Add some sweet gun buffs to it. Problem solved. Armor no longer sucks. Gunners finally get something worthwhile.
Almirian crusader (costume?) armore
*stats it currently has*
Gun ASI low
Gun CTR low
Gun range low or Clip size +1
Ta Da. Now it's a great piece of equipment and gunner FINALLY get some love. (i have never used a gun, btw).
Sorry gunners, I'M ON YOUR SIDE! You need some love. I was excited for you when they said you would be getting some love awhile back. Then disappointed when the love was 2 guns that blew all the old guns away. :/ not really some love IMO. Here, now if u want to gun you need new guns and UV's. Booo. You need some love that works WITH what you already have!!!
I'd love another gunner set, but I don't think the Almirian Crusader armor looks... gunny. Maybe something that looks like the NCR Elite Ranger armor from Fallout: New Vegas?