I'm going to Bali over Thanksgiving and I want a friend of mine to take control of my account. I definitely trust this person and they're a regular player of Sk, but is there any issue with logging in on another computer with the same account? Will that get the account locked/anything else terrible?
I'm not positive about SK, but usually in games it is against the TOS to account share.
That being said, the question about different computers is valid--it won't do anything to the account itself, but there are some implications for mist energy. If computer A and B both run one free SK account each and person with account B logs onto computer A, then account A and B will have the same value of mist energy (the lower of the two mist energy counts). If account B then spends that energy, then account A will no longer have it, and vice versa. If account B goes back to computer B from here on out, their mist energies will be separate once again.
Of course, if both/either account(s) is paid, then what I just stated in a very convoluted manner doesn't apply.