Posted in New Recruits, Moved to General Discussion. I did this to allow new players access to this through where they would normally find advice, and to allow Forumers that normally don't go to the New Recruits section to post their advice.
Now on to the topic. As the title says, if you have any strategies or tips for players of all levels, post them here.
Be specific, elaborate to your best, and please don't re-post something already said. Only re-post if clarification is needed.
These strategies can range from how to shield cancel and the basics, to how to properly use a famous or non-famous weapon,to the lesser known tactics to specific levels (of the Clockworks and PVP arenas).
Before someone tells me "Read the wiki instead, there's already guides"
Here are the guides to the basics:
Swordsmaster's Guide:
Gunslinger's Guide:
Bomber's Guide:
If you want to say anything to give advanced advice to the basics in the guides, post away.
I think It would be a bit more organized if we used a format for this:
How to use and why:
Or something like that, though that's just a suggestion.
Post away!
well, i know lots and lots of people hate fiends because they're so annoying. I find them incredibly easy to destroy with a heavy sword. Troika line works really well againts fiends.