I like to use it for Jelly King, but I'm contemplating on whether to sell it for a Gran Faust.
Is the Acheron good for PvP?
Personally, I prefer Gran Faust for PvP with its power and range. But thats just me.
P.S. I don't have an Acheron, so I can't tell.
P.P.S. Hi Cheese ^-^
The 3* Nightblade works wonders in T2 PvP (guess what, Dusker doesn't have Shadow def), but I've never tried Acheron in T3.
It doesn't have quite the range or damage of the Gran Faust, but it's much faster and I've seen plenty of them used to good effect in T3 lockdown. If you want a fastish shadow sword Acheron is about as good as it gets.
The charge attack just about insta-kills anything without shadow defence, and that's something you won't run into a lot. Use it to your advantage.
I think people prefer Gran Faust due to the "invincible stun" time that you get each strike, so people tend to prefer Gran Faust because they can deal full damage (which may kill) to a target, while the Acheron would "skip" the 2nd strike. Though, if you can use the charge attack, it may be better... PvP players can tell better than me. xD
I like heavy swords in general because I can do 1 swing and move. Bascially, hit n run tactics.
the Acheron is good if you know how to use it and have no lag what so ever or you have good aim with a charge either way it's good when you are a recon nothing else i've tried a striker i can't get a hit on anything with recon oh oh with recon you basically an invisible troll one regular three swing boom you just killed them but you have to be fast. Either wise you'll get smacked by a Gran or DA and if your really slow leviathan charge which I say so my self I have done to people. Funny as hell them trying to hurt me.but to say so myself the best thing to go with would be a piercing sword thogh shadow would be effective the flourish line if there was a piercing shadow flourish line by god I would never play pvp again!
My favorite sword is the Acheron...
I find it is my least effective PvP sword. I'd rather attack an opponent that has no shadow defense with a pierce sword, or my DA. Acheron sucks for pvp IMO.
I think one of the troubles with the Acheron in PVP is that it, like most non-pierce swords, is split-normal damage. That means that unless someone is wearing a Dragon Scale set, they're going to resist at least half the damage. On the other hand, if you're wearing anything other than a pierce resistant armour/helm set you're going to take 100% damage from a piercing sword.
I was mulling it over earlier, and I think this is actually the root cause of the pierce swords being so dominating: They're the only swords with pure non-normal damage so you only get, at best, 50% protection against them (normal/pierce armour set), and 0% at worst, whereas with all other swords in the vast majority of cases (other than dragon scale vs Acheron or GF and a few other corner cases) you get anywhere from 50-100% protection. (As in, someone with a pierce set will benefit from resisting the normal portion of an Acheron hit, while someone with a shadow set will benefit from resisting both the shadow and normal portion)
Of course, stacked on top of that are the speed and mobility benefits that pierce swords have.
I use mine all the time and do rather well, if I do say so myself.