While players are getting more training, It's getting harder and harder for me to estimate where the "lowping striker guys" really are. I guess some of them have a lot of experience by now when it comes to avoiding the "obvious" attacks that I used to be able to predict & react to before I saw them... and also are pretty good at avoiding giving me the "half second opening" that I need to land a hit myself (in situations where I can't predict).
So... any of you guys have some videos around that shows what you're actually doing? All I know is that good strikers can now practically finish me off easily if I let them enter the screen without me managing to inflict a status effect immediately. Flourish attacks practically register when the other player enters the screen, DA/GF when they're about half a screen away. Can't really see where the attacks are coming from... I think my sword timing is fine most of the time, but I hit only about 30% of the time, so I'd guess you're somehow circling around a bit during that last half second, attacking from the right or left side?
Would be great if anyone's willing to show of some videos and/or explain how they react in situations like that, thx!
A player with a good internet connection will always have an advantage over one that has a slow internet connection. But there are some things you can do to compensate for a bad connection.
- Predict your opponents movements. This is the best way to counter lag. This is not always easy if your opponent is moving unpredictably, but a lot of opponents will attack the same way multiple times. Figure out their attack pattern and move out of the way before they get there. If you can, counterattack before they attack. This takes some skill, but can be done.
- Keep moving. You should never stand still. This works when you have low ping, but it's essential when you have high ping.
- Pick a fast sword and occasionally attack in the direction of your opponent. Sometimes a hit will land, even though they are 10 or so feet away.
- Always shield cancel when wielding a sword. Be very, VERY careful about unloading the second swing of your sword.
- When on a point, anticipate when a striker will show up and start dodging early. A good striker will arrive at your location about the time you've taken the point half way to grey. They will usually arrive from the bottom or the right hand side of the screen. If they don't show up early, then they will show up after the point turns grey.
- Use bombs against strikers. Do not start to charge up your bomb when the striker arrives. Begin to lay your cover early (before the enemies show up.) When the enemies arrive they will be treated to a nasty surprise.
- Treat everyone as an enemy until proven otherwise. Dodge, Attack, then think later. You do not have time to determine who's friendly when you have lag.