Alchemers, I choose you! No, post your opinion on which is best

15 replies [Last post]
Th-Urret's picture

I need to know which alchemer is best for all tier use, and if anyone has one with UV's selling any.

Want to hear your opinions too so post away.

Evilduck's picture


Nekroskoma's picture
if you really want a alchemer

if you really want a alchemer though then its a tie between prismatech and shadowtech, both do better damage at the expense of effects, there is no "good for all tier" it depends how you play and where

personally i think you should just get a polaris for elemental and a biohazard for shadow

Bopp's picture
piercing, elemental, shadow

Th-Urret, if you haven't already done so, read the wiki page on Damage, to learn the monsters' vulnerabilities and resistances. In short, you want to own a piercing weapon, an elemental weapon, and a shadow weapon, and use them on the correct monsters, to deal as much damage as possible. Even if you use only two weapon slots, you still own these three damage types, and carry two at a time, based on the gate map of the stratum you're entering.

I say this to explain more fully why there is no one weapon suitable for all strata. The ideal weapon depends on which monsters you're facing. This is why Nekroskoma recommended Polaris or Nova Driver (for elemental damage) and Biohazard or Umbra Driver (for shadow damage). You'll also want a piercing gun such as Callahan.

Some of the elemental alchemers inflict statuses, which are sometimes more useful than pure damage. Of these, Hail Driver (freeze) is difficult to use well, because the shots unfreeze as often as they freeze. Storm Driver, which Evilduck recommended without explanation, is easier to use, because it shocks monsters and doesn't unshock them. Magma Driver is less popular, but I'm not qualified to explain why.

I personally carry a Polaris

I personally carry a Polaris instead of an elemental Alchemer and an Umbra Driver for shadow.

The Polaris has saved me on more occasions than I can count and the DPS, I find, to be at least comparable to elemental alchemers. You might prefer a weapon that doesn't explode and an alchemer like the Storm Driver might suit you better. But be prepared to kite for long distances if you choose to use an alchemer.

On the other hand, I find the Catalyzer line to be very annoying to use, opting to go with an Umbra Driver. Sometimes you just want to do significant damage without having to rely on setting up with a few charge shots. A lot of people swear by the Catalyzer, citing it's ability to herd mobs but I feel that a Polaris used in the right hands is tons better; same slow shots to force mobs to dodge backwards with an added push at the end. Properly placed shots can force and trap entire groups in corners.

But I'm in no position to debunk their arguments as this is a matter of preference; I just find the Umbra Driver indispensable for dealing Shadow damage as a gunner.

I do also have a Cryo Driver that I sometimes carry as a fourth weapon purely for CC and to have an elemental option that won't burn my teammates eyes out. If you choose to go with the Hail Driver line, be ready to stop shooting when you see a mob get frozen and move on to prevent yourself from breaking your own CC. Hail Driver CC can be phenomenal and the thaw damage is not to be overlooked. Though if you're the type to go Rambo on mobs and fire indiscriminately, go Storm if you're absolutely set on an alchemer or go Polaris (which would be my gun of choice).

Keep in mind that as a gunner, you're more of a support for your teammates so you'll want to consider utility more than damage when choosing your weapons.

Glowing-Ember's picture
Troll topic?

This has to be the fourth "best Alchemer" topic on the front page.

Somenubcake's picture
@glowing-ember. yea that's

@glowing-ember. yea that's my first reaction and i was about to blow up on the op. then i realized this was moved from the general forum lol

Lucal's picture
Shadowtech line

I am currently taking the shadowtech line and trying to get enough heat to craft the umbra driver. I also thought it would be wise to have backup so I crafted the cutter line (the poison path not the wild hunting path)

Voyevoda's picture
I use the cryotech line. You

I use the cryotech line. You really can't beat the potential for freeze if you're going for effects. Any status takes time, such as fire or shock. But both of those effects take several seconds to become active (I.E. do any damage). Now, freeze obviously takes longer to cause damage on its own, but the real benefit is that the enemy can't move. Then you have whatever at a disadvantage. To me, it is the best effect for controlled damage. Then again you have to worry about shooting an enemy twice, thus possibly negating a first shot freeze. But that just means you gotta be careful is all.

Akher's picture

I am a Gunslinger, and what i can say is...
All Alchemers are good. Believe me.

****Remember that there are 5 alchemers, 3 Elemental Dmg & Status, 1 Pure Elemental Dmg, and 1 Pure Shadow Dmg.****

Storm Driver was my first Alchemer, i loved this gun (still do). It's a good Alchemer since it shocks, meaning it deals damage and it can paralyze an enemy while it moves. You can always run and hit everything for a Classic killing. I recommend this gun for fast killing and for the status. ***Don't use it in Shock Levels, watch out for the Quicksilvers.*** (1st Slot)

Cryo Driver is another great good gun, a "Quick Shiver". Cryo was my second Alchemer and i like it since it can "completely" paralyze an enemy (it can still hit you). The only bad thing that i had to learn how to work with is that you cannot really go running aound and shot with this gun since a second hit to a frozen enemy will unfreeze it. For that it took me a lot of time to get used to it and also some discipline since Freezing is a tactical Status, not for killing. I normally use this gun for the Status. (3rd slot, i normally combo this gun with a Blitz (2nd/4th Slot). ***Remember that this wont work in any Freezing Level.***

Magma Driver is an Alchemer that i see that is used to kill fast, since fire deals more Status Dmg than Storm Driver. The fire will deal more damage than Shock "i think". I haven't work with this gun so i wont talk much about it. (still in the making, but not really interested). ***This Gun WILL light up Oilers and wont burn any Fire related enemy***

Nova Driver is becoming my "Best" Alchemer since it deals More Dmg than the other Elemental Alchemers, and the best part... I don't have to worry for Igniting any Oiler, or Charging any Quicksilver. This was my 3th Elemental Alchemer. After crafting Nova... every kill was faster. (1st Slot *Now*)

Umbra Driver is a gun you want to have as a Shadow gun, since its the only gun that deals Pure Shadow Dmg. To really kill fast, you want to deal Pure Dmg. (Im not currently using it though i have it, since i don't really mess with Shadow Dmg.. still, this gun deals more damage than Senteza, not only for the ricochet shots). (3rd Slot *Special ocations*)

- Swagg Swagg.
(I hope this helps)

Bopp's picture
small correction

Small correction (I hope) to Akher's post: In addition to Umbra Driver, Biohazard also deals pure shadow damage. Of course, it uses the weird Catalyzer mechanics, which some find delightful and others find repugnant.

Nekroskoma's picture
@bopp the biohazard just has


the biohazard just has slower speed and the sticky charge attack

the slower speed is iffy, the only thing that it might matter is on gremlins but shooting at gremlins is not effective to start with

as for the charge attack i got a chance to use on the jk, it did some good damage with 3 stickies (i think 3 is the limit not too sure), cleared out the lesser jellies and poisoned him

Evilduck's picture
The polaris is one of my

The polaris is one of my least favourite weapons. If you usually solo then sure, go for it if it works for you, but otherwise, please don't. There are very few players who are able to use the polaris without being annoying and/or detrimental to their teammates. The DPS isn't anything special and the only thing it has going for it over alchemers is the knockback and that can be annoying instead of helpful (especially to your teammates). The alchemers have ricochets which a lot of people completely disregard. My storm driver is my absolute favourite weapon (I'm an all rounder, not a gunslinger, so I'm talking best of any weapon type) and I always carry it. The ricochets are insanely helpful, especially in arenas, FSC and any other area where you get mobs of monsters close together. Hell, even with just two monsters standing beside each other the ricochets are bloody helpful. Did you know you can one-shot T3 kats with a well aimed alchemer shot?

I went with shock simply because of the statuses available, I thought it'd be most useful to have on a gun. Freeze is wicked useful, but if it's needed, someone will have a shivermist (it might be me). Same goes for fire. The voltaic tempest makes that a slightly weak point but there's less of a place for a VT than a shivermist or an AoA so I still say it's the best one to go for. Definitely don't go for fire if you FSC much.

If you're not all that interested in status effects for whatever reason, the prismatech has higher damage so it's also a good choice. And I would say get a shadowtech alongside it if you're a gunslinger; I wouldn't lump it in with the elemental alchemers and pick just one because you do need to take damage types into account.

Dark-Flare's picture
Depends your playing style:

If you're going solo, i recommend Hail Driver: You can hit and run, risking the least damage to yourself (Freeze, run, thaw damage, repeat) and ricochet can freeze multiple enemies, good for crowd control

If you're going with a party, try Magma or Storm Driver: Causes additional damage to monsters, helps out the team, and shock can slow enemies down

If you're going pure gunner, Nova or Umbra Driver: Shadow damage (as aforementioned) is grrrreat and both are good on generally most enemies (except fiends and undead for shadow)

Avixi's picture
Any Nova/Umbra Driver user

Any Nova/Umbra Driver user worth their salt can regularly two-shot Puppies/Howlitzers/Polyps.

Glowing-Ember's picture
[Whoops, wrong topic.]

[Whoops, wrong topic.]