jelly King. Maybe someone watched us and thought "hey, they need some help, here you go!".
And that is the story of how my Faust was born.
I solo almost exclusively (that's changing progressively now that I've joined a pretty kickass guild by my standards) and get a lot of good stuff to sell. Highest I've gotten was I think an Ash Tail Coat from a T3 arena, a couple of Alchemers from different Clockworks levels and another notable one was a Scary Skelly Shield. All of them were sold except the Shadowtech Alchemer that I'm currently holding onto for no apparent reason.
That sucks :(. I also saw a post by negimasonic with a link that shows an armor of the fallen coming out of a box and going to another party member.
I've never gotten an equipment drop T.T
Anyway, I do solo for all the materials, because I have horrible luck with the random material distribution, a.k.a. everyone else has ironwoods and ghost bells, and I get nothing but gel drops.
The best drop I've had so far was a 4-star bomb called Irontech Bomb. I was excited, I had never gotten a 4-star drop before! I was debating whether I should keep and use it or sell it for a nice amount. I decide to poke around, do some research, and to my dismay I learned that it was probably one of the worst bombs you could get. I even looked on the AH and saw it was barely even present there. I decided to just vendor it. Definitely a disappointment as far as 4-star drops go, but it's not all bad, since I still wound up with a free 10k from vendoring it.
My best drop was a jelly shield. Sold for 60K on AH. Other than that, I've found like 2 other things- a jelly mail which sold for like 4Kish, and a scale shield, which I keep for lolz.
I once got a Divine Avenger from a Treasure Box. I already had one at the time, so I sold it. 600k cr in just one treasure box.
....Ok, I'm lying. I admit it.
No way. It was that last arena thingy on the 3rd stage before JK. He had to get off the party button, walk over to it, THEN kill it while making sure not to get hit. Plenty of time to look.
Anyways, I always solo now, unless a friend of mine needs company or help. or some friends of my friend. whatev. I just solo. It's cleaner that way, you can rely on your own ability and strategy, and you don't need to worry about players who screw it up for you :D
'course Partying is fine. I just prefer solo.
But then again, whenever you solo those things never drop ;_;