how long does it take for GM to reply back on emails???
i'd say they have really terrible customer service
how long does it take for GM to reply back on emails???

well that's what they get paid for, replying back to everyones email fast.
afterall it is there duty to reply back and not let the mail to rot in the inbox or in trash

Well as Marqui mentioned, they get spammed with hundreds of mail. It takes a lot of time to read through all those pieces.
I'm sure they'll read your letter, and if respond when appropriate. Just be patient.

They are humans, not robots. Plus they have to answer all the mail even those from people that "don't pay their salary". Not everyone buys CE, you know.

I've sent 2 GM requests to this date...
The first one was long ago. I was in a Deconstruction Zone solo'ing. A sudden huge lag spike hit while I was killing the last two menders, with no other enemies around. When the lag passed, I was dead with two menders swinging their staves nearby. A GM responded after 15 minutes, which by then I was already in an other run, so the case was closed.
The second one was a few days ago. I joined a PUG in the RJ gate (looking for shortcuts), and got instant kicked before I finish loading the level. I am usually the first person to finish loading in a party, so I guess that kick was because of someone forgetting to lock party. But when loading was finished, I could only move a little distance before I got trapped by invisible barriers. This time GM Hyperion arrived in 5 minutes.
He tried to teleport me to another spot, but I kept getting stuck. So he instead tabbed me and sent me down one level, to a Candlestick map. I was wielding Faust, Gigawatt and Dark Thorn Blade, so I told Hyperion that I wouldn't be in that map normally, and I was wielding a Faust. Hyperion replied he's wielding a crowbar. :P
They probably have this thing where the more money you spend, the more important your mail is. Therefore, the F2P players get filtered out.
Lol thats a bad prediction 0_0

They replied to me ASAP. Only waited 15 minutes (Which is not that much, if you ask me. I have had FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR worse. Thank you, Lego.) And I just didn't play for 15 minutes. I don't know how fast they actually did it. They're usually fast. Patience. And it also depends what you send. Whta DID you need help on, anyways? O_O

it didn't take long for me to get an answer. id say about 15 minutes (i got a message ingame). but then i had to email someone else. didn't get a response.... oh and it was about a CE package problem.
I've heard nothing but good things about the Gm's.
If you're having a problem, make a bug report, or send a support ticket (or whatever they may be called in SK), because GM's probably get spammed with mail and don't take the time to read it.