I think the game needs no Auction House.
I think the energy economy is brilliantly designed and operating well.
I think 100 players is a sensible limit to guild size.
Anybody else agree?
I think the game needs no Auction House.
I think the energy economy is brilliantly designed and operating well.
I think 100 players is a sensible limit to guild size.
Anybody else agree?
I think it could really use an auction house. Or at least a specific trade channel. Linking in chat would be awesome, as would a /check (FFXI) mechanism.
But your other points? Truth rings in them.
Well there is an auction option already implemented into the game, the CE market! If there was a way to have something like the grand exchange on Runescape that would be awesome.
I thought East haven was supposed to be like that, so I guess there's a reason they didn't add it?
To be honest, I don't care about the energy issues, I have to deal with it. But I do care about the ideas for interesting alternatives (player gates and stuff for no rewards and such).
I don't care much about guild limits, I think it could be bigger but its nothing to me.
But an auction house...well, my 80+ brimstone should go somewhere...and I know others with like 300 of an item. That's just sad. Sure I can sell to an NPC for crud, but selling to a player feels so much better. Besides, the advantages of this (which I didn't mention) have already been discussed in the megathread for that
Either or both some sort of bazaar/AH to set up mats/items to sell properly and a chat filter. It is increasingly difficult in populated havens to carry on conversations because of all the buyer/seller spam.
Standing around asking in /1 for an item that maybe two or three people have, people who don't read /1, for several hours, is annoying.
AH is a mandatory thing in order for this game's economy to stop being "lol 60k ingredients because no one else online has it right now deal w/it".
I think Auction Houses would kind of suck. It would be nice if something was implemented that resulted in slightly less spam and spam and spam necessarily, but it adds an interesting dynamic as opposed to a soulless, heartless house of sortable numbers.
The Energy system, as almost the complete opposite, also works very well. I don't think a system like it would work for the many, many different types of materials.
I don't have an opinion on guild size. All it really is is a group of people with a shared chat channel. Sure, 100, why not? But it doesn't seem like a limit should be so firm. Maybe be able to pay to increase guildhall size or something? I dunno.
I'd love to know what horrific math class most of you endured that so many people who post on this forum seem to have an obscene hatred of numbers. Seriously, functional systems and solid information is not negative in any situation. There'd still be people in /1 selling things at cut rates or offering personal benefits to their wares, but people who wanted to buy and sell quickly or while offline could benefit greatly from an Auction House. I play when most people are asleep, and there's very little more irritating than trying to locate a critter carapace for a reasonable price at four in the morning.
I don't think we need an auction house outright, but a notice board where you could leave information about your wares which others could check would work. Of course, some people would still spam the chat.
100 max? boo that.
however, yeah an auction house would be boss, now go post it in the suggestion forum, eh?
We kinda' need an auction house, it's getting out of hand...
The rest of your points I agree with, though.
Those are all pretty standard in other modern MMOs.
Should be an ingame link to the forums which wouldn't tab you out of the game like in EVE online. I don't feel like playing the AH and having to adjust my prices every two seconds, otherwise I'd be all for it.
Also I personally love chatting with people before we initiate trade.
not enough items in the game to need an AH as far as I can tell
@shoebox - even free ones? I can't say I've played many of the non-subscription based MMOs before, as all those things you listed are indeed good, but are they realistic with a basically free game?
@Smgzor - I've got at least 60 unique materials alone, and that's NOT including crafted items as well as reselling recipes.. items must be in the hundreds, that's not enough to warrant some kind of structured way to handle business or keep the chat channel's mostly clear for, you know, people to chat?
Auction House: Please no.
Trade Channel: Must!
Just put a board where you put notes of what you're buying/selling, like an actively updated forums.
Way easier than making an actual bazaar, and less clutter/spam honestly.
Why is it when someone mentions an auction house or player vendor everyone freaks out? Is the ability to sell things WHILE OFFLINE and not spamming up the chat channels really so bad? You aren't going to be adjusting your prices anymore often then you do already when spamming said channel. Think how much time of your life could be freed up to, I dont know, go outside? Make lunch? Exercise? Run more stages for more crowns and things to sell? All while your stuff is being sold FOR YOU.
Agreed. Just like most games such as WoW..
Limiting the Guild Members would be okay.. Without limits, you can have like thousands of players in 1 guild =\
Agreed to thread as most games has an Auction house, View Chat Options and Guild Member Limits.
I'm sure this game will improve sooner or later. Its just time consuming.
It's easy to suggest for game improvements, but complex for those who are designing/making all these changes. Got to give the people a break at times..
For some games, the Guild has levels. Which are then achieved by experience. Though, in this case.. it can be achieved by grinding and getting Heat~ which goes to both, the player and Guild.. (Heat will not be shared, though maybe a certain amount of heat goes to Guild 5%?) [note that this is not implemented in game at the moment, just a suggestion]
Example 1:
Guild level 1: limited 20 Guild Members
Guild level 2: limited 50 Guild Members etc as it extends out..
Then again, Auction house are not implemented yet..? Therefore, players can socialize :P Just see it in a positive way? If you don't like communicating with others players, that's cool too.
At the moment, it's sort of stable.. not in the Urgent need of an Auction house.
@ Thread
I'd agree, even if the economy is up/down. The game do need to make money.. == Creating it isn't free.. Most stuff are not free in reality.. lols :)
An auction house would be great. The suggestion of not having one is silly nanny thought!
@erogath: There are quite a lot of free MMOs who do it.
I'm not going to name any, but most of the popular or raid oriented F2Ps do have that functionality.
Some even have MSN style chat windows completely separate from normal chat so you can talk to people privately while looking at other chats.
Also, something I forgot to mention in my list.
Being able to right click names in chat and select Add as Friend, Ignore or Tell, would be infinitely useful as well.
Personally, it feels like I'm practically throwing away my spare mats by selling them to NPC vendors. (Which is why I don't do it.) It's not as if anyone else can buy them back from said vendor, so it isn't a help to the community at all. So if another player can use them, why toss them out? Oh, because the person that might have wanted my extra 50 Red Shards logged on 3 hours after I was done for the day. That doesn't seem like a good reason to delete the materials from existence instead...but I don't see myself staying online for hours just to sell things. Others may enjoy playing that way, but I don't, so a place where I can put my items on sale and then go do something else would be great.
I'd even be willing to accept only being able to sell things when I'm logged into the game, if that becomes a requirement. (Doesn't make sense to do it that way, though; the more people there are online trying to sell things, the more clogged up the servers are. Better to make it possible to put things up for sale and sign out, so people who are actively playing can take my place.) I'd even be fine with only using the auction house or market for materials. Then bartering, negotiations, and more complex trades would still have to be personally set up between players. Not to mention selling weapons or recipes, which I'd guess that the developers don't want us doing too easily. Otherwise, the effectiveness of crafting as a crown/energy sink is lessened, as is the general difficulty of getting what you want in the first place. Anyway, those who don't wish to use the auction house wouldn't want to...and in fact, it might be better for those people as well. Then, if you want to talk to your prospective customers and form a 'buyer-seller' relationship with them, you can, and you won't be getting responses from people who just want their item ASAP. Those people will - you guessed it! - go to the auction house. Maybe they end up paying more because the seller has to compensate for taxes, but that's their decision to make. Savings and taking more time, or paying more to get it done quickly. Both have their time and place, and there's nothing wrong with either way. So there's no reason not to have an auction house.
As for energy and guilds...I'm fairly neutral on those points for the time being. But I think that allowing guilds to create sub-guilds would fix most of the 100 player limit issue, if they got to share guild halls and/or chat channels as a result. I do want the chat options, though! Even many F2P MMOs have multiple channels for chat, even if it's just local, zone, world, party, and guild. (Some even have custom chat filters.) A game that only has an 'all' channel feels a bit odd after getting used to that...
Might wanna add scrolling in chat to that
Its one of the things i love to do, watch prices
and i strongly suggest that items can be sold for crowns or energy.
i agree. (RuneScape is awesome) [my username (not my player name) on this is my name on runescape)
Oh, no! Not an Auction House! It would ruin the heart and soul of our easily accessible and newbie-friendly trading system!
Merchants hop Haven to Haven broadcasting their goods; suddenly, a friendly buyer appears!
"how much for ur swordstone"
"k were r u"
"token trader"
"i dont see u"
"im in haven 6"
"k be right there"
There you have it, folks! That heartfelt human interaction would be all gone if an Auction house were implemented. Developers, please don't implement one! I wouldn't be able to rip people off anymore. Oh, err, I mean I wouldn't be able to have these wonderful chats with other players anymore!
yeah...you kind of said the thing I didn't want to say...people have been saying "interaction" but um...there's not much with that. You spam until you get a hit and then the conversation ensues like above (for me, usually slightly better grammar is involved), you do the deal, and then its done. You never see each other again.
I have more real encounters partying with random people in the clockworks, whether we speak or not, than through that.
I think the chat system needs to be improved significantly. Basically like WoW's or any other mmo out there. That would help a ton.
"I think the game needs no Auction House."
The game only needs an Auction House because people are scammers and will do anything to get the most they possibly can. Just as someone explained above, someone will go "Well no one else has one that's on so [insert insane price here] or just don't get what you need."
"I think the energy economy is brilliantly designed and operating well."
I agree until you hit the prices. 200 Energy to make a single item at Tier 3...it's a F2P game design, but main stream content is clearly a form of P2P. If EVERYONE took the F2P as just that, and ran with 100 Energy a day, you could never make 5 star items. It's a F2P model built on the knowledge that people elsewhere will buy if not the current player, which in itself is where the system is bad. Floors shouldn't cost 10 Energy each, and items shouldn't go past 100 Energy to craft.
"I think 100 players is a sensible limit to guild size."
That is something we can agree on. People want more than 100 players, but have you ever been in a completely active guild of 100 players? It's CHAOTIC. There's no point in having more than that. The point of having a guild is to have allies and friends you can talk to, laugh with, and go play the game with. You think the Haven maps being full and spammed with selling/buying is bad? Be in a completely active 100 player guild. It's significantly worse.
Actually no, even with auction house, in other games, players would still contact each other to discuss prices,
an auction house does allow those ppl that find it a hassle to haggle, the option of not haggling, of course in the long run these ppl lose out.
I have no problems with the current system, I think the CE system is really unfair for new players though, it slows them down to pitiful levels, you shouldn't have to be in a disadvantage because you started later than someone else.
Should just work on the Mist tank energy feature a little more, if you ask me.
I thinkk you guys dont see how tan "AH" would help all the new players...
im crafting lots of 2 star items and selling them for 1/2 the price you would pay to make them yourself, because i am trying to get some nice uv.
I think with the rising energy prices + the fact that it is way better to to grind in t2 makes it very important for new players to get 2star items for almost free, since unlike th early players the currently pay 2x the energy prices we did.
It balances itself out...the later the game the higher the energy prices and lower the item prices.
auction house is really not a bad idea. i think there should be an easier way for people to sell items to other players without having to use the forum, or keep shouting their wares out in their zone (and probably jumping around zone to zone to get everyones attention). i personally hate doing that, though setting up an auction / shop might be a pain too. there definitely could be some improvements to p2p transactions.
i agree with the rest of your statements though.
I Maybe eliminate the ability for random (non friends) to send whispers/tells to players on a different server/Haven? Would reduce the number of people spamming each Haven :3
If Three Rings wants to check out a Auction House, they should check out the Marketplace in this game I used to play called Dead Frontier.
That game was a full player run economy so there weren't any NPC's sell ing items. The market where everything was sold was super easy to use and I suggest the developers check out how the Market interface looked if they ever wanna do an auction house with us.
lol I play Dead Frontier (temporarily on break). That's kind of why I laugh about this cuz the stuff about energy is basically the same complaints I hear over there where all items are player controlled prices (though there are price floors given the scrap prices) are coming up over here, the difference is its just over a single item. But that's another thread...
Anyway people still complain about prices over there, like the addition of "easter eggs" has "ruined" the market again for high level items, I suspect if we did get an auction house, there'd still be complaints about this not being worth enough or that costing too much, and while they would be valid complaints, at least it was decided by the populace. That's why I really want this.
To help out though, a decent "scrap" system should also be applied to help, someone has suggested adding one zero to the existing values that you get when selling items to vendors. That seems fair enough to me just in case the amount of say...brimstone coming into the auction house is so much that people valued it at 1 crown. That way its always worth at least 50 crowns, and people do have the choice to sell below that but it wouldn't be worthwhile.
BUT even with no changes, just having an auction house would be good. Period.
i am not too sure about what you are talking about, but it sounds like inflation to me.
de-valuing the crown.
if youre not sure what someones talking about, you probably shouldnt respond then.
the problem is vendors pay rediculous low rates for materials, so players have to sell them on their own to get their moneys worth. materials are clearly worth way more than the 1/2/5/10/25/50 crowns (or whatever it is) that vendors currently pay.
not inflation in the least, since players will still be getting less than those materials are actually worth. just a fairer shake.
To put this into an exact example. My character has been playing in hours at least 1 day and a half (actually its almost two days but there were some loading screen errors that added hours to my playtime that I wasn't actually "playing").
I'll decline to do a full list of materials, but one of the highest counts I have are red shards and brimstone.
Red shard is a 0 star material, I have 111 of them.. If it could be sold to the venders for 10 instead of 1 crown, then at most I can gain 1110 crowns. That's not a serious profit and its definitely waaaaay lower than I can earn from selling to other players at 100 each which would have netted me 11100 crowns.
Now take brimstone, 2 star for an example. I have 93 of them. Well for ease of calculation, let's pretend I have 100 of them. At 50 each, that's just 5000. Now that's a decent profit, but still not a monumental profit especially when you take into account how much time it took to acquire that many. I would've still earned more crowns from doing the levels themselves than "scrapping" these materials. This is just an additional option.
In the case of brimstone, unlike a red shard, it is true you probably couldn't make much more off of selling to players with them, but you know what? It's not to protect the price of brimstone. This suggestion protects the price of "better" two star items like swordstone. Do you want to see swordstone valued at less than 50 crowns? Chances are that can't happen, but this makes sure it will never happen. Plus, anyone with any sense would sell their swordstone for much more than 50 so prices shouldn't even get that low.
Let's jump up a level. Trojan horseshoe. 4 star isn't it? Under this system it would be worth 250... yeah that's a LOT. When players could buy it for much more.
Anyway, the point is that would be helpful, but please @Evning, don't make that my ONLY point. That's a nice addition but doesn't have to happen. I'm trying to get a market/auction house going. And I have seen one that does work over in Dead Frontier as "TheRealDeal3" brought up.
I put this idea in one of the other thousands of threads on this topic, why not just use a COD mail system, we've already got an are using a bazaar sub-forum so all we'd need now is a way to transfer and receive goods/monies for the agreed upon price.
Argue all you like about price fixing with an AH or any other gripe, but really just a more convenient way of trading would be a huge benefit, for a game meant to "be casual" as a player you spend more time sitting around spamming your warez or trying to find a seller than you do actually DOING anything.
Trade channel yes. Auction house, no. Their should be a place for players to go to buy and sell stuff, but I don't want this game turning into runescape again. It's a multiplayer game. Talk to other players.
@EricTheBed ... if you look back a few posts, you will find,
"how much for ur swordstone"
"k were r u"
"token trader"
"i dont see u"
"im in haven 6"
"k be right there"
Yeah. I need more of that in my life. Having an automated market does not take away from any meaningful human interaction, only provides a means to reduce the constant noise that floods haven and the constant clutter that accumulates in one's arsenal in a quick and efficient manner.
And it would take a lot more than that to make this game anything like runescape.
Senshi doesn't like sunlight in real life, why should he have to put up with it in-game? We demand a solution Three Rings!
Please, there hasn't been a single good argument against an AH. You can still do all the stupid things you want taking peoples money/energy/mats and running off without crafting things, ok? You hear that, you'd still be able to scam and steal your way to the top of the F2P robot pile. Wooo~
If the "social high" you get talking to some random person in an online game is so great you really need a life.
The only reason there hasn't been an AH yet is probably because they're tricky to implement. I wouldn't be surprised if one came up in the near future. Not all of us have disposable time on our hands, we have lives, school, work and other things we do during the day. I don't have time to sit around and try to sell imaginary things to little school children because they don't want an auction house for ignorant non-reasons.
What did the Runescape AH do to you people anyway? Did it break into your village under cover of darkness and murder your family before your eyes as the neighborhood around you burned under a pale and emotionless moon? Those random F2P games that no one plays may not have an AH because they're hard to do, but any professional online game with an economy needs one. People won't play your game otherwise, and I'm pretty sure professional game designers know more about making sustainable online economies than you.
I don't get why people wouldn't want an auction house. I played WoW for YEARS and there was never any problem of people not interacting. You could dump mountains of crafting materials that you didn't need on the AH, and maybe some equipment too, but Trade Chat was always still filled with people advertising some especially rare stuff, advertising stuff that they could craft for other players, looking for people who could craft stuff, i.e. 75% of what the Haven chat is right now anyways.
An auction house would promote more human interaction since haven wouldn't be so bloody filled with "WTS,WTB". People might actually talk. Ask for parties, etc.
Now that would mean they'd have to make a rule that says no more advertising wares in haven chat, but that's not a big deal. And I don't really like the trade chat option that people have mentioned because that means that'd be haven chat all over again just with more spam that's hard to read and less human like interactions. I'd probably never go on it.
auction house is really not a bad idea. i think there should be an easier way for people to sell items to other players without having to use the forum, or keep shouting their wares out in their zone (and probably jumping around zone to zone to get everyones attention). i personally hate doing that, though setting up an auction / shop might be a pain too. there definitely could be some improvements to p2p transactions.
i agree with the rest of your statements though.