I was planning on getting a shadow gun to go with my Acheron, but since I have Max damage bonus for swords, is it really worth it?
Get a shadow gun?
I run any strata I can.
Basically my "dream loadout" is 3 swords and 2 guns.
Swords: Divine Avenger, Acheron, Barbarous Thorn Blade
Guns: Polaris, Blitz Needle
+Barbarous Thorn Shield, Vog Cub Set, Elite Slash Modules
I would probably get an Umbra Driver.
I'd have a sword and a gun effective against each mob if I was to get a shadow related gun, but since my Acheron does such high damage, I don't know if it would be worth it. I could just get rid of my Slash Modules and get some Elite Trueshot Modules instead.
I use Acheron myself and its got very high damage bonus (BTS and one elite slash module) and I still carry Biohazard quite often (Umbra Driver would do just as well, I'm just not a big fan of alchemers and the splosions are awesome :P). for single target DPS your Acheron will do a better job. If there's a big crowd then that would be the time for your Umbra Driver to shine. The ricochets would (assuming you aim them properly) rack up massive damage. With a gun of every type you could mess around with a gun slinger loadout if you ever got the urge. And when hybriding it would give you some more options. There's also nothing stopping you from carrying both Acheron and Umbra Driver if there's a lot of slime/gremlin levels coming up. If the damage is a concern for you then you could always swap the trinkets around but I don't think it would be necessary, swords will usually out damage guns anyway.
get blackhawk it makes me happy when i use it
Don't listen to bluedrift. Blackhawk sucks terrible.
As a primary swordie, I would say that unless you plan on specializing in guns in the future, you don't really need a shadow gun. I only ever use my Biohazard on JK, and that's more due to the charge and the reliability of poison (short charge, ~100% poison) than the shadow damage part. Jellies are easy with swords, and trying to use guns on gremlins--especially T3 ones with their stupid shield--can be tricky. It's almost impossible for me to kill gremlins with any kind of speed approaching 'fast' with my Biohaz (though I'm a pretty bad gunslinger) due to the slow bullet speed and their dodge, but I've tried the Umbra Driver on the test server and it didn't work out too well either. The ricochet hits shields a lot of the times, and even with the faster bullet speed, Gremlins still successfully dodge. Sentenza I haven't tried, but the damage is low per bullet and trying to use it on anything other than beasts and gremlins is dumb. Not a good gun in general.
i plan on getting a shadow gun as well as using a sword. I'm about 3* so it's the time for me to choose what items i want then level them up to 5*.
I have currently horned owlite shield, dusker coat and dusker cap, for guns i have a kilo watt pulsar, and for my sword i have a sealed sword. I plan on getting my dusker armour up to a vog cub or whtever else you can make it into, i will decide later. I am going to take my owlite shield all the way to 5* and im going to make my sealed sword into a divine avenger. I also plan on getting seraphic armour and making it into valkyrie armour so i will be protected from everything. As the divine avenger, lets say doesnt have the fastest of attacks, i probobly need a fast gun that shoots more bullets so that i can damage mobs of enemys faster. also im sort of in f2p so i wont be getting more weapon slots so im going to have to at least normal damage everything i need a shadow/piercing gun because the DA is a normal/elemental weapon but i dont mind if the gun is just shadow because with the new adition of the arsonal station things you can just change your sword or gun when it's a beast level. i will probably craft the dusker armour into vog cub armour to even out the disadvantage of catching fire from the valkyrie armour. I know that this isn't really a answer to the question but if if anyone could give me some tips they would be really apriciated.
EDIT: i was told on another thred about the fact that a shield only adds defence to when your using the shield so i need to change my armour combo, so please don't tell me that " tha shild dont work ur crap trolololol maga noob etc"
I just find shadow guns very lackluster. Gremlins tend to dodge guns anyway, so that's half their usefulness gone, and the only one with a stat effect is Biohazard, which is really slow to stack up damage.
Shadow guns are pretty worthless unless you plan on being a gunner.
As a gunner, however, you have some interesting options, even against gremlins. What I tend to do is either dodge them into a corner and fill them with Biohazard rounds, or sometimes, especially with menders, I'll swap to Callahan, fire a round to knock them on their back, then run up with Biohazard and let them have it. If you're carrying any kind of non-elemental sword, you're probably better off using that though. Hell, even the brandishes aren't too bad against gremlins, since they do part normal damage.
They may be worthless but as my sword is a avenger which is normal/elemental i really need a shadow gun. People say that a antigua is "really crap etc" but i was playing and someone in my party had one and he was perfectly alright and as there is a branch that is shadow/piercing it may not be a bad option and as im doing the iron claw munitions factory right now it will be easy to get.
Again, they are revamping many weapons including Sentenza in the unknown future (planning to make Sentenza pure shadow dmg). so if you really like Sentenza, you may as well wait for a while first before you rush to your decision and make a gun that you don't like.
Sentenza. You need it. So that you can fight gremlins
EDIT: Oh... and ultimate shadow omega guy... Sentenza is attained from JK, not roarmulus, so how it will be "easy to get" from fighting twins, I do not know. (7X JK = Antigua; 5X RT = 200 ce (if sold at 450 ce); 20 RT = 800 CE = price of antigua, roughly 3 times as many runs to get an item from the wrong boss)
LOL you don't NEED sentenza to fight gremlins.
And there is no JK in this game. The boss whose tokens get you Antigua is the Royal Jelly.
There are many ways of getting an item and i know for certain that you can get a antigua for 20 roamulus tokens and right now i am comfortable doing that.
No, you can't get Antigua with Roarmulus. You are mistaken here. You can get it with 20 Jelly Tokens. For Roarmulus, you get Pulsar and Catalyzer guns.
i will go and check now but i was sure that when i checked the were Roarmulus tokens it could have been updated.
I will put up the links for both the demo of Biohazard and Umbra Driver to show the OP how to use Shadow guns and to prove to people that Shadow guns are brighter than they think:
Biohazard (+Blitz Needle): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krJtNczQ5zU
Umbra Driver: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbmQR8PsBpE&
I personally love my Shadow Driver.
You should get a Shadow gun if you already have Elemental guns, otherwise get an Elemental one first. You can also get a Piercing one after you get the Elemental one but it is up to you to decide Piercing or Shadow.
I just got myself an Antigua and it's nothing like people described it. It works fantasticly against beasts and other things. It isn't hard to hit with and the ability to move while firing autogun like blasts is great. The charge attack is a little hard to use but if you pull it off it 1 hit kills alot of wolver types.
Omega-Shadow-Death, you and I have already discussed this in another thread. The Antigua is a pure piercing gun, so it's great against beasts and fiends, okay against gremlins and undead, and terrible against constructs and slimes. But its upgrades do split non-normal damage, which penalizes them. So as soon as you upgrade that 3-star gun, you have a mediocre gun.
To make it more explicit, imagine three weapons, each of which wants to do 100 damage total. The first weapon is pure shadow, like Umbra Driver. Here's how it damages monsters, roughly:
Slimes: 125, Gremlins: 125, Beasts: 100, Fiends: 25, Undead: 25, Constructs: 100
The second weapon does mixed normal and shadow, like Acheron. Here's how it damage monsters:
Slimes: 112, Gremlins: 112, Beasts: 100, Fiends: 62, Undead: 62, Constructs: 100
The third weapon does mixed piercing and shadow, like Sentenza. Here's how it damage monsters:
Slimes: 75, Gremlins: 112, Beasts: 112, Fiends: 75, Undead: 62, Constructs: 62
See how a pure shadow weapon is the best possible thing, against the two monster families that are vulnerable to shadow? See how a mixed piercing+shadow weapon is worse than a mixed normal+shadow weapon? This is the simple rationale. A more subtle rationale is that it's difficult to fit a mixed piercing+shadow weapon into a complete weapon setup, because it doesn't cover the monster families that other weapons don't, very well.
whats the rest of your loadout like? and what strata do you run most? as a swordie an elemental gun would probably make a better sidearm, but if you already have one then a shadow gun could prove useful. choosing between biohazard or umbra driver is a matter of personal preference. umbra driver's faster bullets would probably make it better against gremlins, but then again they dodge like crazy anyway so you would be better off smacking them with acheron. i imagine it would be useful in an arena for picking off menders, or if the last wave happens to be a bunch of gremlins so you can strafe and shoot if you dont feel like getting close. and i did see a video of someone using it against the ice queen when they got stuck in the swarm seed. biohazard is probably better for slimes and is very fun to use :P nothing's quite as satisfying as loading up 10+ charges on a giant lichen colony and blowing it to smithereens. that being said though i cant think of many situations where i would recommend carrying a gun in place of acheron.