well i rly dont know where this thread should be so anyways, how much ce is it? and like in general and not like #29 is 50 #28 is 40 :P
how many ce is a mann co crate from tf2?
TF2's Mann Co. Crates require a cashmonies item that costs about $2.50 to open.
Spiral Knights's Iron Lockboxes require a cashmonies item that costs about $2.50 to open.
Players of either community don't seem very intent on opening most of the openable items despite the opener items costing the same. Therefore I think it's fair to say 1 Mann Co. Crate = 1 Iron Lockbox. That's about 15-25 ce at current exchange rates. The problem is finding someone who would prefer gambling in TF2 rather than in SK.
You get 4 - 8 crates for one scrap, so more like 2CE
If you ask around a bit you may get one for free.
I'm the one who can give you one for free :P Seriously, they're valueless, just like lockboxes
Honestly, it just depends on what people will sell them for, and that is based on their need for it.
If you have a really good crate and a key, then obviously you're going to sell the crate at a higher price than somebody with the same crate only (if you actually sell the crate, that is).
Personally, just because I want to make profit and get rid of them, I'd sell 'em for 10 CE a piece.
Unless it's crate #30 (or was it 31?) which is worth a lot.
Guaranteed Unique Item
Rare find
Mann. Co. Crate:
Most of the time worthless item, good items are worth less than keys
You would have to pay someone CE for them to take a crate off you for free. Now let's go murder Saxton Hale.
well i got like #27 #29 #31 #32 :P
Probably, the market wants them though, don't ask me why.
It's because they're new.
Well, to be more accurate, it's because the stranges within them are new. If there are a bajillion strange bonesaws, getting another strange bonesaw is a net loss. But if the new crate has a chance to have an S. Ubersaw in it, and there aren't very many floating around, the ones that do exist can be sold for more. Unboxing a crate in tf2 gives you one of two results - you get something worth more than a key, or you don't. Some crates are higher-priced because they have a higher ratio of former:latter than others do (for instance, #1 series crates are worth way more than other crates, as are crates that dropped for shorter periods of time or at lower frequencies than the general mean).
The demand on strange items is much greater than the demand on accessorys, as the demand on unusuals is much greater than the demand on shadow keys (especially now, not that this is a bad thing. This is a good thing; unusuals are fugly hats, shadow keys are more content), even when you factor in the fact that the drop rate for shadow keys is 3% and that the drop rate for unusuals is 1%. (1 shadow key = 1.5K CE; 1 unusual = 1.5-30 buds = 12000 ce-240,000 CE)
However, lockboxes can be sold directly and for slightly more than crates, due to their nature of dropping somewhat rarely. I'm disappointed that I found 1 of them, they need a lesser chance of dropping from prize wheels IMO.
Its $3 or 750CE for a key..... the rest is math.