Currently i have a Gran Faust and soon to have a Polaris, and i plan to make one more weapon, as i have some spare CE
I have a needle shot, so it would be easiet for me to make a blitz needle
I like the idea of having a Divine Avenger, so i can have a well balanced sword for all situations
I prefer swords to guns, and i like fighting bosses... all bosses
Which weapon do you recommend? Suggestions other than those listed welcome
Obviously, as you have shadow and elemental damage, it would be a good idea to cover piercing damage. Blitz Needle is a very good choice for that, and it is one of the best weapon to have for Vanaduke.
If you want a weapon for more general usage, you may want either a BTB or Grand Flourish as a sword, or Callahan as a gun (Dark Briar Barrage works too), as Blitz Needle is hard to use against it's intended target (don't get me wrong, you can use it with success, but it's hard, and i wouldn't recommend getting it first).
Else, Divine Avenger is a good sword for Twins and FSC runs, I would do that in second if you are a swordsman.