If someone has done this and can explain to me how this works that would be awesome. If I happen to get lucky enough to get through the snarby shadow lair, after you get the items to make the snarby coat, how does this work? I mean there is only one place you can craft this item correct? So, you need to already have the ash tail coat leveled up to 10 in your inventory as that is one of the required items? Meaning if I didn't have that ash tail already leveled up I would have to go back again and that would of course cost another key? Just trying to understand how it works. Thanks for you help.
Question about the shadow lairs

Yes, thank you for explaining it. A few more questions... I assume that the crown and energy cost are the same as the regular 5* gear, correct?
Also, the crafting machine isn't limited to the theme of the level is it? It's not like the machine at the end of the Snarbolax lair will craft only the Snarbolax gear, right? So technically if you had enough crowns, energy, materials, and gear you could craft everything on one go.

- Also, the crafting machine isn't limited to the theme of the level is it? It's not like the machine at the end of the Snarbolax lair will craft only the Snarbolax gear, right? So technically if you had enough crowns, energy, materials, and gear you could craft everything on one go.
Yeah, that's correct. Every sanctuary machine should have every recipe for the shadow lair gear, so if you did manage to get enough crowns, energy, and materials for every craft, then you could craft every set if you wanted too. =P

Only get 1 of the new mats, they corrospond with bosses(EX: vana gives maiden tears,ice queen its celestial ore, the roarm twins give some gremlin thing dont remember...., and snarby gives nightmare mane) so unless you buy from AH the only other way to get them is by beating the bosses... and to beat the shadow bosses you have to do them in this order snarby twins>ice queen or giant red rovers(dont know their name lol)> darkfire vanaduke. Also, it is the same cost as any other 5 star armor and helm, you just need that rare mat to craft it.

Yeah so thats important too^^^

Do sum experience tremendous lag in the Shadow Lairs?
Just thought I'd poke and ask about it since not just me but a few do whenever we go in lol

@Godzy, I had some MASSIVE lag to begin with at the shadow lair, but once I refreshed my client, it was all good. Like, ctrl alt delete, process, then I killed java.exe or something, aaand then I reopened the game, and I wasn't kicked from the game :u
there are 3 tiers of shadow lairs
similar to the original 3 tiers..
there is a machine at the end of the levels that will let you craft any of the new armors
each new armor, requires a level 10 4* armor and 1 of the special new 5* material + some other common materials
the 5* materials are guaranteed to drop 1 per boss.
so to get the full set of any the snarby armor you have to run it at least twice.
(unless of course you buy the special 5* material from someone who has run it before)
so, if you don't have all that is required to make the item you want, you will have to come back again.
that being said, you can make as many items as you want, given you have the materials to make them.