1500 CE for a one time use Shadow Key.
Thanks, but no thanks.
1500 CE for a one time use Shadow Key.
Thanks, but no thanks.
It's not unreasonably high when split among 4 people.
it's about 25k cr between four. HMM, 5* recipies cost 25k... and you get a 5* alchemy machine at the end... See what OOO did there? Of course, to pay 25k for a fourth of a shadow key, CE would have to cost 6666.6 rep. exact. I'm hoping that this isn't temporary! Havent made my seraphic armors yet!
It's not unreasonably high when split among 4 people.
You keep saying that as if you think this is insightful and all these people haven't already thought about that angle.
Yes, this price will be low enough for more people to be willing to buy, but for others, it is still "thanks, but no thanks". My guess is that this still isn't low enough to get enough sales for OOO to justify the development time they poured into it.
What orangeo said. But damn the CE prices are skyrocketing as fawk
And you keep acting as if market forces won't even out the cost of entry with the profit you can acquire after a successful Shadow Lair run, easily getting back the CE you put into starting the run, or even multiplied over. And Orangeo actually makes an interesting point I didn't even factor in.
My guess is that this still isn't low enough to get enough sales for OOO to justify the development time they poured into it.
Well, the idea was to give [most] end-game players something to do. Beforehand, it was far too expensive to warrant such a thing excluding the super-rich or lucky. Not so much anymore. At least, that's how it seems.
ok when is it GOOD???? for crying out loud people!!! now you HAVE a way and STILL everybody is whining about it... i LOVE this sure 1500CE is a lot FOR 1 PERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!! god you only need 1 friggin key that's 375CE/person what the hell is so friggin BAD?????????????? you want everything for free?? be glad OOO decided to sell them trough NPC
"My guess is that this still isn't low enough to get enough sales for OOO to justify the development time they poured into it."
Lol thats not true. They are banking off of this. You see how many shadow keys are in the AH within 10mins? 1500ce isnt bad at all compared to 750k. they will definitely profit from this. Both sides Win.
And Orangeo actually makes an interesting point I didn't even factor in.
Actually, I agree with you there and it was something I hadn't factored in either. However, people who sell items factor the recipe cost over many sells, so the 25k gets reduced. The key is that the item crafted has to be worth well over the 4k unbinding cost.
And you keep acting as if market forces won't even out the cost of entry with the profit you can acquire after a successful Shadow Lair run,
Uh, no, market forces don't always make everything profitable. A gold plated turd, won't sell, even if the turd is somehow "unique" and "rare".
Uh, these gold-plated turds did. I wouldn't speak about the market forces unless I was witness to the very thing I'm commenting about already. The Bazaar forum was (and still might be) filled with them. Started at 40kce for the Snarbolax Armor set when the first dozen delvers were able to produce them, which at a low point I saw for 22kce earlier today. All the others were at least 15kce per piece as a low (even though they cost around 8-9kce to make before this update), especially ones that are definitely "gold-plated turds" like the Ice Queen set.
You seriously underestimate how much people actually like those type of things in this game.
Gold plated turds... costume items... zee cores.... yeah, they sell.
Also, this is a truly great deal we're being offered. Its not only cheaper than recipes, but it provides us better stuff and tokens when we do it.
Well, it certainly WAS profitable, what with one being able to sell one's Snarbolax Cap or Ice Queen Crown for 20k CE or higher, but with the cost of Shadow Keys decreased, it's not clear that this will still be the case.
Edit: Also, remember: Nick said Shadow Keys were being sold for "a limited time only." After that time has ended, we can sell our Shadow Keys for absurd prices once again to anyone who was unlucky enough not to buy one.
Not sure why you're crapping all over Vole's comments, he's quite knowledgeable in matters of money in this game. ^_^
Though the talk of market forces sounds supernatural. XD It's just people buying stuff at certain prices.
I think personally this is a great price, for even one person.
You can get this by doing about 10 FSC runs if I calculate correctly. Stop complaining people. OOO finally gives us what we wanted, what we have been asking for, and you still find a way to complain.
If you want to complain, go back to the damm lag issue.
I dealt with that [crap] all day today, and had to fail an FSC run because of it.
*apologies Admins. I do not recall the exact word I used, but I appreciate you changing it for me.
Wall of text inbound.
I was glad, at first, that the price for keys dropped. I immediately wanted to do a run with some guildmates of mine, and so I did. We split the cost, and off we went.
...I'm ticked off. Why? Well, various things. (Remember, folks, this is Shadow Gloaming Wildwoods) Lag. I was constantly dying because I kept teleporting into spikes, freezing and losing any input for a split second, and getting rubberbanded into enemies, walls, and projectiles left and right. Bugs. A lot of attacks were screwed up, for instance, the Snarbolax shooting spikes while it was stunned, attacking while stunned, or moving and digging at the same time. Then there's cheapshots, where enemies spawn with no warning and hit you nigh instantaneously. In one of the snarbolax encounters, it immediately shot spikes at us and dug at the same time the moment we stepped on the party button. The lag does NOT help this. Then there's the cramped rooms that only abuse the lag MORE-you're supposed to dodge an Alpha Wolver by running back, right? Well, there's nowhere to run TO. You can't just shieldbump them because of how many enemies there are, and shielding won't work because you'll null two bites with a piercing shield but the last will break it, dealing major damage even with 5* Piercing defense. In a group which you're supposed to be in, you can't flinch them unless EVERYONE is attacking one, and at that point you're getting hit by the turrets or the Skellies.
As it is now, the only actually fun level for me was the Unknown Passage. While it still suffered from the same thing the other levels did, overfilling the screen with enemies and not giving anything a clear test of skill, it was interesting and innovative. The only gripe I have is the incapability to manage the shadowfield generator-thing and constantly deal with the enemies at the same time, in the final area; in text, that might sound fun and challenging, but it practically forces you to a small portion of the room and thus gives you yet another monsters-overfilling-screen, nothing-you-can-do-but-left-click scenario.
It was a good attempt, OOO, but there's just too many flaws in the levels and the enemies that ruin it all and make this a waste of CE (Lets not forget ressing), and a piece of artificial difficulty trash. I heavily regret getting a key now and I advise other players not to get keys unless you want to deal with something that isn't a testament to skill but a tedious, frustrating waste of time for the gear you can get (which, as it stands, isn't worth it except for a couple sets).
TL;DR- I honestly was expecting something more impressive, given the immense cost and the weakness of the gear. Ended up getting something more among the lines of an extremely long arena.
EDIT: I understand that lag is an issue in every part of the game, not just the Shadow Lair levels; it's just more prevalent in the Shadow Lairs given the cramped spaces, excessive amounts of enemies, cheapshots, and minimal room for error.
I know a guild member that bought a pack to get shadow keys. I wonder if there are others to provide more ce supply, but I didn't expect a few people to buy ce to get shadow keys. I thought there would be more demand by events such as these indicated by the price as some would say. Those aren't the only determinants I guess, but man the long run is way too far off.
Sometimes the prices make me anxious of what I'll see in the future. But at any rate, I knew the shadow keys were coming, but I didn't know it was today. I'm kicking myself for not selling the divine veil to the vender to get over 400 ce, around 600 ce, but now I will get less than that. Well it's what I get for waiting around for someone to buy it at more than that which would've been a little under the average price. -_-
For those of you who didn't pay attention to the Patch Notes, Shadow Keys being sold by Boost is a limited time offer.
Yeah, once Hallowe'en is over, they'll be stuck back in those bloody lockboxes again. Buy while you can.
Not particularly happy about their approach, but you might see me hopping on to the bandwagon for this one.
Damn you, Three Rings...
I hate to give people ideas, but if you have the CE to bank into this, I'd probably throw a few thousand into shadow keys. If they go back to lockboxes, you can sell em for a profit hopefully [and if not at least you can keep the prices low for awhile :P]
I might actually spend my first bit of money in the game just to get myself a shadow key. It wont technically be my money, though it is, because it is money i made from selling tf2 stuff. Gotta love business.
1500CE is a little too prohibitive for us 4*s... But hey, I am still not and endgame player, so I suppose why I am not "allowed" to run them Shadow Lairs, haha. I still have got to craft at least one or more 5* weapons... and it may not be wise to go to SLairs in 4* armor. Plus the 800CE of crafting the armor, plus the revive cost... too expensive still for us. Oh, well, vets, enjoy your new outfits xD
I strongly recommend not going into the Shadow Lairs in 4* gear, that would be a slaughter fest. Even in full 5* with Elite trinkets it is easy to die. On the test servers I ran it about 5 times in optimal gear before I could get through with less than three deaths, and that was almost entirely lag free. The first try I died 11-12 times I think, thank goodness for unlimited mist.
Once you get to your 5* loadout, you don't need to spend so much CR/CE on gear that money can instead go toward things like the Shadow Lairs. Since I rarely buy anything any more, I can use my mist every day to make 10-15k CR, so in just two days of saving I could afford my quarter share of the Shadow Key from Boost. That is pretty reasonable. If I wanted to try the crazy challenge of soloing the boss I would just have to save up for just a week. Compare that to the prior AH prices where a solo venture was the equivalent of 1-2 months of earnings.
It's a good bandaid, more people will get to see the content they worked hard on. A bit steep for soloers especially considering the risk they'd be taking even going there solo, and of course only temporary but HOPEFULLY this will result in many more people buying up keys and enjoying the content, showing OOO that an expensive gamble isnt the way to go and they need something else to make lockboxes worth opening
I do still think a permanent key would be the way to go however (with a high CE cost, of course..maybe some mats thrown in for flavour ;))
Could've been worse, but yes, I still agree with you.