I do not know how rare it is, but I have spotted a mewkat in the fiend stratum tier 3

pictures and videos to be posted soon.

http://youtu.be/clxW8BdpQTg - the first video
Second to be added soon

I've heard of Mewkats, and over the past few weeks I've seen maybe 5 of these little ghost Kat things, but I never made the connection. Thanks for educating me, anyway. :)

Seems they are popping up a lot recently from what I have heard. A guildmate mentioned that he also saw one recently. And I have been hearing more and more people saying they have seen them, or been seeing them recently.

Oh man I havn't seen a mewkat in months.

I've seen more than a few of them. I like farming Scarlet Hall and Cravat Hall though, and you have a good chance of seeing them there. A couple weeks ago I saw another Mewkat, a Sloom, and an impostacube in 2 days. Not to mention the stone jellies popping up all the time now.
Haven't seen a love puppy in a while tho :(

I wish I could see this kat. :S I would just afk next to it and let my real cat flip out while it meows.

I never seen a sloom. It is the only rare one I have left to see.
Seen a stone jelly thingy, Love puppy a few times, impostocube 4-5 times, a mewkat today. I think the only thing left is a sloom.

A sudden increase in Mewkats? Not good

I havent seen that movie in years. OMG how I miss it. And yea, the sudden increase is not good because the rarity on them decreases now. Im gonna send an email to OOO and ask them if it is normal, or if they are raising the chances of mewkat appearances for the halloween event on purpose.

I havent seen that movie in years. OMG how I miss it. And yea, the sudden increase is not good because the rarity on them decreases now. Im gonna send an email to OOO and ask them if it is normal, or if they are raising the chances of mewkat appearances for the halloween event on purpose.

I've seen it before. Unfortunately I was with a number of new players (a noobpocolypse as I like to say) who didn't wait to listen to me, and proptly killed it before i could take a screenshot. This was in the Snarby levels, depth 5 ~ when all those spookats spawn the the lowest part of the map.

I thought Slooms were extinct. Guess I haven't come across all the rare monsters after all.

You've also yet to see a Soul Jelly if you count that as a rare encounter. Seeing as how they don't spawn in typical mobs, I'd consider it rare.
Which is why I'm posting here, because on my previous run, I saw not one, but TWO soul jellies spawn. Normally I'd just be like "hey cool", but they were both not only within the same level, but also within the same room. For the record, this was D12 of the Copper Rook Gate (current Jelly King gate, lol). After another guildie joined, we decided to escort them through the entire level and took them for a nice walk through Totem Trouble. :3
...Then we killed them since we figured they'd be lonely in a poison-infested city.
Pic of the Two Soul Jellies:
I didn't know they were that rare until now, but seeing as how I hadn't seen one before until today and thought it was a Sloom when I first saw it, I'd have to say they've got to be somewhat rare. I've also got some nice information to submit to the Wiki table about them from it, so yeah. ^_^

The soul jelly is the only one I haven't seen =[
Saw a sloom last week, came out of an animal cage on one of the jigsaw valley levels. Seen probably 5 or 6 impostocubes, 1 mewcat, and 7 or 8 love puppies (none of which dropped a trinket)...

Slooms are not rare monsters, technically. They were part of the Starlight Cradle levels and were the primary enemy there. Because sleep is overpowered as hell, I guess they took the levels out to rebalance it.
Two Soul Jellies at once? My god, something has gone horribly wrong.

I was down in one of the Scarlet Fortress levels (the one with all the little rooms with Spookats and keys), and not one but TWO Mewkats appeared on separate occasions! Not only that, but Impostocube appeared as well! The guy I was with was flipping out, having only read about them and never seen them before.
Funny, I saw one today also. The stupid kat walked into an exploding box that was a long ways from it when it started counting down. So, apparently, mewkats are sword users.