**All Proto Movies are now done with the completion of Royal Jelly**
UVs and Gear Strength affect success alot in this game, although gear obstacles can be overcome. I can say this, but there is far more credibility in showing this.
All of these are done without Unique Variants, without trinkets, and done alone. Gear is shown in all videos.
**Update** This video will be my last in the Proto and Wolver series. Ending it with a bang.
Snarbolax (0*) - Full default gear
Snarbolax (2*) 40 seconds
Roarmulus Twins (0*) - Full default gear
Trailer - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvfAorJox-Y
Movie - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXPHu7nZ4Fo
Roarmulus Twins (2*)
Classic Royal Jelly (2*)
Post Shadow Patch Royal Jelly (2*)
Royal Jelly (0*) - Full default gear
Trailer - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoC1kVIMZY8
Movie - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJ0rHWiqvt4
You, sir, have a great deal of skill and patience.