I'm wondering if the Wiki is off or something, the Vog cub looks obviously superior and that just seems silly. Is there more to the Skolver Coat?
Skolver v Vog Cub?
Skolver is useless now that it has no elemental defense.
they should really change it, however crafting is similar or same as Skiolver needs 2 warp dusts while Vog cub only needs 1. ( blaze pepper and warp dust are both 4* mats)
They both look like something furries wear.
Aka 75% of the server, apparently.
It's possible to like fur lined coats and not be a furry you know. It helps that it's one of the cooler armours in the game. That aside, I see more people in magic hoods and angelic raiments, so does that mean everyone's trying to be Tyriel from Diablo?
Back on topic, I agree, the Vog cub set seems superior. Though one wonders how much the speed increase helps faster weapons. The damage of the Skolver set might be better for quicker weapons.
Well using my setup I much prefer the Skolver. With a UV attack speed Avenger and Swiftstrike that gives me very high attack speed, and Skolver gives me very high damage. Seems to work out well.
But the Skolver is shinier.. :(
Swifstrike is useless in Tier 3 compared to something that can.. y'know.. block.
Swiftstrike, much as I love it, has started breaking for me on the last two levels of Tier II, where things get much meaner.
Skolver is good spring colors, but Vog Cub seems fashionable in any Tier and any season.
Yes I realize it doesn't really look like something furries would wear.
Just annoying seeing everyone in the same thing. Skelly set needs love too.
Yeah... I made it too popular with my youtube videos. Sorry about that.
Sorry but if you have to overly rely on blocking then don't use the swiftstrike. Having an UV swiftstrike still holds its own quite well.
... Lol. It's okay that you don't know me.
Swifstrike can't block Vanaduke's mace or a Trojan's smash, or often enough, a Slag's fire breath or wak, which can, sometimes and very often in the Citadel, be totally unavoidable. And suddenly you're out your entire health if you can't even block it.
You can't repel a trojan or a pile of zombies with a Swiftstrike, either, so you're gonna get cornered, too.
Sorta off topic but I've been using a plate shield. That alright or should I look for something else?
Use any shield that fits your play style, they all work just fine.
@Magnus As I stated it is an UV Swiftstrike. I can easily stop a Trojan as well as zombies. Plus, that attack speed does in fact allow you to shield faster with a slower weapon.
It's alright. It'll definitely hold up against more than most, but it's nothing special. Kinda like Omega Shell. But at least it gets status resistances.
for looks, skolver.
for stats, vog.
Especially because vog has fire resist, and Vanaduke's castle has plenty of fire.
however, vog is harder to craft, as it requires the elusive enough flame soul.
Yes I realize it doesn't really look like something furries would wear.
Just annoying seeing everyone in the same thing. Skelly set needs love too.
Well I won't say furries wouldn't wear it. Just, it's a poor measuring stick to say all the people who wear the armour are furries.
I'd rock the skelly set though if it wasn't so weak to fire. Because, you know, I seem to find fire enemies a lot. And fire hurts. x.x

Skolver Coat + Gunslinger Hat = Big Pimpin'
They both look like something furries wear.
Aka 75% of the server, apparently.
Differences edited in:
Skolver coat: 2 bars ice resistance, no elemental protection, sword damage increase, only needs primal ore
Vog cub: 3 bars fire resistance, elemental protection, sword speed increase (not damage), needs both blaze pepper and flame soul to craft along with the regular mats for both.
Vog is harder to find/make. Yes, it's better pretty much.