Well I've been wondering why people can't join automatically at later stages.
I'm currently in depth 16 jk palace, but my whole team left, I'm already waiting about 40~ minutes and no one joins.
So why can't people join at these stages?
Oh and btw, if someone wanna help out, message Baerstrike ingame.
Although this is well too late, its just a part of the system that random players cannot join past Basil. I suppose a possible reason is so that people don't unwittingly miss the recipes he has or start boss stratums late.
However, friends and guildmates are not subject to this rule, they can join at any level. Make some random friends, they'll tend to drop by, or join a guild.
There is one exception to this rule and that is if the party is restricted for whatever reason (boss level, treasure vault, going solo, etc), nobody can join you.