Anyone know any efficient way to get crowns? I'm trying to get some higher levelled equipment.
Efficient way to get crowns?

T1- Snarbolax runs! Get enough tokens to buy a Bristling Buckler, unbind it, and sell in the AH for 18k!
T2- Jelly King runs! Get enough tokens for Sealed Sword to unbind and sell or turn to Faust/Avenger!

"T3- IDK"
How about FSC?
I suggest this:
Teir 1 level:
Do the Snarbolax levels including the boss if you can. You get useful materials (mats) a decent Crown payout and Tokens! Keep the mats to craft the Wolver series armor later and use the tokens to get a Snarble Barb or Bristling Buckler. Use those if you want or sell them cheaply to a Vendor nearby.
If you do, then shame on you for leeching off players for the cr they worked for.
Teir 2:
Jelly King runs.
If you can defeat the boss then go for it, the tokens are useful.
You'll get great CR payout and some mats you can sell to a Vendor for a few CR. With the Tokens get the Sealed Sword and get used to using it, as it becomes the arguably 2 best swords in the game. With the other tokens, buy Jelly armor and sell to a vendor for a nice 3500CR. You should also begin learning techniques, going through full Arenas, and conserving energy.
Teir 3:
Arenas and Firestorm Citadel.
That or do the same as Teir 2.
Learn to go through FSC once you have half 5* gear (more than 2 5*) and farm that, or Beast Stratas in T3 or Arenas as stated.
Also use tokens to your advantage. If you have 100 Primal, Grim or Forge Sparks, get a 5* trinket and resell it to a Vendor for 10k CR.
That or ragecraft with Mist Energy and sell without actually doing any fighting...
Remember to buy CE once you have enough CR. Its good to stockpile it! But if you're in a group, be sure to revive ONLY when everone dies and take turns on revs.
Thats about it.

I don't want to T3 because it causes you to lose more energy for revives (I never went to T3 past Basil and take much damage, but am readying) and the other way is easier and you still get crowns. I'm well past T1 that's why I upgrade the Bristling Buckler, then sell for 30k cr. Pretty awesome for doing T1 runs if you ask me. (BTW I have full 4* besides weps [only 3 4* swords])
I also ragecraft Defenders! On a side note, what is the most expensive 2* craftable item being sold in AH? :D

If you like to solo, then run beast strata (or wait gates in status effect themes which have 2 possible Beast depths) 3 and 4 in particular, as Beast materials generally sell for much more than most other materials of their star level (with the exception of Critter Carapaces, which aren't too hot). It will also give you good practice dealing with the random nature of Wolvers =P
If you don't like soloing, then do as Xylka recommended: kill the Snarbolax (Tier 1), the Royal Jelly (Tier 2), and run Arenas in T2 and T3 until you can do the FSC, then add that in. I won't deny that begging is incredibly annoying, but if you have the audacity to annoy the hell out of most people you meet, you may just get lucky being a beggar.
If you don't already know, learn how to bend the AH to your will, particularly in selling and/or buying (very rarely buy) materials.
If you have low latency but little time to play per day, it may be worth it playing Blast Network. Eventually you'll figure out how to stay alive and start trapping people, and if you need to burn off your mist fast just fill up the bribe bar. Play Random Team games, as you are certainly more likely to get your entrance fee refunded that way. Once you get 75 Krogmo Coin tokens, you can get a Mod Calibrator, and those sell for a bit over 10k crowns nowadays.
Note that this advice is a bunch of ifs. What works best is definitely dependent on your preferred style of playing.

be pro at blast network and play free for all, make sure you always rank 1 ;x

"i dont want to T3 because it makes you lose more CE on revives."
Um... not if you are in a group that's good and don't die.
"And the other way is easier"
Yes it is
"and you still get crowns."
But not more than T3.
FSC gives a minimum of 7k CR
JK gives 6k maximum if not 5-4k CR.
Though I have to agree on a few things.
Selling the Bristling Buckler is a nice idea. Especially since its a good Shield later on.
However, is it worth the time and effort upgrading it just to resell?
Its a good idea, but is it time and Energy efficient? I'm not sure since I'm not into the unbind market, but it never seemed like the fastest way to get CR. (unless you mean sell to a vendor in which case you lose CR/CE by upgrading, since you sell it for less than it cost to craft.)
My alt rage crafts Wolver coats and Autoguns that sell nicely, but im not telling my price ;)
Dont want you to undercut me.
(They all sell within the 4 hour limit i set so it seems good)
@ Acid-Snow
Hai there better Cyan Crystal Block :D
Acid-Snow brings up some good points (that i didnt state) about halfway down. Also that begging comment was dead on perfect lol.
Again i need to question the PVP part. Will it bring in enough cr fast? Assuming you lose each game, how would you play?
I say:
A better alternative to any of this, assuming you dont feel like doing any fighting in-game, is to buy 2* recipes, craft, and sell on Auction House.
First go to Vatel, the green recipe vendor in the Bazaar in Haven. Each day, go to him and see if he has the Autogun or Wolver Cap or Wolver Coat Recipe. Buy those recipes and then...
Do a full T1 or T2 run to get some CR and mats, you'll want mostly Beast material so i suggest Snarbolax.
Wait for Mist to get back to 100
With your 100 Mist energy, and mats and cr. Craft ONE Wolver series item, then go sell it for a good price at the Auction House.
Use remaining energy to do another run and get more material.
After 1 or 2 days, you can beging using all your mist to craft and resell the equips, as you will always make profit since mist regenerates. Buy materials needed from now on instead of doing runs.
After the first week you should have a bare minimum of 15k cr in profit already.
Buy some CE for what you want to upgrade, then repeat.
After getting the hang of it, youll make 4-5kcr daily in profit with mist and crafting alone.
If you're careful with your money, you'll quickly be able to afford what you wanted to upgrade and then some.
But if you want action, then dont use this method. (even though its highly effective.)
Acid-Snow's last sentence is probably best to sum up and end this thread.

May take more time to sell the Buckler series, but it does give you more crowns than three Vanaduke runs without the pain and agony. Win if you are patient, but loss if you're not and you are definately better off doing T3 arena runs. Yet, you are more successful when you sell things cheaper than they are in AH without the skillz. Well, this is merchant wise. If you wanna do a boss run, go ahead, especially of those T3 boss runs I heard they're great for money, but survivability drops the further you go down. That's the main reason I don't T3, but I definately go for T2's!

Your experience is abundant but for token use, I'd prefer trade for 5* mats (20 tokens each) or some desirable 4* mats and sell it in AH or for some one in need. primal ore can hit 3k-4k each and you'll make more than 10k cr per 100 tokens.

Just try not to irritate people. Don't ask someone directly, or ask for a large amount. Appreciate whatever you get, and if someone has a problem with you, apologize and move on.
I find beggers fine, so long as they actually need what they ask for, and don't pester a specific player, then move on and do the same elsewhere.
Just ask for what you need then stop.
I just solo, get mats, craft with mist when I can't play, sell the weapons I make. Try for 2* gear at the AH and see what has the highest buy now price. Make one and sell it for 200cr (or something) cheaper. 2K (give or take 500) straight off. AND you can make 2 a day.
Boss levels usually give a pretty good amount of crowns. You don't really even have to kill the boss, but it is recommended so you can get more stuff with their tokens. Jelly King and his level is pretty awesome at making crowns. Not to mention stuff like the Antigua and the Sealed Sword you can get with the Jelly Gems can level up into powerful weapons later in the game.
Also, doing some gates that have a lot of arenas in them is a great way to get crowns too. Just try to do all 3 "rounds" and you should have a fair bit of crowns and materials.
Out of curiosity, what tier are you?