Top 10 Guilds

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Bild des Benutzers Magnus-Guild

Alphabetical order:

Coup De Grace
Echo Of Silence
Reign Of Chaos
The Jempire
Valkyrie Knights

Ive seen all of these guilds GMs, there all great players, some good at battles, persuassive, cunning and famous.

All of these guilds are experienced and most only recruit full 5 star geared knights.

joke list. where is the

LOL. joke list.. where is the risen, mondgarde, in the jelly, one piece, dai gurren? who the hell is edwin and finese anyway?

Bild des Benutzers Mightyputty

You know not of Edwin and Finesse? Those two guilds are highly touted and respected. Personally, I think that list is solid in terms of skill and fame.

Bild des Benutzers Hyperonn
I agree with the list too.

I agree with the list too. Never heard of Edwin, but I know Finesse is a very elite guild.

Bild des Benutzers Aecarus
You forgot one...

Creating lists like these is merely a way to express your opinion, so it's not reality, nor is it necessarily a joke. Some people may agree, others may not. Personally, I have no idea. I know quite a few players from both Echo of Silence and Guild, and with that I can say I'd put both of them in the top 10, as the OP did.

... But either way you forgot Derp Knights. ( :P )

Bild des Benutzers Reulogh
True, I agree with Troololol.

True, I agree with Troololol. Finesse is just a small group of random nobodies that's undeserving of such high accolades, neither is any of its members interested in being ranked in an arbitrary table. Have fun duking it out to be the top 10 guilds, or even the bestest best guild, I wish you good luck :)

Bild des Benutzers Lusty
If this was the Top 10

If this was the Top 10 sexiest guilds then yeah, In The Jelly would be up there alright, its cool...

Bild des Benutzers Icycloud
Top 10

im flattered by seeing our humble guild had been chosen . I believe that are more deserving guild to take our place.


Knights and day

In the jelly

The risen

Kage no senshi

Shadow mercerny

Gun slinger priest

Old school ( shortest van time down )

Ptt formas

All this are great guild that are deserving to be mention in this thread.

Best reg

Icycloud GM Coup De Grace

Bild des Benutzers Bekjan
Well all these are the

Well all these are the personal opinions. Most of the guilds mentioned here are great. Putting a poll would be a better idea though.

Bild des Benutzers Swarleysparkles
What does top 10 mean?

Aww thanks Icycloud for mentioning Impervious <3

To comment on the topic, it's really hard to say which are the top 10 guilds because there's really no real solid basis for measure. For example - Base it on gear? That does not equal to good skill because gear can be bought; on experience? Spiral Knights is not a ridiculously complicated game and the bosses are made to be beat that any competent player who go through them a few times can have it locked down, and therefore its only a matter of how much you play/being familiar with the levels/where mobs spawn/knowing when to shield or to run away/obtaining more desirable gear that each run should be easier and more efficient; best timed boss run? similar to the previous point with experience and will help if you know how to use your weapons well; activity? that would highly be dependent on your guild size, vision, purpose and strictness. Hmm..

On the whole, I find this 'top 10' business to be highly subjective and even with polls, it would still be bias because it's all a matter of individual interactions or experiences with one another which would vary depending on the circumstance. Once again, Spiral Knights is a pretty simple game and everyone have different reasons to play it ... but I truly believe there are many extremely skilled players scattered everywhere who choose to play solo or belong in guilds who just can't be bothered to socialize or publicize themselves simply because it's not their style. You can respect consistently skilled players in guilds when you see them, but unless one has interacted with all guilds and a great majority of their members with a solid basis of measure in mind, 'top guilds' are inevitably subjective and can be questioned.

Just my two cents! Although I would be interested to hear it if anyone have any recommendations for a way to measure :)

Swarles Barkley

Bild des Benutzers Spearstorms

these are all guilds i dont know of and i have all 5 star stuff

Bild des Benutzers Bigfootm
What Dark Ritual?



Thanks for mentioning us in there. =^D

In my opinion, here is my Top Ten (Not including Knights and Day).

Note: Some guilds I havn't seen around much, so you may not be in there for that reason.

(Not counting KaD in there, here's my top 10.)
Coup De Grace
Valkyrie Knights
Reign of Chaos
The Risen
The Jempire
Echo of Silence
Kage No Senshi
^^Totally not 11.^^
This is not in any order, just to confirm that. If your guild isn't in there, it may be because I've seen few (If any members of your guild) and/or I havn't had many runs with you guys.

Edit: I've decided to rework some guilds into there.

Bild des Benutzers Fewz
@BigfootM "Region of


"Region of Chaos"

I know these guys called "Reign of Chaos" .... are they the same guild?

Bild des Benutzers Xiaozhu
wiki page

a new wiki page for top 10 guild!!! feels free to edit!

Bild des Benutzers Whitelancer

This list is accurate. If you ask the real veteran players like Bigfoot, Icycloud and some others arround since beta or April they will agree. Edwin has one of the richest knight ingame and has a lot of veteran knights but they only recruit people who speak there native language and so I suggest Ptt Formasa instead.

And Finese is a guild of knights bound by friendship and all of them are good and I say there currently the strongest guild in LD.

Bild des Benutzers Milkman
I think you guys have got

I think you guys have got this all wrong. I don't even know any of these guilds. I reckon the best guilds are as follows:

1. One Knight Stand
2. Big Black Guildo
3. Elephant Balls Posse
4. Smelly Panties
5. Big Juicy Melons
6. Everyonehatesfallout
7. Echo of Sausage

I only list 5 because no other guilds come even close so they shouldn't be in the same list.

Edit: Some new guilds have made the cut! Check them out today!

Bild des Benutzers Strudul

You all forgot about Active >_<

Bild des Benutzers Bigfootm
What Dark Ritual?


Nope, didn't forget. I thought they disbanned.


I can easily agree that Edwin has some of the richest players, and Finese DOES have amazing LD players. I did that list when I was tired, I may change it later.

Bild des Benutzers Njthug
Okay I'm be honest there only

Okay I'm be honest there only one top guild in this game which can OWN all these guilds we mention with one hit....*drum roll*

Three Ring they have Crowbars so yes......they can just make us turn into snipes or even a bush....

Bild des Benutzers Aecarus
I'm going to have to agree with Njthug 1,000%:

I'm going to have to agree with Njthug 1,000%:

  1. Three Rings
  2. Three Rings
  3. Three Rings
  4. Three Rings
  5. Three Rings
  6. Three Rings
  7. Three Rings
  8. Three Rings
  9. Three Rings
  10. Three Rings


Bild des Benutzers Konurb
Guilds that should be the best

These guilds should be the 10 best guilds in the game



Coup De Grace

Hunter X Hunter

Kage No Senshi

Knights and Day

The Jempire

Echo of Silence

Valkyrie Knights

Tier Zero

All of these guilds deserve to be the top 10 because they are tier 3,5 star and are know for being very active.

By,Konurb GM of Jelly Hunters

Bild des Benutzers Dancinjen
I have to agree with milkman

I have to agree with milkman on this one.

1. One Knight Stand
2. Big Black Guildo
3. Elephant Balls Posse
4. Smelly Panties
5. Big Juicy Melons

although I would like Big Juicy Melons number three and Smelly Panties as four since Elephant Balls Posse has lost their balls and left with just the posse.

Bild des Benutzers Bigfootm
What Dark Ritual?


Thanks. :)


You got a point... ;)


Oyeah. <3 Getting killed er... *coughs* getting to touch their marvelous crowbar.

Bild des Benutzers Khatake
Thanks for the mention

Well I'm just glad to see Kage no senshi mentioned lol Thanks

personal opinions here, i wont include my own guild in my Top ten.

Coup De grace
The Risen
Reign of Chaos
Tier Zero
Immortals ( I like the name lol)
Valkyrie Knights
Gunslinger priests

I wouldn't know how active they really are but i see a few players everyday from each. For one reason or another those are the guilds i like, again excluding mine.

Bild des Benutzers Iceeboy
My opinion: 1. Coup De

My opinion:

1. Coup De grace
2. Timeless
3. Unity
4. Reign of Chaos
5. Jelly Tribe
6. Valkyrie Knights
7. Edwin
8. Finese
9. The Jempire
10. Knightmare/Guild [Equal with skill, but critisize each other a lot]

Bild des Benutzers Riodaisho
I kinda enjoy those lists,

I kinda enjoy those lists, although don't agree on most of them but they sum it up.
Nj and EoS deserve their place on those lists and I can't disagree that Guild plays pretty well.
Never saw much of Edwin and Finese though but witnessed most of the others in Lockdown.

Bild des Benutzers Eclecticmessiah
Im sad that Timeless isnt on

Im sad that Timeless isnt on here more...although I guess we only had a small sect of elites. But now we are Cloud 9! Most of the guilds listed have disappointed me majorly with the exception of finesse and jempire. and thats only in LD i have no idea how they are in the clockworks. as i recall we beat jempire and finesse both once each then promptly stopped doing guild LD :)

This thread is like a top 10 most well known guilds. there quite a few secret amazing guilds out there that want to remain hidden so I will oblige them ;)

Bild des Benutzers Anly

Finesse has only lost two Lockdown games total due to a player disconnecting from both matches (5 v 6) and Timeless was not one of those two guilds that won. We keep track of our records. [:

However, I do agree with you that this thread is meant for the top most well-known guilds.

Bild des Benutzers Gianfri


1. Finesse

Bild des Benutzers Chris
Let's do

Let's do this!

Echo of Silence
Coupe de Grace
Reign of Chaos

Honorable Mentions:
Knights and Day
Valk Knights

Bild des Benutzers Chris
Let's do

weird 2x posts

Bild des Benutzers Eclecticmessiah
sorry anly but we beat you :)

sorry anly but we beat you :) i distinctly remember it.

although you beat us like 8 times.

Bild des Benutzers Eclecticmessiah
i kinda wanna do this now,

i kinda wanna do this now, based on the guilds with the best players, not those with the best overall group:

cloud 9
grundel warriors

honorable mentions:


...hard to think of anyone else outstanding besides 4 secret guilds that dont want their names mentioned.

Bild des Benutzers Reulogh

That's a bit weird. We also distinctly remember our unbeaten run ever since we started GvG before losing twice on the same day because Stompt had connection issues. After that incident, we're back on a winning track. It's not that we would be embarrassed to admit defeat, but like Anly said, we do keep track of our records in GvG. Also, looking at our records, we only had three matches against Timeless. You might have confused yourself with random Lockdown matches or Finesse with another guild.

I would like to inquire if you have a screenshot to back your claims though, thanks. :)

lol ive been asking around

lol ive been asking around and everyone remembers it. not everyone keeps perfect records. :)

we also remember playing you far more than 3 times.

I've also been asking around

I've also been asking around and nobody remembers it. Although we do make an effort to screenshot every GvG we've done, there's nothing we can do to disprove a loss; however, it's as simple as posting a screenshot for you to prove a win. Until then it's just your word against ours.

We aren't the type of guild who would boast about records, but we don't appreciate false claims which is why we'd speak out about it. Please understand we wouldn't be offended if your guild did beat us, we'd appreciate more challenges if anything.

Anyways, we're more than happy to schedule a match or show you the screenshots we have on file vs. Timeless if you'd like, just let us know!

im not trying to make a false

im not trying to make a false claim, im just saying it definitely happened as per the memory of 4 of the guildies that were on the team (other two quit). i could understand you not remembering a loss, i dont remember most of ours. but the sheer fact that you think you only played us 3 times means your records are off.

and im not in timeless anymore i started a new guild, cloud 9. i would get my guild to play you, but first off, our "perfect" team, as it were, is never all going to be all online at once, peoples schedules changed, and second, lockdown is something i dont support anymore due to defenders being OP, and what in my opinion are increasingly bad differences in lag between the two teams. I dont feel like worrying about the other team using all dual heart pendants and ce resing constantly either.

and i dont have a screenshot, im sorry, so this is just my and several others' word, but i like my word to be reliable enough that i dont need proof.

anyways i think this discussion is over, because we both think we know what happened and we both have no proof lol so im going to withdraw any further comment.

Bild des Benutzers Whitelancer

Too bad cause everyone in Finesse is a striker except Hadn maybe.

Bild des Benutzers Whitelancer
Too bad cause everyone in

And LOL Guardians OP? Try using it agaisnt Finesse and see if you still think its OP. LD is balanced.

Bild des Benutzers Stompt

No messiah ur information is incorrect. I do believe when i joined Finesse we had a 70-75 win streak and my connection problems made that go away.
We didnt play u once when i joined Finesse so u couldnt have beaten us.

Bild des Benutzers Stompt

double post..

Bild des Benutzers Njthug
Finese owns at Lockdown

Finese owns at Lockdown enough said =0

Bild des Benutzers Blacklancerz
who are the two teams that

who are the two teams that finesse did lose to?(being down 1 person of course)

Bild des Benutzers Destroyer
you see....

In the name of TDG, i claim us 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944.....
THE END(we win :D )

Bild des Benutzers Stompt
@ blacklancerz Grundel

@ blacklancerz
Grundel warriors/echo of silence
i disconnected for about 30 seconds and it kicked me :( so i would know.

Bild des Benutzers Anly
Can't stand to not say anything...

"i could understand you not remembering a loss"

That statement really irks me because you are implying that we lose enough to not remember how many times we lost. We have only lost twice, so yes, we would definitely remember a loss. We are a small enough guild to keep track of every match and we make sure to screenshot them all. Just because you generalize the fact that "not everyone keeps perfect records" doesn't mean that there aren't perfect records out there. To make a claim that your memory and the words of others should be reliable enough is just arrogant and silly.

I'm only this riled up because I love my guild to death and am very proud to be part of it. It isn't below us to admit defeat when it happens, and when it does, we will proudly give props to the guild responsible.

I'll have to side with Anly

I'll have to side with Anly here. If you've ever been in a guild that has had a 30+ game perfect win rate, taking any challengers, and then you suddenly lose a game, regardless of circumstances, it's going to be what everyone in the guild talks about for the next 1-3 days. I've seen a golfing guild that suddenly lost their perfect 69-win streak when 2 members disconnected, and they made a thread on the forums about it.

That being said... I can only see 3 ways for people to compare with each other. There's Lockdown, the forums, and bashing others in Haven. Oh, and the IRC. As I only sometimes read the forums and IRC, I have no idea about what these famous guilds are up to. From what I've seen, I'm the best bomber around, but that's only because I will never randomly get into a party with Fallout, Njthug, and the people who have really practiced their skills.

That doesn't mean the list is worthless. It's just the best info we can get.

Bild des Benutzers Njthug
Being from Eos, and having a

Being from Eos, and having a pretty good pvp team I have to admit this:

Finese in my own personal view is one of the best guilds in Pvp. Eos has played most of the guilds who are pretty active and Pvp, and Finese is easily a guild that can kick our ass in lockdown if we don't even play at all seriously. I have to admit they do a pretty good job with there bombers and gun mix. They make sure our key strikers can't even get close to them, and is easily one of the only guilds that can isolate Eos fully. With our A team which I swear we never even did one round with since well...we don't have everyone on at similar times I am sure we might hold a challenge, but they are pretty good. This is my own personal view on Finese in pvp.

Bild des Benutzers Rangerwillx


Bild des Benutzers Erridunno

(post deleted like the others just so that u know)

Bild des Benutzers Rangerwillx