I have committal issues...
I'm currently a pure gunner, but every time I party with a bomber, I have the urge to unbind and sell all my gear so I can start working on a bombing set finding bombing to be much more interesting (plus Demo sets look infinitely better than Gunslinger sets; I wear a 2* Cobalt set as a costume to cover my gear)
This is my current gunner set:
Nameless Hat
Nameless Poncho
Umbra Driver
Blitz Needle
Cryo Driver
I did the same thing with swords last week going so far as building up a Gran Faust, Glacius, Dark Thorn Blade, and Ash Tail set...
Needless to say, I sold off all my sword gear when I decided I wanted to go back to gunslinger...
I picked up the Freezing Vaporizer recipe line the other day and now carry the upgrade bomb in lieu of of my Cryo Driver...
Can someone give me advice as to what to do (or convince me not to drop everything and start over as a bomber)...
It's not too late for me as a Shivermist Buster would be a great addition to my gunner set but at the moment I'm seriously contemplating selling off my entire Gunner set to go Pure Bomber (keeping the Polaris and possibly Blitz Needle and Umbra Driver)...
If I do go Bomber here is what I'd eventually want to end up with:
Volcanic Demo Helm
Mad Bomber Suit
Shivermist Buster
Electron Vortex
Dark Briar Barrage
Is there anything else I'm missing as far as weapon choice goes? I'm avoiding the cloud DoT lines as AoA is useless in FSC and VT doesn't really seem that great compared to an EV coupled with the Shivermist Buster (Vacuum up the mobs while applying shock then freezing them in place leaving me to do whatever I want from a safe range). The DBB, of course, would save me a lot of stress on Beast strata. In these cases I'd use my gun(s) to deal extra damage while CC is still active before repeating the process again.
(I do see a lot of people running full Mad Bomber and was wondering if I should avoid that as I do run a lot of FSC)
Insight and suggestions are highly appreciated!
I recommend you first get either the armor, or two Elite Bomb Focus modules. From there, heat up one bomb at a time and keep most of your gunner gear. Once you have Max CTR and max radius on three or so bombs, you can start as a full-time bomber.
I started a bombing alt with nothing but bombs from the beginning. Can't recommend it. Bombs not only have the highest learning curve, but are extremely hard to use unless they are 5* with max CTR.