It,s an basic what to upgrade next question . Thank you very much for you answers.
- gunslinger hat lvl10 no uv
- gunslinger sash uv curse medium lvl10
- horned owlite no uv lvl10
- strike needle lvl10 uv charge time reduction med( get it from crafting [NOT RAGE_CRAFTING normal crafting] lucky me :))
- Toxic catalyzer lvl 10 no uv
- antigua lvl10 no uv
- Voltech alchemer MK2 no uv
- trinket slot upgrade
- trueshot module
Thank you for the answers.
Try going for Shadowsun set. Curse or poison vulnerability shouldn't be too big an issue I suppose. Though if you're worried the damage bonus is too little for you, supplement it with Trueshot. Otherwise, if you're fine with Shadowsun, go with Quick Draw instead.
You can go for a Swiftstrike if you're pretty decent at dodging, otherwise Owlite shields are pretty fine. Protects against shock too, which is pretty irritating.
As for weapons, I'd suggest one piercing, one elemental and one shadow generally.
That being said, since you already have a Toxic Catalyzer get a Biohazard, and since you have a Voltech you can upgrade it too. Personally I prefer Voltechs over Pulsars due to the bullets breaking off, i.e. higher dps.
Strike Needle is good, keep that. If you're having trouble with dodging enemies later on you can use the charge attack.
And you're better off selling the Antigua, personally it can be outclassed by other guns since it does split dmg. Even if you're not going pure gunner Blitz will outdamage AP in Duke runs.
And if you can get at least one weapon slot upgrade and one trinket slot upgrade, that will help a lot. Personally weapon slot is more important if you're a pure gunner and you want to maximize your damage output.