Join us for a spooky Halloween Trivia event - Now complete! Recap and pictures posted!

18 replies [Last post]
Rubyeclipse's picture

Event Complete! See below for the full recap.

Halloween Trivia Event - Winners and Recap!

After a fantastic turnout and a great crowd, the event itself spanned through six Spiral Knights-themed Halloween Questions, followed by nine general Halloween-themed trivia questions. Those with the wits and fast response skills to get their answers in first scored highly, and for the first time in our trivia history, we actually had an eight-way tie for third place.

Please give your congrats to the following top scorers:

1st Place: Cavadus (40,000 Crown Grand Prize winner)
2nd Place: Wuvforbecca (15,000 Crown second place winner)
3rd Place: All eight of you! (5,000 crowns to each!)

Event Pictures:

I. During Trivia - After asking where a Pumpkin lies on the food pyramid -

II. Trivia #2 - After our obligatory Charlie Brown Halloween Special question -

III. After awarding the prizes - Happy Halloween! -

Special Thanks

Every time we host an event like this, it's always worth noting that it takes a full team of people to make it happen. I'd like to take a moment to give some very special thanks to all the members of The Jempire who volunteered their Halloween evenings to help make this event a reality!

And finally to everyone who came and attended - we hope you had a most excellent evening of tricks and treats, and that this event made yours a little better.

Happy Halloween!

(Original post)

Calling all knights!

As the eve of tricks and treats draws upon us, we'd like to invite you and your fellow adventurers to a free, player-run event built to test your knowledge of all things ghost, vampire, and Punkin King!

You can earn some sweet treats by being the first to answer a question correctly. (Or, to be more precise - 5,000 crowns per question!) Just be sure to watch out, as some questions might be tricky in their own right... We'll be giving away over 150,000 crowns total in this celebration of all things Halloween, and we invite you to bring your friends and come join us!

The event will take place at 8:00 PM Pacific / 10 PM Central time. We'll start in the Haven 7 bazaar, but will move to another, less-crowded haven just before we start. I'll update this post with the final Haven location when it's selected.

Happy Halloween, Spiral Knights! We'll see you tonight!

King-Tinkinzar's picture
11 PM EST... HMMM....

11 PM EST...


Rubyeclipse's picture
Indeed! Hope you can stay up

Indeed! Hope you can stay up late enough to join in the festivities. : )

King-Tinkinzar's picture

Sadly I cannot wreak havoc among you puny knights and "steal" all your crowns. I have "gremlin" school tomorrow and a "gremath" test too!

Rubyeclipse's picture
No problem - hope you can

No problem - hope you can make our next event then! Those Gremlins are indeed quite crafty...

Xylka-Mkii's picture
The wolver says woof.

Hehe, you gremlins and your technology. :)
I wish I could join in on the knightly festivites, but I cannot tonight. I just narrowly escaped the jaws of a hungry Snarbolax, thank the stars, and found shelter nearby Haven 15 for the evening. Tomorrow I have to meet up with my pack for 'wolver' school. Ugh.

BTW this 3DS I...uh...found, is very annoying with its typing screen. Curse my stubby paws!
Anyway have fun knights, I'll try to make it next time!


P.S ~Woof! woof! :D
...Oh wait you don't speak wolver.
Translation: Next time schedule the event earlier than 8pm EST if possible! Thanks! :D

Rubyeclipse's picture
The event will be taking

The event will be taking place in Haven 17! I'm going to Haven 7 now to update anyone waiting there.

We'll be starting shortly, so please head over to the Haven 17 Bazaar to take part! Good luck!

Heavy-Duty's picture

Too slow to type. I quit in first ten minutes :( Plus others type at lightning speed, bringing me at a lower chance or reason to be there at all. Plus lag. Sorry.

Typeproton's picture
Hope Rubyeclipse won't smack me for doing this.

Thanks for the event Ruby!
Here some picture I've taken , it's in random order:
Halloween Trivia - 1
Halloween Trivia - 2

Halloween Trivia - Aftermath 1
Halloween Trivia - Aftermath 2
Hallloween Trivia - Aftermath 3
Halloween Trivia - Aftermath 4

I'll just let Rubyeclipse fill in the rest. ;)

Pteprocks's picture
Great event, really enjoyed

Great event, really enjoyed it. :)

Will definitely come again if you have any more.

Rubyeclipse's picture
Event recap!

Glad to hear you guys enjoyed it. : ) Thanks for posting some pics Typeproton! Full Event recap below - and edited into the first post!

Halloween Trivia Event - Winners and Recap!

After a fantastic turnout and a great crowd, the event itself spanned through six Spiral Knights-themed Halloween Questions, followed by nine general Halloween-themed trivia questions. Those with the wits and fast response skills to get their answers in first scored highly, and for the first time in our trivia history, we actually had an eight-way tie for third place.

Please give your congrats to the following top scorers:

1st Place: Cavadus (40,000 Crown Grand Prize winner)
2nd Place: Wuvforbecca (15,000 Crown second place winner)
3rd Place: All eight of you! (5,000 crowns to each!)

Event Pictures:

I. During Trivia - After asking where a Pumpkin lies on the food pyramid -

II. Trivia #2 - After our obligatory Charlie Brown Halloween Special question -

III. After awarding the prizes - Happy Halloween! -

Special Thanks

Every time we host an event like this, it's always worth noting that it takes a full team of people to make it happen. I'd like to take a moment to give some very special thanks to all the members of The Jempire who volunteered their Halloween evenings to help make this event a reality!

And finally to everyone who came and attended - we hope you had a most excellent evening of tricks and treats, and that this event made yours a little better.

Happy Halloween!

Happyapathy's picture

I showed up, though my character looks like he didn't think very much of the party, not to say it wasn't fun.

Need a saloon here
I find this one kinda depressing actually.

Life of the party

Near end of event

10 minutes later

Mirehawk's picture
I still think Njthug should

I still think Njthug should have gotten a special prize. LOL

Vermilionshadow's picture

I was never informed of this event ._.
Eh nonetheless, I couldn't attend anyways, I had a busy Halloween day

Thimol's picture

It was disappointing how the people who came to give the joke answers were as unfunny as could humanly be.

Also, some people type pretty damn fast.

Windsickle's picture
A little organization

It was really cool what a few people on the internet could do. Bring Haven 17 from 1 little green dot to 3 red dot full. That was one packed Bazaar. I'm still sad I didn't win anything. But I'm alright and it was still neat. Nice job Jempire. Have you guys ever done that kind of thing before? Awesome how it wasn't organized by S.K. or anything. You guys just put it together by yourselves to provide a little excitement to an otherwise semi-boring Halloween night I spent working (Eh, too lazy to build a costume too). Thanks Jempire and others.

Happyapathy's picture
haven needs a

haven needs a party/convention room for gatherings like this...


God-King's picture
Yay, I can actually see

Yay, I can actually see myself in the screenshots.

Fun event by the way, glad to participate, plus I actually managed to get a few crowns in the process. You guys are great for setting this up.

Rubyeclipse's picture
Thanks for all the comments -

Thanks for all the comments - glad you guys had a fun time!

God-King - nice job scoring during the event!

Windsickle - we've held maybe 6-7 of these Trivia styled events in the past, and other events like Depth Races that are also free to the public. We plan to continue hosting free events for all players as the months continue.