I'm the best Deadly Virulisk there is! 'Nuff said.(Also, the best Chromalisk :3). If you think you deserve this title, by all means challenge me to a duel!
I'm the best Deadly Virulisk there is!
I'm the best bomber! Come at me bro!
(Not really. I suck at PvP, heck, I suck at PvE.)
Well Im the best wolver/wolf/ w/e you wanna call it
P.S Tersakoff is the best Virulisk :P
I'm the better cyan crystal block in existence.
NO WAY! I'm the best! The Deadliest! And obviously better than Tersakoff.
I have no idea what I'm supposed to be.
But I'll go with most gentlemanly Gun Puppy.
I am obviously the best tank. Fear me during Lockdown matches!
I'm the best stone block!
I'm the least interesting stone block..
I'm the best cake there is.
Wait I'm not a cake.
I am the best at delivering flowers for those special occasions :)
I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do best isn't very nice.
Actualy those gentlemanly blue things are snarbys! (: im the most intelligent knight of the world.... just look at their eyes, they have 3
im the best knight
also THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's like saying you're the best Pikachu. Once you evolve to Raichu, then we can start talking.