I've recently started to do some T3 Basil runs, but I noticed yesterday that the recipes don't seem to change? I solo'ed to Basil one run, bought a Skolver Cap recipe, then solo'ed to him again, and lo and behold, it's the exact same recipe list, and the Skolver Cap is marked '0'.
Does Basil's recipes at T3 change every time you go down? Or maybe it's limited by your party formation or something? If that's the case, my hunt for my 5* stuff is going to take a loooong time. ._.
hmmm maybe this is another annoying side effect of the anti-looping measures.
I bet switching Gates each run would fix your problem, but that could be problematic if you are just getting into T3 and having to pick the one gate that you think you can make it through stratum 5 on (that was me not long ago).
FYI I still need a ton of 5* recipes, so if you happen to dive after around 6-7pm server time feel free to hit me up if you want to do some T3 Basil runs.
IGN: Dracuva