I want to know the approximate time for a full tier 3 run including Vanaduke from emberlight to core
Thanks in advance
I want to know the approximate time for a full tier 3 run including Vanaduke from emberlight to core
Thanks in advance
all of tier 3 with vana, or just the citadel?
You are not Bro enough to know the answer.
i never timed myself, so im very bro
An average strata 5 with an arena or a danger room, and then all of FSC. Obviously if you just start at the terminal it'll be a lot quicker.
If you are asking about Emberlight->Duke killing all enemies in the way I'd say 1:30 to 3 hours.
thanks tant, wanna join us for FSC at the moment, choobski tried inviting u
I'm really really bored of FSC, I only run it when I absolutely need heat these days. Thanks for the invite though.
Uhh... 1:30 maybe? I dunno exactly.
Inb4 "Bro I deed it in 25 minutes brozzzzz"