More interactive gameplay

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Legacy Username

Im not sure if this was already suggested but here goes..
u see it would be cool if we could do more than just kill to go further.
take as sample this video
its about final fantasy echoes of time. U see a girl use magic to break ice with fire and make water into ice also she pushes a rock to activate a trigger.
Till now i've encountered 2 things that seems familiar with this and that is
placing a statue on a red button so the door stays open and using a golden key for locks. Also jumping on stuff would be cool. lets say our characters could jump up a cliff or a flying platform to go and play further, its more fun than just walking around all the time. I'd suggest the developers to use this video as "Inspiration"
also what about different races, u don't really necesiraly need classes therefore peopole can use which weapon they want. we already got guns and a sword
now a bow and a staff would also be cool.
1 more thing i want to name up is cutscenes, i'd love a cool storyline.
4 fighters end up fighting tortoise and instead of fighting him directly u can see a short clip about u approaching him, talking and show emotions and stuff.
please comment below for ur opinions.

Legacy Username
More complex gameplay

More complex gameplay mechanics would be nice, but I believe they would be difficult to add. A 3rd dimension, for instance, would probably involve ungodly amounts of development time, from the creation of jumping animations, to the reworking of the level creation system, and maybe even modification of the engine itself. I was reading an interview with one of the Blizzard developers about Diablo 3, and he said the hardest part about the game was the addition of the 3rd dimension to the game because they needed to change pretty much everything about Diablo 2 for something that initially seems like just a cosmetic difference. I'll see if I can still find the interview, but that was when Diablo 3 was first announced about a year ago. And that's in a game that doesn't even have jumping.

As for additional weapon types, I would like to see them, but not right now. I don't think bows would be appropriate for the feel of this game, as the technology is at the point where planetary travel is possible (remember the tutorial?). I would like weapons other than handguns, such as rocket launchers for more extreme punch guns, and machine guns for more extreme auto guns (pistols could be the elementally dominant weapon type), and I would like to see axes and hammers in the game simply because I like them more than swords, but I feel they are not necessary at this point, and may never be needed, as they serve as little more than graphical enhancements. On that note, I would much prefer the Khorovod if it actually WAS a hammer, and I don't imagine graphical changes are terribly difficult, but once again, neither are they very high priority.

Cutscenes would require some sort of actual story, and they don't really fit very well into MMOs. I don't know if you've ever played Phantasy Star Online, but they would have cutscenes for when bosses would show up. I never really liked them because they were unskippable, and when I'm playing an MMO, I'd rather be playing the MMO than watching the MMO. I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but I personally prefer to not have a cutscene every time I kill a trojan, especially when I'm in the arena and it's super chaotic.

Legacy Username
Having more intricate puzzles

Having more intricate puzzles could be great, but keep in mind that some of them are only puzzles the first time anyone in the group does them. After a single person has completed one (or looked it up on the wiki), it's not really a puzzle anymore. It just becomes time-consuming. I would like to see some interesting things, though. The statue section that appears occasionally seems like the start of a mechanic that will be expanded on, and I've encountered a section once with a timed gate on the other side of spikes. You had to hit the switch and run across, but if you didn't make it, chances were you were going to get hit by the spikes. If you had to wait for the spikes, you might not make it, either, so it required careful timing. There are also the totems that appear in the Concrete Jungle.

They don't need to have jumping, but having tiles that make your character visually "jump down" to another platform would be essentially having one-way warp tiles with a more interesting appearance to them.

Having 3D isn't a problem because the game is already in 3D, in the same sense as Diablo 3. Try shooting off a ledge onto enemies below. Your shoots go right over their heads. Shoot into a ramp. The bullet collides with the floor. That's not to say that having normal jumping would be easy. It wouldn't, as the game has already been designed without jumping.

Races? No, that's just silly. Bows? We already have guns. Staves? That would be the same as swords, but with a different attack pattern, unless it shot projectiles, in which case it would be the same as guns. Cutscenes? Maybe some quick camera movements for unique bosses. Cutscenes with storyline? No, that would be completely out of place in an arcade-style dungeon-crawler. I don't need my tortodrones and trojans to have emotions. There is a storyline, but it's about all the Spiral Knights as a large group, not individual characters. I very much like it that way. Some MMO's try to make you feel like the hero, and I never really like that. It's impossible for me to believe because I know it contradicts what happens on everyone else's screen. I actually like being just another face (so to speak) in an important coherent group.

Shoebox's picture
Try shooting off a ledge onto

Try shooting off a ledge onto enemies below. Your shoots go right over their heads.

No they don't. I can kill enemies standing on top of a ramp, the bullets explode in the air and damage the enemy right underneath.
You can break boxes the same way.

I've encountered a section once with a timed gate on the other side of spikes. You had to hit the switch and run across, but if you didn't make it, chances were you were going to get hit by the spikes.

I just stood on the other side of the first set of spikes and shot the switch, I got onto the elevator with time to spare.

There are already unused weapon classes, Shotgun and Lance icons are in the resource folders and there are no weapons to go with them.

Legacy Username

As I said in another post: Copy everything from Zelda 4 swords, become the best cooperative MMO ever.

Bifurcate's picture
Lead Programmer
No they don't. I can kill

No they don't. I can kill enemies standing on top of a ramp, the bullets explode in the air and damage the enemy right underneath.

Yeah, that's a bug. It will be fixed in due time.

Legacy Username
Speaking of alternate weapon

Speaking of alternate weapon types, I wanna see some Boxing Gloves so I can go all Hajime no Ippo on gremlins.

Legacy Username

re: more stuff to do in dungeons

i, too, would like to see more exciting puzzles in dungeons; there's a few sections* where i've been intrigued but thus far i've been able to figure everything out without too much hassle, and since dungeon sections tend to repeat and there's only a limited pool of them it feels like the mainstay of the dungeon-diving is just whacking monsters**

difficult puzzles would be GREAT if you had to solve them to get to treasure box rooms. probably not so great if they are required to proceed at all

pots in particular are probably under-utilized in this regard; most of the time it looks like they're only provided to throw at switches if you were short-sighted enough to not bring a gun. the fact that only thrown pots (and charged punch gun shots i guess) have seemingly unlimited range could be a big deal

fire pots are also exciting, oil pots even more so even though the latter is quite rare. i'd like to see more of them and not just to set monsters aflame

*there's a part in one of the scarlet castles with a timed switch and a bunch of spikes that i enjoyed a LOT, i wish scenarios like that were way more common

**which isn't a bad thing since there's enough different weapons and monster types to keep it very fun

re: different character races

one thing I like a lot about this game and noticed as soon as i started playing was that all knights are created equal. if knights could be different from the beginning, then that merely adds one more way for players to tweak and min/max their stats towards a certain end EG being a lazor-proof god of bombs
A) new players who don't already have a solid knowledge of how the game works would essentially be choosing arbitrarily or based on what stat mods look good on paper
B) if it's an irreversible choice made when you begin playing, then it penalizes those same players that (unwittingly) chose poorly at creation and don't like how their build turned out

right now you can swap out all your gear and thus all your stats any old time, so you can experiment with radically different playstyles at full effectiveness

if you mean something that's merely cosmetic like getting to be a big tall knight or an extra burly one or one with elf ears but having the same stats then that is all gravy and ain't nothin wrong with it

re: weapons

any melee weapon would really just function like a sword with different graphics, and any ranged weapon would really just function like a gun with different graphics.

that said, i'm all for more "sword" types than the four i've seen so far; there could potentially be a lot of interesting variation in swing speed, combo length, hitbox, etc etc etc and if there's still no 'best' weapon type then they just end up adding more tactical options which is super awesome

re: cutscenes

a full-out cutscene might be interesting the first time you see it but after that, boring

boss NPCs with dialogue or something at least would be exciting though