OOO might make some moolah off of the CE sale, so prehaps the could use it to set up some adds to attract more players? It's awkward knowing that over 50% of T1 lockdown players are over T1. Then again, that's becuase most good gear starts at two star.
Our noob supply is running low.

Well SK isn't drawing in that many new players, because it isn't very beginner friendly. I mean, sure it is easy, but when you first start playing a game, you feel like you should be able to keep playing. But it isn't so. Perhaps if SK had a free 10 day trial period where elevator costs for T1 were free... I don't know what it would do the game economy but that's how they'd need to bring new players in. The only reason I managed to get past T1 was that I dominated in bomberman so hard I could finance some 3* armor, and from there I could start doing RJP runs which let me play continuously.

Maby they could have the gate costs relative to tier like..
T1 lift 3ce
T2 lift 6ce
T3 lift 10ce

Sk needs to draw in players. The real thing to save the noobs would be to give them better NPC guides. I constantly saw noobs spam-revive when I was searching for the pumpkin king. Plus, not many of them know how to play pvp, or even join it.
@Luke Wtf would you do with 3 CE? Lol.

I have to debat your post. The trial period is the fact that one never has to pay to play.
There is a learning curve, as in all games of skill. Thats half the fun. Unlocking knowledge, then utilizing the knowledge to win is a formula for fun.
I would also like to see an increase in player base. Players equal more fun, more community.
Besides, I am curious how many more caliburs i can sell.

@Luke Wtf would you do with 3 CE? Lol.
WTF would you do with 3000 CE? Lol. Yes this is a rhetorical question.

I gotta agree with xombie. Though one thing that really screws noobs is getting a 2* item really fast. It cuts them out of the barren wasteland of T1 PVP. Prehaps cobalt gears should start at 1*? The armor could link to spiral scale mail. I dunno, but I die a little inside when I see a complete proto guy with a calibur in T2 pvp get mauled by duskers with twisted snarble barbs.

Replenish the noob population or we will all starve.

Yarg! Jim-Dale -
Seasoned brain's not nearly as tasty as that of the unwitting.

@Orangeo I think a lot of the "calibur + proto gear" players are actually higher tier players that only have one or two low tier items left over, and don't want to play T3 lockdown. My LD loadout was a bit of a mess at first since most of my good gear was already levelled up to 4* when it came out. Took a few days of grinding to buy some 3* stuff again.
I don't think it's too hard to have fun in T1 lockdown with just proto gear. It's not nearly as dire as showing up in T3 with nothing but 4* gear. The biggest problem with T1 lockdown is that nobody plays T1 lockdown.
@Jim-Dale I'll bring the fava beans if you bring the chianti.

@ people saying people aren't joining because it isn't beginner friendly enough - sure it is. The problem is those beginners play for like an hour or two and then the game tells them to quit. If they could play tier 1 nearly endlessly for the first 10 days before they needed to worrying about acquiring more CE if they want to play beyond their daily allotted, it would draw a lot more interest in.

But anyone who didn't know how spiral knights worked wouldnt understand how helpful that would be. "free for 10 days" would sound like you only got 10 days until you had to pay-to-play. Plus, you can get to teir 2 really fast. Two of my freinds each did it in two days with no donations from anyone.

There is that.
The beginner area is half price and is good instructional toward the mechanics of the game. The rest is just net savvy and zeal for a good game. Multi Massive Hack N Slash.
A lot of F2P gamers play a game for a moment then move on. It's the beauty of the product from an end user standpoint. I check out new F2P games weekly never to go back. I believe its why we see so many random players in Havens weekend after weekend. May help one person out just to never see them again. Even if its simpy a snarby run to teach them about tokens.
This game has just enough MMO mixed with retro arcade battle to keep me with it.
I stared playing after seeing an article on Yahoo. I saw an article in a game magizine I subcribe to recently about the "f2p revolution" or similar. It was all those FB games. I was saddened that SK was not there. I rarely see SK on net lists of F2P either.
I am rooting for the SK PR team.
Here is an old SK promo video which was recelent reposted on the Espanol forum. I love the way the little knights slide in from the edge of the screen from time to time:
Where are our Golden Trojans and crazy bomb puzzle maps ?

Yhea, I got on here from a youtube Ad. We need more noob, that don't teirjump with one teir two item.

Blast network.
I pwn newbs every day there. Granted, I meet equals and a few who can best me, but there are always newbs to BN.
Anyway, I agree. This game needs some new players. When I joined, Blue Shards sold for 200cr and Swordstone for 900cr on the AH. I would enjoy the nostalgia.

I (bunnies!) hate you people.Learn what the words mean before using them.
GM Edit: Language. If it is filtered in the game, do not use it on the forums.

I can think of a few reasons..
1) I believe the CE mechanics have always been and continue to be the biggest turn-off for new players. Being told pay up after only playing for an hour or two is very jarring, even for an F2P. I have no doubt this is intentional; the whole game is structured around getting you to use as much CE as you feel comfortable buying (with cash or crowns, it's all real money in the end) and the game mechanics actively push people out fast and early who don't/won't participate.
2) Especially given its simple graphics, this game runs very poorly. Non-steam users can at least tweak the JVM, but steam users and normal people are stuck dealing with constant hitches and long load times, and its a huge turn-off to anyone who has anything resembling a decent PC.
3) This game's gotten a lot of bad press. It's a fun game, we all play it. But go to any review site and you'll see the two above points (mainly the first, sometimes the second if they actually played more than hour) repeated over, and over, and over, and over again.

Retort in disscussion with yer post @ Aljevoias.
1. CE is free if one crafts, sells, and uses crowns to buy CE from ppl who pay. Ye must find some manipulation on the market.
Feeling "jarring" to "pay" or more realistically, shunted into waiting a bit for more mist is a measure of patience. If you want all of it NAO, go play a subscriber game. Or send yer paypal to SK. Free or pay. Your choice.
2. Ok this could be several measures. A. Are other ppl in yer house running net gigs whislt you play? Are you current with yer systems ops updated? How much bloatware is huffing yer system resources: consider all the programs that load when you boot. Java client? Drivers for your video card? Are you wireless or running a matrix hardwire? There are many factors considering latency vs. lag vs. straight server skating. I suggest more research if you would really like to capitalize yer SK experience.
3. I have only seen one article with bad press considering this game. I and I truly do not believe the author played the game for more than one day. F2P players do that constantly. Yet, I would love for you to post your findings considering this Aljevoias.
Food for thought
p.s. @Nethereal don't stroke, bro.

Did I read the phrase "No grinding" flash in that video? Ahem.

It's awkward knowing that over 50% of T1 lockdown players are over T1.
He says, as we face a ton of proto nubs in yesterday's Lockdown spree.
One-sided matches much D:

1. CE is free if one crafts, sells, and uses crowns to buy CE from ppl who pay. Ye must find some manipulation on the market.
There are lots of problems with this...
First, new players have neither the knowledge, nor the resources to craft or manipulate the market. The game does a horrible job of explaining to new players that they need to trade crowns for energy. Most of the time, new players first learn about energy by being hit with a "you can't go down the elevator" message where they have a matter of seconds to try and make their choice. The game doesn't even make it easy for them to use a mist take in this situation, how hard can it be to add a "use your mist tank" button along with the "return to haven" and "buy/trade energy" buttons?
The payment method that OOO uses is unusual, and SK does a very bad job of educating new players. They are much more likely to spend their crowns on a weapon (that they don't need, proto gear is good for T1) than to spend it on more energy needed to play the game (which they won't know they need, until the elevator).
Second, crafting, selling recipes and selling mats above vendor prices is only possibly because the fast majority of players don't do it. If you do these things, it isn't hard to see how low the volume of sales is and how few player are needed to saturate the market. Saying that new players should just craft/sell/manipulate the market as a solution is deeply flawed. Any "solution" that requires the vast majority of players to not do it isn't a solution.
Third, new players usually can't earn enough crowns to buy CE on the market, especially at the current exchange rate.
Sure, once you get to T2, the energy is quite manageable, and by the time you get to T3, it is easy, but this is backwards. The game should be easiest for new players so they can get hooked, rather than being the easiest for T3 players.

Getting from T1 and T2 is a breeze: ample of cheap equipment on AH and if you want to craft it yourself, it's not too cost forbidding.
Getting from T2 to T3 presents a leap in difficulty and requires a lot more dedication. Because you need to upgrade equipment from 2* to 4*.
Alright, say the new players did make it to T3. Then when he looks into Clockworks, nothing seems out of ordinary except Vanaduke. OK, let's do Vanaduke and he has two alternatives: upgrade equipment to 5* (and hopefully he upgrades the right one) or find a guild that would carry him through FSC. But wait, my guild is not carrying me, what can I do? Let's look again. Well there is Shadow Lairs which even my guild can't handle yet!
Fine, let's try Lockdown. But how come I was listed in T3 and getting pwn'd by ultra gear players? Let's lower the difficulty and try T2, so at least I can survive for more than 1 minutes. Wait, what do you mean by "No I can't play T2?" Because I have 4* gears? I'm outta here.
Well, the problem isn't that complicated. With all the new contents being released, this T3 bottleneck needs to be average out. Perhaps make the current T3 into T4 and create a new tier in-between? Also, fix up Lockdown. This whole idea of enrolling 4* geared players in T3 and then feed them to fully 5* geared players is just plain BS. How about just create a separate tier for each level of equipment? e.g. 1-star geared players go to T1 Lockdown, 5-stars geared players go to T5 Lockdown. (And while you are at it, please give us a 5-star upgrade to Winmillion. So people who use Winmillion won't be lockout from T5 Lockdown.)
I agree with SK not being very newbie-friendly. I was lucky to have a friend to play with, but now I don't even want to play b/c I still have no idea what I'm doing and I have near-t3 gear.

Xombie... you can't say the game needs more players and then say this game isn't meant for certain people. I feel like most of the people who will play with its current entry requirements are playing it. The only reason this game managed to pull me in was because I was able to skip tier 1 and go straight to tier 2 with bomber man (I also have tons of the PVP recipes prior to learning that you could sell mod calis, I made that much money off PVP that I could finance my operations without selling mod calis).
I can't honestly recommend this game to ANY of my real life friends with the way things are set up. A game where you have to grind to get anywhere end-game, but the game limits you from playing early on. That's just a recipe for dumb.
"I truly do not believe the author played the game for more than one day."
Yeah. And that's because the game only lets them play for a limited amount of time one day. The game shouldn't expect new players to spend money - the game should welcome them in, get them to tier 2 where they can make enough money to play continuously, and then say "Hey, you know what, you can get to tier 3 faster if you spend money". That's when I started spending money, tier 2, because that's when you realize this game is actually fairly good.
"OK, let's do Vanaduke and he has two alternatives: upgrade equipment to 5* (and hopefully he upgrades the right one) or find a guild that would carry him through FSC."
My first vanaduke deathless solo was in 4* ash tail gear. Also, by the team you get to tier 3, you hardly qualify as a new player anymore.

Yes, I understand you are good. But please keep in mind majority of players are not as good as you are.

I'm just saying that your argument of what turns players away is silly. Either they get turned away early on, or they get turned away from lack of content. I haven't heard anyone say they quit because the end-game was too hard.

Why did Three Rings have to make the whole Energy system anyway l: ?
I have never seen anything like it before, and I've played quite a lot of games. Every single game, that people have tried before, have been based on playing for free. Like, the economy; Sure, if you change something in Spiral Knights, it could destroy the whole game's economy, but in .. let's say "World Of Warcraft", every single player can be as rich as they want, and it still wouldn't affect a thing. I just think that spiral knights would've had a massive playerbase if the energy system wasn't ever introduced. Oh and by the way, WoW was a bad example, considering they get money from every single player that decides to buy the game.
Just my opinion x:

Well I was just saying your counter-argument is equally silly. It's just one of those "if I can do it and you can't, it's because you suck in this game".

I think the energy system in SK is what draws me to this game in the first place. It's innovate and one of a kind.
But not to derail this thread. Being someone who has to deal with T2 players (who are usually new players) on a regular basis, what I mentioned earlier on "T3 bottleneck" is based on real life experience. So I understand some people can probably solo Vanaduke with proto gears. (Good for you.) Can you expect that level of proficiency from your average T2, new players? Answer is a firm "no".

People are not being turned away because the end-game is "too hard". I'm basically going to assume that is a fact, since I've never, ever heard that. Most people leave because they can't play enough early on, because there's a lack of content, or that the game in general is just too grindy.

It's because when they look ahead at end-game, the rewards don't justify the risk and time. When they try to find alternatives, it's full of disappointment. e.g. feeding 4-stars geared players to 5-stars geared players by default.

Why did Three Rings have to make the whole Energy system anyway l: ?
Most likely, because the cr<->CE exchange worked well for OOO's other major game, puzzle pirates. The problem is that YPP's economy was much better designed during its beta than SK's economy is right now. In YPP, you can sink the equivalent of CE on things like costumes that will never earn anything, but for the things that will earn you the equivalent of crowns, all those things can very very easily pay for themselves. You don't run into the problem of spending 10CE on elevators won't give enough crowns to buy another 10CE. You can even earn quite a few crowns without spending any CE, so puzzle pirates doesn't need the equivalent of mist because new players can never get in the situation where they can't earn crowns because they don't have energy and they can't by energy because they have no crowns.
OOO has made a really fun game with cute graphics, but they slapped on an economy that is poorly designed/thought out and the game suffers because of it. It is possible for the SK team to fix things, but it doesn't seem likely with the direction they are going. They have added lots of CE sinks, without many crown sinks, and they have added no additional mat sinks since the release. Worse, by adding big CE sinks, they come across as greedy, while crown sinks cause indirect CE sinks because the only way to fountain crowns into the game is to sink energy. OOO could accomplish equivalent CE sinks by using crown sinks and come off looking like they just want people to play the game a lot.

A friend I recently tried to get in the game kept telling me she did not like the way they game worked. I bugged her until she told me what it was about the game she disliked, and got:
\ \
(3:48 PM) Raspmeryl: It's the energy and money cost that bothers me so much, really.
(3:48 PM) Raspmeryl: "Here, buy this recipie, you can make your own junks~"
"Oh, you need this, this and this."
'kay, reasonable.
(3:49 PM) Raspmeryl: "You also need to add in money AND HALF THE ENERGY YOUR SUIT GATHERS EACH DAY "
(3:50 PM) Raspmeryl: I mean srsly.
On the open market, 50 energy=~3100 crowns or so.
(3:51 PM) Raspmeryl: To someone just starting out ,that's a LOT of money to waste on a plain item
(3:52 PM) Raspmeryl: I'M NOT DONE
(3:52 PM) Raspmeryl: They don't actually TELL YOU the energy/crown cost for crafting when you're previewing the recipie at the shop.
(3:52 PM) Raspmeryl: So you get absolutely no warning that you're gonna be hit by these retarted fees.
(3:53 PM) Raspmeryl: So yea. An item that should have cost ~1.2k to craft ends up costing...
(3:53 PM) Raspmeryl: Considering energy cost.
(3:54 PM) Raspmeryl: The worse part, above all else, is with the energy cost attached there's no way to make back the money.
\ \
And honestly, I wanted to be able to tell her she was wrong, or she was missing some trick to it or something, but there really isn't. Starting the game sucks. You have a tiny pool of energy and your only option is to run T1 which is terrible for crowns. CE prices are massive compared to when I started, too. Not to mention with the addition of unbinding fees/items remaining bound on upgrade and jacked up energy prices for crafting, it's even harder later in the game, so I can't really say "It gets better." It starts grindy and difficult and stays grindy.
I can't tell her to leech other people's recipes either, like I always used to, because why would anyone bother to buy recipes they don't need anymore, when anyone who wants to benefit from their services has to unbind their equip for over nine-thousand energy anyway?
I'd also like to say that I think one of the most attractive aspects of this game is the variety of weapons, but because everything is so bloody expensive to make and unbind now, I no longer want to experiment with different weapons for fear that I'll lose a chunk of cash in the process.
I understand that the lack of level progression in this game requires some way to draw out the process of getting equips and keep players playing, but at the same time it's such a painful process now that I wonder if it's really worth it.
Also, I actually invited 3 friends to play the game with me. 2 of them quit before they'd even played for a week, and the one above is only retrying the game because I keep bugging her to.

I think that the energy system is fine. Great even!
The problem is that nothing is told to the user about it. It was a few days before I even figured out you could even buy energy using crowns. Perhaps the first time a player tries to use energy and doesn't have enough, they should get some sort of pop-up saying "You don't have enough energy! You can buy energy using crowns or cash using the button in the bottom right!"
I think just that would help a lot.

When this game came on Steam, I joined because it claimed to be F2P. I hadn't read any reviews and no one else had referred me or even told me anything about it. After maybe 3-4 days, the depth and complexity of the game struck me, and it left an odd taste in my mouth for many days. I found it fascinating how such a game could still remain so cute, and that's why I kept playing then. As always, if I join a complicated game and find something really cool about it, I'll make plans to stay in for the long haul and try my best to achieve them. It's hurt me before, and I don't doubt it'll hurt me more, but such is life.
That said, the way I am attracted to such games is not a good indicator of how good the game actually is, and my staying often indicates that it isn't a great game at all. I'm pretty sure, though, that revealing the costs and requirements of crafting to new players will make them realize that if they want to rule this game (or even just see T3), they'll have to put in considerable time or money.

Thats the thing with a novel system.... people always think its stupid if they can't understand how it works. The way the energy system is structured is, by far, one of the better F2P payment system I've ever come across. While not nearly as developed as PP, having CE as a direct part of the economy means any player can side step the restrictions by contributing to the market system in one form or another. Players that purchase CE with cash, funds OOO and creates the basis for the economy. Those players take up the role as suppliers, trading with other players for items of interest. (or speeding through content and binge play... which doesn't contribute to the economy, unless they want vanity items. Those people simply pay to play.) Everyone is the consumer... Eventually CE fuels their activities, and they contribute back though CE/CR trades. The only real costs they have is time and effort.
Every other F2P game I've played typically involves the bait and switch grinding, or Smurf berrying* the players. These methods are designed to milk players by luring them in, creating a dependency on something for advancement, while keeping the cash values as abstract as possible. It looks like a good setup for the players, but in reality its just trying to sell you a time share condo.
I used to play a game called Rappelz (korean MMO), that used an item called a Stamina saver, doubling your XP gain for an hour. In the later parts of the game you "needed" these items to make any progress, with steadily diminishing returns the longer you played. At around lvl 60 (on a cap of 100, then 120 after) you could advance 1 level every 2 dungeon trips (the only rewarding areas associated with your level) with SS enabled, and that starts doubling every 5-7 levels. Exploration was out of the question since anything with a higher level then you got a significant combat bonus, and trade was focused primarily on cash shop or drop-only items with huge price tags attached (the game had wild inflation the longer a world server was up). Free players only had 2 options.... Either sell some high ticket drops (like pets or rare armor/weapons) to get SS, or spend hours farming for in-game currency to buy them, so they could grind in dungeons. There was also huge pressure with some players since the exp and drop rewards required a party to be within a span of 10 levels or the game would impose huge penalties to stop power leveling. Soloing often wasn't an option since overworld monsters didn't give any significant rewards aside from quests.... there was pet farming, but your base odds were so low, it could take days just to find one. I eventually gave up at lvl 105 when the cost of progress was simply too high, even if I was buying stuff out of the cash shop directly.
The point being, players aren't used to the idea of something like this being upfront. So their first reaction is to think that its a blatant ripoff since most other games try to at least hide that fact from you.
*A critical resource that can only be obtained by cash, and is exceedingly difficult or impossible to trade with other players.

just try giving new players a 500 ME booster to play around with
it would not be CE
but it would be a one-time use extra-large ME bar
sort of like a mist tank, i guess.
it probably needs a few tweaks to the idea, but i think it would work. untradeable energy that gives starting players a small boost. i like it.

@winged I wish I get that now! It only drops and doesn't come back? Won't that scare a new player? But what if Players create other accounts to send over the armor to noob accounts to make the hard armors with the free 500 energy, if they don't do that already? yes, I know you said needs a few tweaks, but how about extra mist tanks? Or maybe not... :/
The game is not noob-friendly and only gets better when T2 starts because now you know how to manage energy and you know what you want and how you'd look like. At first, there's so much it's boring. I actually don't know how to fix that. How about double energy speed to refill ME for like a week or few days? And again, how does OOO stop players from creating tool'd knights to aid other knights with energy?

We got a bleeder! It's hemorrhaging bored endgame players! Quick get 2 quarts of type Noob+ for a transfusion! Apply pressure to the wound with accessories and revamped bosses!
Ok, things are stabilizing...That was a close one. Move it to the ICU and page me if its condition changes.
All in a day's work for Kim-Dale MD
Give me noobs or give me death!
Yes, in fact you can have your noobs and pwn them too!
Noobs are like a box of chocolates, you never know what theyre going to do!
The only thing we have thats new, is noobs themselves...
No noobation without reppresentin'!
Uncle 000 wants you!
I want to be noobish ranger... fighting strata filled with danger!
Quick we need more noobs Noobingham Palace is under attack!
There once was a noob from Nottingham who tried to cross a river, he tripped on a rope what a dope, now lookit him shiver!
Noob, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Raiders of the lost noobs...
Noob Wars Episode II: Attack of the Noobs.
E=mc2 is not noob friendly theorem.
LUKE! did you notice a sign on the front of my house that said dead noob storage?!?!