We all knew this was coming. The time to buy shadow keys from Boost is over. How long until we're being forced to buy keys for hundreds of thousands?
So how long till Shadow Key prices shoot up?
Hi, Xylka!
I just bought 3 shadow keys before the patch. Because there's no way I'll last more than 30 seconds in the shadow lair, I'm just gonna sell then.
And yes, its been maybe an hour since the patch and the lowest buy now price for a key has gone from 100k to 270k, and I have a distinct feeling that they'll only get higher with time, until eventually capping at maybe 5 or 6 hundred.
Although, there is one on there for 700k, but I don't think it'll be selling any time soon.
Maybe iron box prices will go back up too. I just got one this afternoon on an RJ run, and I think I'll hold onto it a bit before dumping it in the AH.
Nah, fat chance, there's probably months of lockboxes backed up in people's inventories.
"Nah, fat chance, there's probably months of lockboxes backed up in people's inventories."
No kidding, I got lucky and received a couple of lockboxes recently, decided to dump them off in the AH. Before putting them up, I check the auctions going on, see twenty-something pages of lockboxes for sale. lolnope.
Well a couple of hours ago, a shadow key sold on the AH for at least 123kcr (about 2000CE) and just a few minutes ago, one sold for 200kcr (about 3275CE). At this rate, shadow keys will be selling for over a million in a day or so.
The prices of shadow key were only around 400-550k crown before the patch, and they are only so many teams that can run the content effortlessly. There are abundance of keys, I heard someone stock 50 while another stock 70, but very little venturing down the depths.
It's a matter of time when the new content of spiral knight hits vs the depletion of key due to usage in shadow lair. Beside, if OOO can do a rose event again within 3-4months, they might give us a treat on xmas :D
that shadow keys will become MUCH more common out of lockboxes, thus keeping prices down.
I think triple O willl look at the data they have surely amassed on how many shadow keys were bought at 1500 vs how many were bought off the AH (and at what the "average" price was.) And determine where the profit maximization of shadow key pricing is found. Then its simply a question of how they implement that.
say they decide "profit maximization occurs at 2350 CE" @ that price the Units X price = the greatest number. thus profit maximization. Now the decision is to either sell shadow keys for this price, or make them come out of lockboxes at a rate that approximates 1 per 2350 ce spent.
I presume this is why we saw a new page of shadow keys star bid 50k no buyout long duration added daily. (again) presumably it was triple O "seeding" shadow keys into the system to track what prices they sold at on an open market with little supply to meet demands. Then they sell them for 1500 through a vendor at infinite supply vs demand. Then they use those two equations to solve for a profit maximization point.
all speculation, mind you.
First off. Hi Sorou!
Now I'll give them a week at best. Then its back tot he hundreds of thousands, but probably a bit less than the 500k cr price before (since some people stockpiled them :P)
I'll say the prices will range from 150k - 400k max. Then again its hard to say, since I'm not sure how people stockpiled (*Ahem...Chris and 'those' guilds >.>)
Don't force the price up TOO high guys, we still need to afford them. :D
Also to those who want the price at 100k maximum, you obviously aren't prepared for a Shadow Lair/Never went to 1. The Price of the Key is a huge red flag of the difficulty of the levels, if it isn't already obvious. If you wanna go in blind, just don't rant and rage about lag and unfairness, YOU wanted a blind run through.