Here's another Xairafail story:
I log on to Spiral Knights and recieve an invitation from a friend I can't remember friending; I accept it anyway since he sends me a tell saying "FSC, dead. HELP!" I immediately go down, expecting a 2 or 3-man party who was wiped out, but what do I find?
... a 2* noob with a Dread Skelly Armor, Super Blaster, and Cutter (or Striker, I couldn't ID it) lying dead on the ground surrounded by Red Rovers and Slag Walkers and a Trojan. And this is just the start of floor 27.
We complete that room and move on to the next one (the one with the gates, healing panel, and freeze things on either side) and I proceed to dominate the first two waves. Now we're at the third wave, with the Wolvers and Trojans. We wipe them out, leaving only the Trojans, who are currently running against the three-totem-barrier that I erected.
Here's where it gets hilarious. I am on the upper half of the map, kiting to distract the Trojans. But what does he do? He starts trying to heal, fiddles with the totem barrier (and lets the Trojans out; d'oh!), and doesn't even bother to attempt to take them out. Then when a Trojan slips out he runs to my side for help... at the same time the two Trojans charge.
I call in a guildmate for help and we make it fine until the last room before the Depth 28 elevator. This is the killer: We have to call in 2 more friends, and this 2* guy manages to waste some 300+ CE on useless revs, where he *knows* we're in the middle of a big clusterfraggle and still hopes we can make it. Guess what? We don't. (DUH!)
Oh, and I tip my hat to the goddess of Lag as well.
The only thing I can say is that this highly amused me, and I wonder... has anyone else run into a situation like this?
Comments and criticism more than appreciated~ Xairathan
You should've gone solo after you got revived, that's one thing.
Oh boy though, I love log on invites, especially when you say "?" or "Where?" and they never respond.
I've had this many times. Examples:
•I get a invite to FSC (D27) I head there only to find 2 dead T2ers, 3 Trojans, tons of zombies, totems everywhere, and them begging me to revive them. *Go solo*
•Another invite to FSC (D25). I join, Tier 3ers... Good. They decide to go to the rocket room, where I am. (Note; This is pre-patch DA) They decide to use a piercing gun of all guns on the puppy, aggroing it for me, see the puppy shoot a rocket, and run off hopin to not get killed. This continues on after merciful "Follow the person an try to help. *Eventual go solo*
•More FSC stuff like that. Also involves ICMF and RJP.