cuz they were
very scared. So,
they went to
hell where they
wet their bed
and the monster
in the closet
was trying on
Explosive diarrhea weapons
that exploded when
A knight came
from below, where
The swarm was
and a mewkat
vomited all over
a baby's doll
.the vomit was
full of corn
And katnip because
they think they
ate a disgusting
weasel with green
Fur from the-grinch
growing from their
Big butt. They
try to shave
But fail because
the fur is
Actually katnip. So
they find another
razor that works
and they shaved
ron weasly's butt
wich exploded massively
into vodka with
a lemon wedge
wich was drinked
By a lonely
earthworm named stu
who had no
face but he
had a wish
to be a
rabid snarbolax... but
sadly he could
only eat jellys
Without any lips
since he was
a lipless snarbolax
. After regurgitating a
cuz they were