red rose set
how much ce will Bioshock 2, Portal 2 and Mass Effect 2 Digital Deluze edition cost me?
@ Josebrocha: leave me a reasonable offer here or in-game and we'll talk :)
@ Phaget: it's 550 CE per Dollar, so
Bioshock 2 is $19.99 x 550ce = 10990 ce
Portal 2 $29.99 x 550 ce = 16490 ce
Mass Effect 2 DDE $29.99 x 550 ce = 16490 ce
16490 + 16490 + 10990 = 43970 ce
I changed my mind about getting the other two games, but its an instant DEAL on the mass effect 2 digital deluxe version!! I'll be online all day and have already added u on Steam, hope to trade soon. 550 ce per dollar rate really IS a good deal (maybe a little too low?), unlike those other sellers in here lolz!!!
@ Misogyny thx for the compliment and FREE bump, malvin ;D
@ Phaget lol no prob, im here anytime u want those other 2 games :)
"The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one does."
-James Barrie
HI! I bought games from you before and I have returned to get some more! Im particularly interested in getting Grand theft Auto 4, Divinity 3, and the Magicka collection, assuming you have copies of em still. And I take it your cheap rate of 550 CE per dollar hasnt changed correct? Hit me up!
On second thought I wanna get Duke Nukem Forever instead of Divinity 3, but still wanna get Magicka collection and gta4
Thx again for the trade lol! Best and cheapest games trader in here, cheers!
Dungeon Defenders on SALE :)
To the cheapest games seller in here, cheers!
and this...
Mind if I buy the Chapeau of the Blue Rose? I'll offer something around 2k CE or more depending on you.
PM in-game if you got a price to sell it for. If not, I'll do some offering til we both agree. :P
wow, bump for a great rate! if i was ballin like i was before i'd totally take up some of these offers! much better than that BS rate i heard of 700 CE:$1 i heard before.
@ Nergee thx for the bump, a frre heart-shaped cookie for you :)
FYI to everyone, the Items Shoppe has been RELOCATED into another thread in order to accomodate an influx of cool new gear and accessories! And now for another lovely quote:
"A kiss is a rosy dot over the 'i' of loving."
-Cyrano de Bergerac
Much obliged on the Bastion purchase. Was fast and provided good chatty banter as well.
@ Crossproduct: Anytime! And equally obliged to have provided you with some "chatty banter" that comes free with every purchase XD
Available Games list updated
Hey Rhip. It was fantastic doing business with you. :)
I would like the Final Hours of Portal 2 ($1.99) I can offer a virulisk suit, mod calibrator, and 70k cr.
@Niichi: likewise :)
@Arbituser: hope you enjoy the dlc :)
For the rest of you guys, this:
I assume your low ce/dollar rate hasnt changed? :) Anyway Ive came back to trade for a couple games from ya, namely: Brink, Dungeon Siege 3, and Killing Floor Complete Pack. might buy a few more...
Get back to me in here or or send a mail/tell to my mechant alt like before :P
<---merch alt IGN
Sure Ill trade you right away as soon as I see ya, or me you. :) :)
"Gentleness, self-sacrifice and generosity are the exclusive possession of no one race or religion."
-Mohandas Gandhi
how much for dungeon defenders good sir ?
Hi Bbjuggernaut!
I stated CLEARLY the Dollar-to-CE ratio in the beginning of the thread. For every real dollar value a game has, it gets 550 CE credit. The cheapest consistent rate in the market :)
So take the current Steam price for any desired Steam game, and multiply its current dollar value by 550 CE.
Hey Rhip,
I tried looking you up under Steam (various names) and none worked. If you would like I'll be in-game about 8:30p.m. Central time tonight, otherwise you could try my steam name Fl_lB@R. Again thanks for the response. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Huh? I provided my steam page in the start of the thread, but here it is again:
Also i tried adding you by your steam name but it led me to a group called seven deadly sins or something lol.
Yeah the Seven steam site is my CS-S clan site, nonetheless, I will try to redo your steam i.d. In the morning so we can negotiate a deal. Thanks again.
Im interested in the new daily deal with the shogun 2 dlcs, on anytime soon?
I can get you all 5 DLCs :P
What's your Steam?
I strongly suggest Rhip for anyone who would like to conduct a Steam trade. Rhip responds fast to posts and will give you what you are looking for. I thank you personally Rhip and look forward to future transactions. Thanks again.
"Happiness is never stopping to think if you are."
-Palmer Sondreal
Merry Festivus! Check out the STEAM HOLIDAY SALE event, with huge savings coming out each day! =)
Adding you to my Steam (I'm the Celery person).
I'm sure I'll want one of the upcoming daily deals & your price is right :)
Will closed for business, due to many frustrating technical issues with Steam.
Will closed for business, due to many frustrating technical issues with Steam.
"Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love."
-Hamilton Wright Mabie
yup, i can get u guys Dungeon Defenders :)