Hey guys Im i'm trying to get four star stuff cause i'm tired of T2. I already bought the vile striker, what other 4 star stuff would u recommend?
Best 4 star stuff

What do you plan to do in T3? Are you planning for FSC, or just running T3 in general? It's probably best to get a few pieces of armor for different situations (shadow def for fiends, elemental def for constructs, etc).
Also, what gear do you have now? It's probably easier to upgrade your current gear than to start new lines.
Why cobalt? Wouldn't ashtail/sunset be better? It has the pierce protection, and it has sword/gun bonuses.

@flists I will mostly be running in general I was thinking of getting ash tail armor and helmet cause i really like that line.

Which 4-star stuff is best? Answer: The 4-star stuff that leads to the best 5-star stuff. In other words, expert players think in terms of 5-star equipment, because that's where everything ends up.
Read the wiki page on Damage. This is the single most important aspect of the rules of Spiral Knights to understand. Learn the resistances and vulnerabilities of the six monster families. Learn what kind of damage they deal. Understand the difference between damage and status effects. Once you understand damage and status, they affect your equipment planning dramatically.
If you're into swords, then get a piercing sword, an elemental sword, and a shadow sword. If you're into guns, then get a piercing gun, an elemental gun, and a shadow gun. Bombs are more idiosyncratic, so the same advice doesn't quite work. Get a general-purpose set of armor first (e.g. Divine Veil with Skolver Coat), and then get additional pieces to build specialized sets of armor.
Do not upgrade your Vile Striker. To give you any more specific advice, we need to know:
- How many weapon slots do you use at a time?
- Do you prefer swords, guns, bombs, or a mix? A mix of which?
- What are your interests? Playing Tier 3 without spending real money? Farming FSC? Occasionally farming the Royal Jelly Palace? Lockdown?
- What weapons and armor do you have so far (so that we can try to build off them)?

Damastaa, why do you like the Ash Tail line? Because of its looks? Because of a little damage bonus? Does this mean that you're primarily into swords? If you want us to help you, then please give us more information, and explain more.

Like it cause of the looks and I am into swords, guns have less damage, bombs need to be charged to use it so I like swords

Okay, so you use only swords. And how many weapon slots do you use at a time? And what weapons and armor do you have now (if you want us to build off it)? Throw me a bone here.

And I have the dusker armor I have two swords One u already know and the other is the night blade.

Okay, here's the summary. You have Dusker Coat and Cap. We still don't know your shield. You use swords all the time --- no guns or bombs. You have Vile Striker and Nightblade. Now we can give you decent advice.
Upgrade your Nightblade to Acheron. Get a piercing sword --- either Final Flourish or Barbarous Thorn Blade. Get an elemental sword --- either Glacius, Combuster, Voltedge, or Divine Avenger (or Fang of Vog). Then you will have your three swords. Forget about the Vile Striker, even though it's fun.
Upgrade your armor to one piece of Vog Cub and then one piece of Skolver, in that order. Then you have a somewhat general-purpose set; the only protection you lack is shadow (and lots of statuses). Then you get more Vog Cub and Skolver, to form specialized sets. For a shield, the (deservedly) popular choices are Grey Owlite Shield and Barbarous Thorn Shield.
Note: Because you have only two weapon slots, you equip only two of your three swords at a time. You decide which ones based on the gate map for the stratum that you're entering, and your knowledge of how damage works.

You're welcome. You might also want to check out the (not great) Swordsmaster's Guide on the wiki. Enjoy.

If you like damage buffs, and wanna look badass, get dusker coat and heavy demo helm. You get lots of normal, some peircing, and some elemental. Plus freeze ressists, and obviously sword and bomb buffs. It can all be made into volcanic as well.

I didn't read all the post :::blush:::
T3? You're gonna want a variety!
A piece of the Magic series of armor (I built a Divine Helm) will help against all damage types except piercing, I believe. I REALLY suggest Divine, which is 5* Also, the Owlite Shield. This also has a wide spectrum of protections. After that, add the other piece of gear you want, like Ash Tail. After that, start finding stuff to tailor your runs to be more effective. If you're doing T3, the money will be good enough to get 3* equipment pretty quick.
Get an Avenger. That means either Jelly King runs, or 750CE to toss at a seller for the sealed sword. It's slow, but it's really really powerful against everything non-fleshy. If you use the shield-cancel technique, your DPS ends up high too.
Guns at T3 are the difference between being a leader and being baggage. You will not make it through gunpuppy enbankments without one. The shoot waaaaay too many bullets to get in on them with a charged sword attack. Another reason to get an Avenger; makes a pretty good gun too.
have a piercing sword, an elemental sword (brandish other than Nightblade, Avenger) and a normal sword (Calibur) Switch them out when you need them. Your other weapon should be a gun like a blaster or a pulsar until you get your bearings with level monsters. You get 3 shots, move and fire, push back, decent damage.

End-game stuff, I recommend Skolver, Divine, GOS, Barb Thorn Shield, DA, BTB, GF, Shivermist, Polaris, two elite quick strike trinkets. You'll also want to get COA once you've farmed Duke enough. That gear is enough to get you through all current end-game content.
As for DVS, I own it myself, and I enjoy bringing it with me for solo duke since it makes phases 1, 2, and 4 EXTREMELY fast. It was essential for easy solo JK prior to owning a FoV but now the new JK is much more strategy based and you can get through it without just bum rushing him. It is useful for Darkfire Vanaduke as well, as it annihilates the Swarm Seed and you will maul his mask phases which are the biggest pain of the fight. However, it isn't required, so until your core set is complete, you should pass on it.
By the way, your first 5* item really ought to be DA. It is basically the most important thing you can acquire. Polaris is probably your second highest priority, then getting your elite quick strike trinkets.

I'm just wondering, why do people like polaris so much? I have a gigawatt and it's a nice gun, but the damage is surpassed by others, and the knockback can be useful, but also annoying.

@Flists the range is good, and the expanded shots interrupt gun puppies. If you spam a gun puppy, it basically won't be able to attack at all.
The knockback is also good for holding back waves of zombies in narrow hallways. (I can't possibly imagine what popular set of levels has narrow hallways filled with waves of zombies...)
Just don't spam it at lumbers when you're with a group.
not the Vile Striker :) It's all right, I guess, but you'll soon put it in the back room of neglected gear.
My suggestions are:
A 4* piece of cobalt for piercing protection. Also, no hunting for the recipe.
A piece of Ash tail for sword damage.
Run Snarbolax a couple times and get the shield, then get it up to 4. It's a great shield.
A Calibur of 4*. A really great sword.
A pointy sword, preferably the Snarbolax one. Good for gremlins, fiends, and beasts.
A Pulsar gun. IMO the best gun in the game.
A fiery Atomizer, preferably with CTR medium on it. If you like bombs, get a piece of heavy demo and pair it with the ash tail. A Fiery bomb will kill most of the JK run areas with simple kiting.
Now go kill Jelly King a bunch of times and get two Sealed Swards and make an Avenger and Faust.