Hello. I'm new here! ^o^ You can call me Miku.
Looks like I've found another cool game.
Every new player is required to send an email to Threering requesting Spookat plushies and SK desk toys.
This needs to be in the new recruits section.
do you do anything other than correct people? at LEAST explain how if they're new dude.
welcome to the game Miku, make sure to get in the habit of shielding early, and you should be fine.
Before I forget, send me daily tribute of 100 crowns or I won't do anything to hurt you.
I mean it, I will not hurt you if you don't pay me.
Welcome to SpiralKnights you can ask me anything you wanna know about this beautiful game. :D
Did you base your name on the Crypton character, Hatsune Miku (or Miku Hatsune)?....Well, welcome to Spiral Knights Miku! Just be careful, its a competition out there
Welcome to Spiral Knights. Enjoy your stay, and see you around in-game!
The name's Hatsune Miku, yes. Just remember that in Japan, you read names as surname-first name.
It's a cool game, but might wanna leave the forums, or at least avoid any thread that says
"nerf", "blame", "OOO", and "CE"
I know that Hatsune Miku is spelled in that order but there has been dispute whether her name goes this way or that but I go by Hatsune Miku
Also, I always wondered why they say the surname first then the first name? Like in Bleach its Kurosaki Ichigo....
Welcome to the game, dont fret everyones nice, but alittle cranky at time. but like they said,
1. stay away from forums that talk about the following
a. CE
b. mist
c. OOO
d. Rant
e. Blame
f. Nerf
h. anything else that looks like it complaining.
2. Do go to the wiki and search around at wepons and armor for the set(s) you want.
3. Play around in general talk with us!
4. Keep it clean (language)
5. Have fun!!!!!!
Add me if you want i like new people!! IGN: Vanillateddy
"d. Rant"
"e. Blame"
"h. anything else that looks like it complaining."
no, no, no. go to threads that are about all of these things!. they can be very entertaining at times! =D
srry, couldn't resist. but u should. well, maybe not. =P
First rule: Know that King Tinkinzar is the creator of the Clockworks therefore he has control over you.
Most important rule: IF YOU SPEND MONEY MAKE SURE YOU DON'T REGRET IT. I only suggest ever spending money when you're well into the game and need CE to craft 5 star items. That's it.
Don't let the CE system pressure you into buying CE to keep playing; it gets progressively easier to have sustainable playtime.
Also: make sure you keep your mindset out of any type of gambling complex. It's bad news.
I agree with Agrimony
and if your having any problem deciding on which equipment to use, ask us.
"Also, I always wondered why they say the surname first then the first name? Like in Bleach its Kurosaki Ichigo...."
Because in Asian cultures (e.g. China, Japan, Korea), traditionally people put more value in family than the Western cultures.
Family is important; members of the family stick together; family comes first. In the West people worship gods; in the East people worship ancestors along with gods. In the West parents kick their kids out of their basements when they finish college; in the East people live in the same ancestral house with their parents, grandparents and great grandparents.
"In many cultures (notably Euro-American, Middle Eastern, South Asian, and most African) the family name is normally the last part of a person's name. In other cultures, the family name comes first. The latter is often called the Eastern order because Europeans are most familiar with the examples from East Asia, specifically China, Korea, Japan and Vietnam. The Eastern order is also used in Hungary and in parts of Africa. Since family names are normally given last in European societies (except in Hungary), the term last name is commonly used for family name."
Spookat plushies and SK desk toys.
I think our nuclear family model is a miserable failure; knowledge regarding how to be a parent is too easily lost this way. It's also pretty sad that so many people pay lots of money to put children in day care facilities and elderly in assisted living facilities when they could both benefit greatly from living together, and that the worst domestic abuse thrives on psychological isolation from other people- kinda hard to establish if you're living with a big extended family. :D I hated day care, but always liked to hang out with my cousins at my Grandparents' house. Perhaps more importantly, for most of us a rest home sounds like a horrible place to end our lives.
/angry rant
Anyway, welcome to Spiral Knights. If you have any trouble finding what information you want on the wiki, you can ask on the forums. +1 re: Agrimony's advice: if you are going to spend money you should wait until you know how to best use it, and be advised that all the gambling things are just for people who have run out of more cost-effective things to spend crowns and energy on. I strongly recommend bookmarking the wiki, this is an RTFM game with lots of ways to waste money fast if you don't do your homework first.
thx Evilnut, I see you really did your research and now I know why. But back to the thread's initial topic, Miku I hope you enjoy SK its really fun :D
I'm glad you found the game. Tis wicked fun.
You may have figured this out by now, but run the Tier 1 gate holding the lair of Snarbolax. Get your tokens and sell them to token vendor in town for 3 pieces of cool gear.
And like Birgus said, The SK wiki is where its at.
Here is a helful post via Eurydice:
That is all.
I sent you a message in game. I don't know if you it went through or not.
nah I kid. Welcome to Spiral Knights.